SteamOS update adds Dual-Booting and BIOS support
SteamOS update
"Those brave souls who have decided to partake in the SteamOS beta test will be please to find out that they can now dual-boot the OS, allowing them to restore Windows to its former glory.
Users were originally forced to dedicate their entire systems to Valve’s SteamOS beta when it launched in December, recommending that only experienced Linux users attempted to get to grips with, still basic, OS…
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This latest update to the SteamOS essentially allows for three more potential avenues of users, thanks to introducing dual-booting options, custom partitions, and support for BIOS-based PCs. The original version required a PC locked and loaded with UEFI support, but this has since been scrapped.
To have a go at the new dual-boot options you’ll have to download the SteamOS beta and select the new “Expert Install” option. Valve engineer John Vert is still nevertheless warning that very little testing has been conducted on this new dual-booting build. if you don’t want to end up looking like Wiley E. Coyote after having an ACME bomb dropped on his bonce it’s probably best to stay clear.
Since the beta launch of Steam OS Valve has also introduced support for Intel and AMD graphics in addition to Nvidia GPUs. Things seem to be trucking on at a steady pace ahead of Steam Machine debuts later in the year."
source - Game-Debate