Monday, January 27, 2014

Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse part. 3

Virtual Novel

Acc. Zombie Apocalypse pt 3

QUIZ : siapa yang bisa menebak siapa penulis dalam novel ini, dapat fanart request (tersedia 3 slot) bisa lewat comment

Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse

“serius lagi”
“ya iya gua serius, ambil yang lu seneng, terus masukin sisanya ke tas, bawa semua amunisi, jangan sampe kita kewalahan kayak di Biohazard” ujar Abiyyu sembari mengambil dual SMG.
“ok” Dzaky bergegas memilih-milih senjata yang akan dipakainya.
Sementara Dzaky memilih-milih, Abiyyu membuka sebuah lemari kaca dengan label “Ivory & Ebony”.
Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse part 3
Ebony (black), Ivory (silver)
Ia mengambil dua buah pistol, terlihat seperti handgun biasa, salah satu nya terbuat dari perak, dan yang lainnya berwarna hitam dan agak besar dari handgun biasa. Ia menyelipkannya di ikat pinggang bagian belakangnya.
“udahan?” tanya Abiyyu.
“kata lu bagus gua pake shotgun, machine gun, SMG, apa sniper?” Dzaky balik bertanya.
“ambil mini shotgun 1, handgun 1, sama machine gun buat yang utama” jawab Abiyyu sambil memasukkan beberapa senjata lain ke sebuah tas besar.
“tapi enakan shotgun kata gua”
“kalo gitu ambil SPAS, sama 1 atau 2 handgun”
“ya, ya” Dzaky kembali mencari-cari senjata.
Sementara di SPBU, Brian, Iqbal, Oscar, Malik, Bobby, Dimas, dan Yuridis berjaga di depan pintu ruang pegawai dimana yang lain berlindung
“eh, Dolly, Made, Agmy sama Maril belum dateng ke sekolah?” tanya Oscar.
“belum, baru kita ini aja” jawab Brian.
“hoooooooooiii” tiba-tiba terdengar suara dari kejauhan.
“siapa tuh?” Oscar mencari sumber suara.
“Oscar..!!” panggil seorang perempuan yang tengah berlari bersama seorang laki-laki dan teman perempuannya.
“Maril tuh!!” seru Bobby.
Nur Qomaril Safitri, absen ke-15, biasa aktif dalam kegiatan kelompok.
“Made sama Dolly juga!” tambah Oscar.
Made Ayu Purnama Sari, absen ke-9, cantik, dan memiliki banyak fans. Berlari paling belakang bersama mereka, Mangara Dolly Nasution, absen ke-12, mantan anggota ekskul PASKIBRA. Dibelakang mereka, sekawanan zombie yang kelaparan mengejar.
“Dis, covering fire!!” seru Brian diikuti beberapa tembakan shotgun.
“apaan Yan?” tanya Yuridis.
“tembakin itu zombie!”
“ooh, bilang yang bener lah” Yuridis ikut menembaki zombie yang mengejar Maril, Made, dan Dolly.
“haah, hah, hah..” Maril, Made dan Dolly akhirnya sampai di SPBU.
“langsung masuk ke sana!” Brian menunjuk ke ruang pegawai dimana yang lainnya berlindung.
“bentar, ada Agmy..” ucap Maril.
Tepat saat Maril mengingatkan Brian, Agmy mengendarai motornya memasuki areal SPBU. Agmy Larasati, absen ke-1, bendahara 1 kelas akselerasi.
Selang beberapa detik setelah Agmy memarkir motornya, Abiyyu dan Dzaky kembali dengan 2 tas besar. Mereka memarkirkan motornya dan langsung membantu Brian dan Yuridis.
“abis ngapain lu?” tanya Brian.
“ngambil senjata, tuh, lu ambil aja yang lu suka, sisanya kasih dia orang yang didalem” jawab Abiyyu sambil menembaki zombie dengan dual SMG nya.
“lah Dzaky mana?”
“di dalem lagi bagiin senjata, dah, lu sama Yuridis sana ambil”
“yang bener Bi? Emang lu bisa ngabisin zombie sendirian?” tanya Yuridis.
“halah, lu ini gamer pemula, udah to” jawab Abiyyu sambil me-reload dual SMG nya.

Next > part 4
Previous > part 2

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games I want to Play

5 Games I Really want to Play

"What's up?"
I tell you what's up, I want to share 5 games I wish I could play. Let's just get started


Top 5 Games
Top 5 Games
First Person view gameplay

OUTLAST, what the hell?? Am I gonna play a horror game?? The answer is YES. This NEW ( 04 September 2013, it's still hot) horror game is pretty sure will make my heart pump twice faster than normal.
Actually, I have bad experiences playing horror games, but I still want to try it.
here's Outlast SR - Outlast


Top 5 Games
Top 5 Games
I think this game kinda like the fusion of Skyrim and DotA
Dragon Age 2 (08 March 2011), why not the first one? because the graphic quality, that's why. just like when I was going to rent Dead Space, I skipped the first one and jumped to the second series. I don't really know this game, I haven't even watch the playthrough yet, but I think it's pretty cool, I love RPGs by the way.
Anyway, for Dragon Age II SR -Dragon Age II


Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games
totally improved graphic
MOST WANTED 2! (02 November 2012) This one is TOTALLY different with the first one, especially on the graphic quality. I've played this game before, but runs really bad with super low graphic on my computer, so I uninstalled it and wait for new laptop. This game is fun, when you can change your car for free! When you see a Lamborghini parked at the street, just get close to it, and press (I forget it maybe tab or e) and then you've changed your car to that Lamborghini!
MW 2 SR - NFS MW 2


Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games
Look at those graphics
The graphic is absolutely amazing! Assasins Creed Black Flag (22 November 2013), I really want to play this game, but of course I can't.
Assasins Creed IV SR - ACIV:BF


Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games
look at that titties
This is what awesome looks like!! DEADPOOL (28 June 2013), he's badass! I can't wait toplay this game, but I can't play it, of course, AGAIN, my computer.. Okay I don't have to say it again!
Anyway, Deadpool SR -AWESOMENESS

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Apple Diving to the Console World

Apple rumoured to be Readying a Home Console this year

Apple Readying Home Console

Apple Home Console
 "It was only a matter of time before Apple started treading on a few people’s toes in the console gaming world.
Apple Home Console

There are rumours abound that the world’s second-largest electronics company is finally looking to dip its toes in the console water, with its next Apple TV device set to function as a games console…

The rumoured Apple TV games console is reportedly well into the testing phase and is in fact expected during the first half of this year. As usual it comes down to a rumour citing “anonymous sources” so you’ll have to take this one with a pinch of salt, but this seems like an aspect of Apple’s business that has been a long time coming.

The device is believed to be a traditional set-top box capable of directly playing games from a dedicated gaming App Store. The operating system will of course be based on iOS, with support for Bluetooth-powered controllers that should finally help Apple branch out of the touch-centric world."

source - Game-Debate