Thursday, February 6, 2014

Top 5 Hardcore Song

Top 5 Hardcore song dari Alesana dan Asking Alexandria

Top 5 Lagu Hardcore

Top 5 Hardcore Song

Gini-gini gua juga suka denger lagu metal, tapi nggak begitu ke metal, cuma sampe Hardcore, yang lagunya masih bisa didenger. Anyway, 5 lagu Hardcore terbaik dari Asking dan Alesana, versi Intion :

5. Breathless - Asking Alexandria

Top 5 Hardcore Song

GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! Breathless dari Asking Alexandria, chorusnya halus, Scream nya juga masih kerasa.

Lagu - Breathless

4. The Last 3 Letters - Alesana

Top 5 Hardcore Song

Dearest love I hope, this message find you well..
Opening nya halus, sesuai style nya Alesana, post-Hardcore, campur-campur sama scream.

3. Daggers Speak Louder than Words - Alesana

Top 5 Hardcore Song

Revenge or Regret? Scream nya ringan, nggak sampe ke pangkal tenggorokan banget.

2. Beautiful in Blue - Alesana

Top 5 Hardcore Song

Beautiful in Blue, kayak blog ini. Pencampuran scream sama song nya bikin mindfuck.

1. The Death of Me - Asking Alexandria

Top 5 Hardcore Song

Number one!! The Death of Me, lagu ini berkesan bagus juga, campuran scream sama song yna asik, chorusnya halus, kalo memang suka pasti kebawa. Tapi, ada perbedaan nada antara video klip nya dengan lagu nya sendiri.

InFamous : Second Son

InFamous : Second Son Screens are looking Gloriously Wet and Miserable

InFamous : Second Son

InFamous : Second Son

"Poor Playstation 4 owners might not have Titanfall to look forward to in March, but if they can stop sobbing mechanoid tears for a moment they’ll remember they’ve got their very own big-hitter arriving, inFamous: Second Son.
To say it looks pretty would be doing it quite a disservice. The authentic recreation of Seattle is looking suitably jawdropping, looking to make use of the city’s trademark rain and dense fog to use all number of awesome looking graphical doodads…

InFamous : Second Son

InFamous : Second Son

InFamous : Second Son

InFamous : Second Son

InFamous : Second Son

The city as it stands is looking absolutely incredible, as you’d expect from an inFamous game. I’m still hoping they manage to squeeze a bit of Washington state in too, with its haunting pine forests and vast wilderness. Anything that remotely reminds me of Twin Peaks and The X-Files essentially."

source - Game-Debate

Poor PC users, you can't play this game right away, and need to wait the PC version, including me, but I need to forever for high spec. PC.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Kholat News

Real world horror game Kholat comes to Steam Greenlight 

"A new survival horror title has been announced that is based upon true events. Kholat is set to tell the tale of the disappearance of nine Russian hikers in Dyatlov Pass during the winter of 1959.

Developer Imgn.Pro are looking to make one of the first true-to-life survival horror games, exploring how the nine experienced alpinists’ mutilated bodies were found scatter on the slopes of the Ural Mountains. Being inspired by real events certainly makes Kholat infinitely creepier, as the teaser trailer demonstrates…

The game has just hit Steam Greenlight and looks to be inspired by experimental indie games such as Dear Esther and Slender. Developed in the Unity engine, Kholat tasks you with being a member of the Dyatlov Pass investigation team that chances upon the bodies, tasked with looking into the events that led to their deaths. The real-life investigation into the events of Dyatlov Pass was concluded with police stating that a “compelling unknown force” had caused their deaths.

Kholat is set to feature a new ‘fear manager’ tool that is responsible for creating tension in the game, although it’s unknown what form this is going to take. Imgn.Pro are promising gameplay videos soon, although from what we are aware of Kholat is an adventure game with no hints on where to go or what to look for, instead relying on your trusty map and compass to steer your way throough the environments."

source - Game-Debate