Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pptx Give away

.pptx Give away

Oke, jadi semua kan udah tau kalo yang punya blog ini anak SMA, kebetulan juga masuk kelas Akselerasi. Banyak tugas, terutama pada sisi presentasi dan POWER POINT. So, ini beberapa karya slide buatan saya, kalau yang lagi ada tugas, tapi males mau buat, tinggal download dari sini aja, gratis kok.

Anyway, Check it out!

Bhs. Indonesia (materi Puisi lama) - Dammit click this!!
Terus terang, ini kurang menarik, dan kurang bagus juga, tapi materi nya lumayan kok.

Geografi (Pengaruh Relief Permukaan bumi terhadap kehidupan) - FVCKING hell!!
Ini tebel, banyak slide nya, ada sekitar 40, diadaptasi dari kartul, kalo mau kartulnya - KILL ME

Pkn (Membangun integrasi bangsa dalam bhinneka tunggal ika) - Are you kidding me?
Ini ga ada gambarnya, tapi materi komplit (sepertinya).

Ok, segitu dulu pptx give away nya, lain kali lagi di update.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Recuva! [ENGLISH]

Recuva! The best lost file finder

You accidentally deleted your IMPORTANT files??? And you've cleaned your RECYCLE BEAN? (I mean bin).
Don't worry guys, I'll give you a tool, that the best, in my Opinion. You can get your permanent-deleted file back with this program, EVEN if the program is infected by a virus, or corrupted, you can still recover it! (or I call it ressurection) so, let's get to the real thing, check it out :


Recuva file recovery tool, I'll show you how it works.


First, Recuva will ask you "what kind of files you want to recover? is it a docx? mp3? videos? if there's no option like the one you want, just choose "all files" and it'll scan all kind of files extension there.


Second, the program will ask you where exactly you lost the files? is it in this computer? or in a specified location? And if you forget where you lost it? you can choose "I'm not sure" option, and the program will scan all over your computer, but of course, it takes long time.


Next, if you have some extra time, before start scanning, checklist the "deep scan" option, so the program will do "full scan" just like Antivirus.


After scanning, there's a list of all the item you've deleted, you can check it one by one, or click the "scan" button, and then choose "scan contents", fill the keywords or something like it, and choose the extension, then the program will re-scan, and showing only files that pass your selection.


If you have pretty much item to recover, then just give checklists to them, and hit "recover" button.


And then choose your ressurected file destination.

Alright that's pretty much how the program works, so, here's the link >>

Thanks for visiting

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Iklan 2

"Virtual up Comedy - Iklan 2

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Gua pernah dibilang sama guru bhs. Inggris gua, katanya kalo nulis salam di sms jangan disingkat.
Kenapa? Kalo kita singkat 'ash wr wb', dalem b. Inggris 'ash' itu artinya abu. Jadi ga nyambung.
Yang lebih parah lagi kalo disingkat jadi 'ass wr wb'. Ini parah banget!! Kenapa? 'Ass' itu dalem b. Inggris artinya 'PANTAT'.
Bayangin lu pagi-pagi abis mandi disms 'ass.. bang,' maksudnya apa pagi-pagi kok 'pantat.. bang,'????

Ngomong soal iklan, gua barusan aja denger iklan di tv tentang dot bayi. "Dot, dot, dot.." nyanyi gitu, yang diliatin susu ibu2.
Bayi lg naek kreta bayi gtu, trus ada ibu muda lagi jogging, yg di sorot susunya...
Ada ibu2 senam, yg disorot susuya goyang2.
Trus ada yg ngmong, "dotdot, mengikuti desain puting ibu, bayi pasti suka"
Anak kecil dikasi liat kayak begituan???
Nanti gedenya gimana????
Terus terang ini bertentangan dengan norma kesusilaan ya.
Kita dilarang melakukan hub. Sex diluar nikah.
Gua yakin bayi yg dipake buat iklan, ntar 10 tahun lagi jadi maniak sex tuh bayi!!!

Trus ada lagi iklan truk gandengan, tau kan?
"Truk aja gandengan, masa om nggak."
Ini sebenernya iklan bagus.
Iklan ini ngajarin kita soal majas personifikasi.
Menggambarkan suatu benda mati seperti manusia.
Ini cukup berguna ya, apalagi kalo buat lu yg mau selingkuh.
Misalkan lu ketahuan selingkuh sama cewek lu, lu tinggal jawab.
"HP aja SIMcard nya 2, masa aku nggak?"

Gua Kahfi Akahito, sering-sering visit, di komen jangan lupa, join this site untuk memajukan Virtual up Comedy, thanks.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb