Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery

Tomb Rider : Definitive Edition

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery


"Last year’s Tomb Raider reboot was a beautiful release for both PC and consoles. It stretched the ageing Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 to their limits, and also provided PC gamers with one of the year’s greatest spectacles.
It had some gripping set pieces and excellent combat that was completely at odds with how Tomb Raider was traditionally thought of. Sure, it’s the ultimate homage to the Uncharted series, but borrowing some of that franchises finer characteristics was hardly a one-way street. Now though, the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition has found its to PS4 and Xbox One, in an effort to plug that post-launch gap and attempt to get one of Lara’s finest adventures up to par with its PC brother. Let’s see how it fared…
Much of what can be said about Tomb Raider can be summed up in Stuart’s review. It’s an incredible looking rollercoaster ride through set-piece after set-piece, continuing to outdo itself with more bombast and over-the-top graphical wizardry. It was a feeling we’d never experienced before in a Tomb Raider game. Gone was Lara’s mansion. Gone was the majority of the tomb raiding. In its place was slick combat and a grittier, altogether more unsettling tale.

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery

The move to PS4 is certainly an impressive one. In comparison to the PS3 version it’s leaps and bounds ahead of it. Playing in glorious 1080p resolution and usually moving at a slick 60 frames per second, it looks great. Whisper it quietly but it’s actually looking every bit as good as the PC version, right down to the demanding Tress FX for tricophiliacs, you strange bunch you. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition uses the new Tress FX 2.0 that is much less demanding on the system, reducing the performance penalty and making it a possibility on PS4.

The PS4 is obviously capable of throwing around a lot more particle effects than console gamers have been used to, from embers whipping from your torch, to dust and wind effects. Everything about the game certainly looks better, even Lara herself has been given a makeover with an entirely new character model and voice actor. In comparison to the PS3 version there is just huge amounts more detail, including effects such as sweat and water dripping. The PS4 version is running FXAA, which while not as impressive as the PC Tomb Raider’s super-sharp antialiasing options, still looks pretty clear. The same can be said of the textures. The PS4 version can be guiltier of using lower quality textures sometimes but makes up for it with better environmental effects, such as authentically rolling fog and realistic smoke plumes from fires.
One aspect that is noticeable is the wider range of emotions evoked by Lara Croft thanks to her new model. Her face looks a fair bit more realistic and her eyes betray emotions that wasn’t seen in the PC version, easily letting you see whether she’s scared or confused.

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery
Old look (left, new look (right)

In essence it keeps pace with the PC version at the highest settings, introducing some additional effects to help mask its shortcomings. Occasionally you do see a few chinks in the armour, such as a lowered frame rate during some of larger explosions, but these aspects are few and far between. Overall it’s a technical tour de force and demonstrates that, for the time being at least, the Playstation 4 is capable of outputting at PC quality. How long that remains the case is of course the issue for console gamers...

The move to PS4 for the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition as a full-priced released has got a few knickers in a twist in the gaming world. This bundled up release contains the original game and all of its released DLC, which is basically extra multiplayer maps and skins. To complain that it shouldn’t be full price I find kind of bizarre. It’s been out less than a year and with all its additional bells and whistles is well worth the asking price of the original title. Knocking the score down because it’s already been released on another console seems a tad nonsensical. This isn’t a package made for those who’ve already explored Yamatai, this is for those first setting foot into Lara’s adventure. For them it’s an essential purchase, for everyone else it really doesn’t matter."

source - Game-Debate

Monday, February 3, 2014

CoD Modern Warfare 3

Komentar CoD Modern Warfare 3

Call of Cuty Modern Warfare 3

CoD Modern Warfare 3

CoD Modern Warfare 3
CoD MW3 (2011). Nggak pernah terlintas dalam pikiran kalo game ini ternyata bisa jalan mulus dan lancar di komputer gua. Gua udah menyelesaikan Call of Duty 1, bahkan diulang-ulang. Karena waktu itu belum terlalu paham tentang game, beberapa tahun kemudian, gua main CoD 4 langsung, (Modern Warfare seri pertama). Dari MW seri 1, karena kekurangan uang, dan merasa PC gua nggak mampu jalanin MW 2, gua bralih ke Black Ops. Tapi perkiraan gua salah, Black Ops malah lebih belepotan, akhirnya gua pinjem CoD MW3 punya temen, dan rencananya mau main yang kedua juga nanti.

CoD Modern Warfare 3
Anyway, kita nggak usah bicara graphic, mata gua min, jadi nggak bisa menilai graphic dengan baik. Dari gameplay, nggak ada yang perlu dipertanyakan, nggak banyak beda dari semua seri CoD yang lain. Tapi disini asiknya kita bisa nyetir kapal, weeeeeeeeeeeeewww..

Next, ke storyline, karena lompat, jadi gua nggak paham alurnya, tapi yang jelas, Cpt. Price masih hidup!! Orang tua ganteng ini, yang gua kira 
CoD Modern Warfare 3
Cpt. Price
udah mati di CoD MW yang pertama, ternyata masih hidup! Dan salutnya gua, orang ini udah terlihat sejak CoD yang pertama tahun 2003, panjang umur nih orang. Agak dramatik, gua ceritain. Tokoh act. 1 disini Derek Frost, sebagai anggota tim Delta Force dari U.S.A, ini bukan tokoh utama, karena kita cuma jalanin misi-misi aja pake dia. 

CoD Modern Warfare 3
Makarov's Sexy face
Next, kita ketemu "kita" dari MW 1, Soap Mactavish, entah kenapa namanya begitu bodoh. Dia jadi temen baik kita sebagai Yuri di act. 2, bertiga dengan Cpt. Price, melakukan hal-hal gila untuk mengejar Makarov, orang Rusia sialan yang meng hijack pesawat Presiden dan menculik Presiden Rusia beserta putrinya. Nah si Yuri ini temen seperjuangannya Makarov dulunya, tapi dia berkhianat sama Makarov, akhirnya joinan sama Cpt. Price. Nantinya dalam pengejaran Makarov, kita bakal ketemu kawan lama kembarannya Makarov, yaitu Lt. Kamarov. Sayangnya entah mati entah terpencar, kita terpisah sama dia waktu misi sejenis "One shot One kill" di MW 1, yang niatnya mau bunuh Makarov pake Sniper, malah gagal, karena ternyata Makarov udah tau tentang itu, dan bangunan tempat dia mau muncul di bom, sekaligus juga bangunan tempat kita dan Soap Mactavish mengintai. Singkat cerita, kita kenak bom, dan Cpt. Price langsung menghampiri kita, Soap Mactavish terluka parah, kita berlari ke tempat aman, dan ketemu pasukannya Lt. Kamarov, sayangnya nyawa Soap sudah nggak tertolong, tapi di akhir hayatnya, dia sempet bilang ke Cpt. Price, kalo Makarov kenal sama Yuri (kita). Cpt. Price sempet emosi dan mukulin Yuri, tapi setelah Yuri ceritakan kisahnya, Cpt. Price memaafkan Yuri, dan mereka berdua akhirnya sepakat untuk membalaskan dengam Soap, dengan membunuh Makarov. Dari menyerbu kastil tempat pasukan Makarov, sampai nyamperin ke rumahnya atau tempat kumpulnya, atau apalah itu di misi terakhir. Akhirnya, Cpt. Price berhasil membunuh Makarov, walaupun Yuri mati ditembak Makarov. CoD Modern Warfare 3 diakhiri dengan kepulan asap dari Cpt. Price yang kecapekan habis ngejer-ngejer Makarov.

Overall, game ini bagus, entah memang betul atau gua ngerasa kayaknya semua seri Call of Duty ini cerita nya pendek-pendek? karena gua tamatin CoD MW 1 selama 4 jam, dan MW 3 selama 6 jam, jadi kurang seru. Untuk rating, 2/4 jempol dari Intion.

Anyway, kalo belum main, ini SR nya > MW3
Komentar tentang Dead Space 2 > Dead Space 2

CoD Modern Warfare 3

Sunday, February 2, 2014

PS4 Outsell Xbox One?

PS Pus Subscriptions Triple as PS4 Continues to Outsell Xbov One

PS4 Outsell Xbox One

"UK Sony boss Fergal Gara has reported that subscriptions for PS Plus have tripled since the PlayStation 4 launched back in November.

The news accompanied suggestions that the PS4 is outselling its rival Xbox One by around 50%, showing a bright future for Sony as their consoles continue to increase their overall market share...

The huge rise in subscriptions is no doubt in part due to the fact that a PS + subscription is necessary to play PS4 games online, probably skewing the figures more than is strictly representative.

In addition, there’s been some pretty big name games on offer for subscribers the last few months. February deals include Outlast, Bioshock Infinite, and Metro: Last Light; no doubt a strong pull for many who didn’t have the chance to try those titles in 2013.

In a revelation that most likely shocked absolutely no-one but the most devoted Xbox fanboys, it was also revealed yesterday that, in the UK at least, PlayStation 4 is currently outselling its Microsoft rival by around 50%, offloading 1.5 consoles for every 1 Xbox One sold. It’s pretty much a direct role reversal from the last generation of consoles, where the Xbox 360 sold (and continues to sell) significantly more units than PlayStation 3, but it also helps to explain the big rise in PS+ subscriptions, suggesting some gamers may be switching allegiances.

Whatever the cause, the big rise in monthly subs can only indicate big financial returns for Sony, rounding off what has been an undoubtedly successful few months since the launch of their next-gen console."

source - Game-Debate