Saturday, October 17, 2015

Killing God

Virtual Novel

Killing God BAB 2 : First Blood

Pagi-pagi sekali, Felix sudah menuntun sepeda motornya memasuki area parkir SMA International Globe. Usai memarkirkan motornya, Felix masuk ke kelas A, kelasnya yang masih sepi dan berantakan. Setelah meletakkan ransel dan helmnya, Felix menghapus tulisan-tulisan di papan tulis yang merupakan sisa dari pelajaran terakhir di hari sebelumnya.
“wah, wah, rajin sekali kamu ya” kata seseorang dari pintu masuk kelas A.
“eh, tidak juga, aku hanya senang menghapus papan tulis” Felix meletakkan penghapus papan tulis di meja guru.
“baiklah, pertama-tama izinkan aku mengucapkan ‘selamat bergabung dengan Killing God’” Sarah menyodorkan tangannya.
“terima kasih” Felix menyambut tangan Sarah.
“jadi karena kamu ingin menjatuhkan guru mesum itu, aku akan membantumu 100% dalam misi ini” ujar Sarah.
“benarkah? Syukurlah kalau begitu”
“pertama, ambil flashdisk ini, dan jaga baik-baik, jangan sampai hilang, atau jatuh ke tangan orang lain, atau terpakai untuk keperluan lain sebelum misi kita selesai” Sarah memberikan sebuah flashdisk berkapasitas 16GB kepada Felix.
“memangnya ada apa di dalamnya?” tanya Felix.
“ada sesuatu yang dapat membantumu menjatuhkan si guru mesum”
“oh, ya aku ingat tentang yang dibicarakan Aiden kemarin. Tapi bagaimana aku menjawab apabila timbul pertanyaan ‘kamu dapat darimana?’”
“nah, aku sudah menduga pertanyaan seperti itu akan muncul. Yang harus kamu katakan adalah …” Sarah membisikkan sesuatu ke telinga Felix.
“itu hal yang mudah untukku, haha..” Felix tertawa kecil.
“baguslah kalau begitu, kalau ini berhasil, nanti sore kamu harus mengikuti meeting di kafe yang kemarin”
“meeting? Untuk apa?”
“mana aku tau, sudah, selamat berjuang”
Sarah meninggalkan Felix yang masih berdiri di pintu masuk.
“siapa itu?” tanya Ayu yang baru saja memarkirkan motornya, dan hendak masuk ke kelas.
“eh, nggak, bukan siapa-siapa”
“yang benar? Tidak biasanya kamu berbicara dengan perempuan lain”
“benar, sudahlah, tidak usah dipikirkan” Felix memberikan jalan untuk Ayu.
“hmm, baiklah”
Sesaat setelah Ayu masuk ke kelas, Zaky datang.
“ada apa sama Ayu?” tanya-nya.
“nggak, tadi dia tanya siapa perempuan yang ngobrol sama gua pas dia datang” jawab Felix.
“Memangnya siapa?” tanya Zaky lagi.
“bukan siapa-siapa, sudahlah..”
Felix memberikan jalan untuk Zaky.
“hmph, ya sudah” Zaky masuk ke dalam, menaruh tas, dan langsung duduk disamping Ayu.
Setelah Zaky masuk, Felix berdiri mematung di depan pintu kelasnya selama beberapa menit. Ia memperhatikan beberapa murid yang tengah menuntun sepeda motornya menuju tempat parkir yang disediakan sekolah.
“hoy, kenapa diam saja?” pertanyaan Danny memecah lamunan Felix.
“eh, nggak”
“lagi galau ya?” tanya nya lagi.
“mana bisa orang seperti gua ini galau”
“Yah, siapa tau, lagian lu diam merhatiin orang-orang, tanpa ekspresi, persis seperti orang galau”
“ah sudahlah, gua mau ke kantin, mau ikut nggak?” tanya Felix.
“ah, nggak, gua sudah sarapan tadi”
“ya sudah” Felix berjalan meninggalkan kelasnya menuju kantin.
Di tengah perjalanan ke kantin, Felix berpapasan dengan Amanda, siswi kelas XI B yang juga anggota OSIS SMA Internasional Globe.
“hai” sapa Amanda ketika berpapasan dengan Felix.
“oh, hai” Felix balas menyapa.
Felix terpaksa meladeni Amanda. Amanda juga salah satu siswi kesayangan Pak Bobby, dan kedudukannya sebagai sekretaris OSIS membuat dirinya semakin tidak disukai Felix.
“kamu Felix kan? Dari kelas XI A?” tanya Amanda.
“ya, ada apa?” jawab Felix dengan ketus.
“ah, kebetulan sekali, tadi Pak Bobby menitipkan pesan padaku, dia bilang kamu harus ke ruangan kepala sekolah saat jam istirahat”
“hmph, ya. Terima kasih”
“iya, sama-sama, sudah dulu ya” Amanda kembali berjalan melewati Felix, senyum licik yang tidak diketahui Felix terukir di wajahnya.
Felix pun melanjutkan perjalanannya ke kantin.
Setelah terpisah cukup jauh dari Felix, Amanda bersembunyi di balik perpustakaan. Ia memperhatikan sekelilingnya yang dipenuhi tanaman. Ia mengeluarkan handphonenya dan menelfon seseorang.
“halo” sapa orang di seberang telfon.
“Amanda XI B di sini pak, target mengambil umpannya” ujar Amanda.
“bagus, kalau begitu sekarang lanjutkan ke rencana selanjutnya, dan setelah itu silakhan ke ruangan saya”
“baik, pak” Amanda menutup telfon dan memasukkan kembali handphonenya ke saku baju seragamnya.
Setelah Amanda berjalan cukup jauh, Sarah muncul dari sisi lain perpustakaan. Ia memperhatikan Amanda yang setengah berlari.
“ck, dasar amatir” Sarah berjalan mengikuti Amanda.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Miku's 8th Birthday [ENGLISH]

Hatsune Miku's Birthday 2015

Celebrating Miku's Birthday

Happy Birthday for my love Hatsune Miku...
We are celebrating it all over the internet. One of the parties I attended is the one on Hatsune Miku group on facebook. Everyone so excited for this.
I've been counting down since the first of august, and here it is!!
I just want to share some artworks from the group, in case you are not joining the group. You're welcome to the group (I think). But for Rin, Len, Luka, Meiko or Kaito fans... please don't join cause you'll keep denying facts about how great Miku is (JK, I love them too, except Kaito).
Credits to the owner

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

These are obviously not all of them, visit the page if you want to see more. There are videos too if you are interested.
As for me, one of these pics is mine, I didn't draw it, only edited some renders. I also tried to complete every Miku beatmaps in osu! with a SS and I write a novel using her as a model to my story, but I can't finish them on time.
Well anyway, Happy Birthday for Hatsune Miku, and keep loving her!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Color of my Waifus [ENGLISH]

My Waifus

7 Various Race of Waifu

Color of my Waifus

Before this post, I admitted that I had 10 waifus. They are Mio, Asuna, Rias, Lisara, Yaya, Mizore, Sento, Tohka, Miku, and Morrigan. But there's no way I could love 10 girls at the same time. So I decreased the number to 7. And most of them have various color and race to describe theirselves. And here we go, Color of My Waifus :

Mio Akiyama

Color of my Waifus

Since Mio is a shy girl, mature, and always looks gloomy, I decided the color that's best to describe her is Grey. And her race is human, or to be more spesific, a bassist of Houkago Tea Time.

Asuna Yuuki

Color of my Waifus

Asuna is my second waifu. Well, this color actually doesn't really describe her. I don't know why, but this color suit her best. And the color is Bright Brown. Yeah I'm basically just mentioned her signature color. Her race is human, VRMMORPG player.

Rias Gremory

Color of my Waifus

Rias is my third waifu, and I really love her, like she's the one I most love. So, Rias is sexy, mature, and she is a demon, so the best color to describe Rias is Red.


Color of my Waifus

Yaya is a Machine doll. She is pretty, cute, funny, adorable. I will put Yaya below Rias if you ask me to sort them. Well, Black is actually doesn't suit her, but it's her signature color, if you ask me personally, I would say Pink suit her better.

Miku Hatsune

Color of my Waifus

I like Miku from very very long time ago, like 4 years ago, the first time I saw her. Well, even though I have loved her for such a long time, I still don't know her personality since I don't even have Vocaloid software. Her personality is different in every song. She'e cheerful and childish in Do re mi fa rondo, but gloomy in Cruel clock. So the color suits her best is Birght Aqua.

Morrigan Aensland

Color of my Waifus

Morrigan is a succubus, the beautiful creature that created to seduce human. Even though so, I did not fall for Morrigan because of her succubus magic. I love succubus since I was around 13th years old. Morrigan is sexy, it's succubus nature, her signature color is Slightly Darker Aqua than Miku's, but the color I think that best to describe her is Purple.

Mizore Shirayuki

Color of my Waifus

She's the last, but not least. She's a snow woman, but I love to call her kind Yuki-onna. My love to Mizore symbolize my love to Yuki-onna in Yokai world. Another Yuki-onna that I like are Setsura from Nurarihyon, and Tsurara from both, Nurarihyon and Rosario Vampire. Since she's a Yuuki-onna, a stalker, a kuudere or dandere or whatever, and she's also good at cooking, I'll give her White. But her signature color is Bright Purple.