Showing posts with label Girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Girl. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Anime Review : Tsurezure Children

Tsurezure Children

Tsurezure Children Review

So I did make a post about Tsurezure Children Best Girl, but that does not mean I reviewed the series. Now I just got some free time so let's review the series.

Tsurezure Children Review
Tsurezure Children (12 Episodes) from Studio Gokumi. This is a short series, only half duration per episode, yet they achieved what every romance anime out there fail to get done. I said it earlier and I'll say it again, Tsurezure Children is basically an oasis for me. It came when I lost my will to continue on living and legitimately considering suicide. But this series showed up in my facebook timeline and it looks interesting, so I checked it out. And it was worth it, now I have reason to live again.

Now onto the anime review, to be honest, I can't really say there's anything missing in the series if we are talking about romance. If you want to see the couple who's building up slow, there is Sugawara x Takano, you want a couple who build up fast, there is Kamine x Gouda, you want a tsundere breaker, there is Kaji x Masafumi, you want a romcom? There is also Kana x Chiaki.

Considering the series ended with only 12 episodes and half duration, this may lead to a promotional series. Like, they tried to bring you in to read the manga, and I assure you it's worth it. Go read the manga, trust me, you will be enlightened with ray of hope. There are a lot more couples and stuffs going on in the manga.

I really love this series so this review will be biased, but that's fine in Emotion Inside right?

The only thing I kinda disappointed from this series is the fact that they ended it during the end of sports festival and the beginning of the summer vacation arc. Well maybe because I read the manga first and already know what is going to happen afterwards, so I feel like it's not a very suitable ending. But I think it'll be fine for people who haven't read the manga.

Also, the fact that this series is relying on multiple couples to describe the universe, you may not be able to tell who exactly is that and why are they doing this, etc. A good example is when Kana and Chiaki was about to kiss in a cafe, but Chiaki accidentally kissed Kana's nose. So he asked for a retry, but got interrupted by the presence of Toda and Sunagawa (You wont know who they are unless you read the manga).

Enough bragging about this wonderful series, now the scoring, obviously Tsurezure Children will get 4.0/4.0 Thumbs. This series is flawless, cause it's practically all you can wish for from a romance anime in one series.

Now for the Character Review, I kinda modified it a bit cause there's a lot of characters in the series. So I will be reviewing them in couples!

Character Review

Ryouko x Akagi

Kaji x Masafumi, voiced by Sakura Ayane and Ono Kensho. I'm gonna give you this, Kaji is a normal tsundere girl. Well, maybe a little bit a delinquent, but overall she's just ol' good tsundere like any other. However, Masafumi on the other hand, is a ladykiller. He even answered "No, I've tested it." when Kaji asked if he's gay. Masafumi is not some romcom main protagonist who doesn't now how to confess to a girl, he found Kaji smoking, he come to her and asked for a kiss right away. What a man he is, and for that we will give Masafumi Akagi score A while Kaji Ryouko got a B. And for their couple score, it will be : A.

Takano x Sugawara

Takano x Sugawara, voiced by Minasi Inori and Ishikawa Kaito. This is the type of couple who's progressing in a slow pace. The type that often get interruption and misunderstandings.I'm not really a fan of this kind of couple, but the characters are indeed interesting. Takano as a kuudere, she looks kinda like Hishiro form ReLife. However, Takano is not completely unconscious about her feelings towards Sugawara, it's just she's got a huge misunderstanding about Sugawara. Sugawara, actually not a dense motherfucker like some romcom series have. He did tried to confess several times, but then again, they're the couple who got a lot of interruptions and misunderstandings. As for Takano Chizuru, we gonna give a A- and Sugawara Takurou will get another A-. Their couple score of course, will be : A-.

Kamine x Gouda

Kamine x Gouda, voiced by Ogura Yui and Maeno Tomoaki. Now let me tell you, this is my favorite couple. This is me. I'm telling you the truth, my gf really similar to Kamine. She's clingy, and very much a spoiled child. Kamine asked Gouda out for one day, and the other day they're holding hands while walking home together, the next day they've done their first kiss, and progressing in a really fast pace. Though not as fast as the first couple mentioned in the list, Kamine and Gouda I have to say is the second sweetest couple in the series. Kamine Ayaka the sweet, cute, clingy, spoiled girl, I'm gonna have to give her a S while Gouda Takeru the man of men he is, he got A. As for their couple, fufufu... obviously I will rate them with a S. Reason is obvious, they're not backing down, and they're progressing in a "just right" pace.

Minagawa x Furuya

Minagawa x Furuya, voiced by Hanazawa Kana and Amasaki Kouhei. This, is the sweetest couple I mentioned before, since Kamine x Gouda is 2nd. I tell why, it's because Minagawa is a really good example of what "The girl in the offense" like. She has a very good sense of pull and pushing the love target that is Furuya. Not many romance series I know showing the girl in the offense, and even if they did, they mostly give up or, like, just waiting for the guy to do things in the end. That's not the case with Minagawa, as I said, she's really good in pulling and pushing Furuya, so there's no "too much", like when you accidentally make the person you like hate you. Nope, Minagawa Yuki got it in under control, so we give her a S. Furuya Jun, though he's a really serious guy, he eventually caught up with Minagawa's pace, for that we give him A. Their couple score should be : A considering they're the sweetest.

Kana x Chiaki

Kana x Chiaki, voiced by Kito Akari and Yamashita Siichirou. The last one is more like a romcom indeed. However, Kana is not some girl in puberty. She took the lead and go ahead assume that she and Chiaki are dating. They're osananajimi though, so I'll give my respect to that. If you just want to have a fun time watching Tsurezure Children, and want to see more of the romcom aspect to the series, this pair is definitely your choice, considering Chiaki is an idiot, but not a dense motherfucker like harem protagonist. Though being an idiot most of the time, Chiaki Uchimura is apparently a man inside, you can tell by the end of episode 12, I really like how he handled their temporary break up, so we'll give him a S. On the other side, Kana, as we know she's actually the one steering the relationship. I like how she's without any hesitation breaking up with Chiaki, even taking her phone to the bathroom is just awesome so I'm gonna giva Kana Ijima score A. This couple overall score will be  A. They're not my favorite, but it's just too good to give anywhere below it.

Now, this is only a little bit of couples in the series, there are a lot more couples popping out here and there, as well as interesting characters. I really recommend reading the 4koma, it'll change your life forever.

If you like Intion's anime review, check out Kabaneri of Iron Fortress Review!

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Top 5 Tsurezure Children Best Girl

Tsurezure Children

tsurezure children best girl

What's up? I'm back from the dead, and I'll tell you how did I go back from being dead.

The answer is one series. Tsuredure Children. This series is a savior above Jesus for me. The first time I saw the manga series, I actually saw an angel descending from the sky... tears flowing down my cheek when I read the stories of idle teenagers. Its just simply beautiful.

But that's the story for another day, this is not a review, this is a top 5 and as we all now, Tsuredure Children consists of many many young couples in the series. That means there's a lot of girls and waifu material in that series. As per usual rules since Nisekoi, we have to vote for the best grill in the series and here we go :

Kaji Ryouko

5. Ryouko Kaji

'Sup? Your waifu got last? Well thats normal since Ryouko is basically just your typical tsundere girl in a romance anime. However, Masafumi is the one who actually brings her score up by spicing their relationship. Although I wont deny that she is cute, but she's flat and again, you can find tsundere anywhere in the anime universe.

4. Fuyumi Toda

She's actually on par with the #1 position, she has a unique personality and that's being very dry like a dried fish. Its just so funny seeing this awkward couple doing couple stuffs, and its very sweet seeing she's for once actually being lovey dovey like that one time in the manga.

Minagawa Yuki

3. Yuki Minagawa

Being on the attack, Minagawa is a girl who loves to play around with Furuya's feeling. However being a man he is, he returned her feelings and started going out. They're really cute and Minagawa is a good example of a female attacker in a romance series. She did play around but she has a good "pull out" sense to make Furuya admitted his feelings.


2. Patricia Caulfield

Patricia is an airhead. She act by her nature. The author even described her with "her thought process is a mystery". She is an exchange student from America, and everything she's done is just simply funny cause they're spontaneous and stupid. One thing for sure though, she has huge boobs and those are admired by basically every female in the series. Another thing is that her 'sushi' thingy. Do you know what 'sushi' actually means for Patty? comment below (please).

Kamine Ayaka

1. Ayaka Kamine

Kamine is simply cute, beautiful, and every single word to describe perfection. She actually very similar to my real life girlfriend. She's very doting towards Gouda, like a spoiled child she is, never back down asking to held hands, hug, kiss, ask Gouda to come over to her room during field trip, and so on. You can see that she really loves Gouda from the bottom for her heart. Gouda on the other hand, also a man-at-arms and never back down on being lovey dovey with Kamine.

Overall, this are Intion's top 5 best grill in Tsurezure Children. Tell us about your best grills in the comment below. If you like this post, you might also like Top 5 Kancolle Shipfus!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

How to : Make a Dating Simulator Interesting [ENGLISH]

Game Review : HuniePop

HuniePop Review


HuniePop (2015) is a dating simulator. But unlike common dating sim which usually took the form of Visual Novel, HuniePop, on the other hand is a puzzle games, with tits. So this is an eroge, I hope you guys already above 18, otherwise I must ask you to leave.


HuniePop, an amazing dating sim, because there's not much to read, and it has a gameplay.

HuniePopThe Rewards the player will be getting after completing a puzzle challenge which getting harder everytime (literally) are really promising, especially for boys. Boys will not ressist some titties, and they;ll work hard for it, and that's what the developer used as their advantage on selling this game. Titties are the best selling point for boys target costumer, the gameplay is actually very classic, combined with dating sim elements, but with boobs on the table, we're on.

Secrets, you might think you're already at a class of a playboy once you conquered all the girls. But, it's not the end yet. The story continues, just when you finished banging the last girl, the new one will come, and so on until total 12 girls. So prepare your tissue for this one.

Difficulty is getting harder (as well as your thing) as you progress through the game. This will make you work harder to get those promised titties, if only companies used this method to motivate their workers, I'm pretty sure the world will be a better place :P

Voice Acting in this game is awesome, every dialogue is fully voiced by somewhat sexy voice. On normal dating sim, usually only several dialogue containing the main story line that's voiced by the VA, but in HuniePop's case, feel that various sexy to cute voices of those girls.

Art, this game's not using Unreal Engine 4 latest graphic, but that's my point. The art in this game is simple, just anime style arts and simple interface, no need such a graphic and jiggle physics to bring in costumers. This might become an advice for game developers, especially mobile games. Just simplify your game's graphic and art, buat make the gameplay, story, characters interesting.

Characters in HuniePop have their own personalities. It helps you pick who's the one you like most and make her your first. The characters dialogue also interesting, though they'll be repeating the same dialogue once you've heard evach of their dialogue, but there're 12 girls, 12 different set of dialogues will keep you occupied for an amount of time.

HuniePopA little tips from Intion for when you're reaching the end of the game and feels like this shit is just impossible, don't worry, I got it covered. Even if  you're already beat the whole game, and just in case you have a free time and want to see them ol' anime titties while doing your thing with tissue, this tips might become useful. Okay, this is an item build for your late game dates, because it will so much harder compared to the earlier ones. First, you have to fill up your date gifts with Bell / Joy items, cause they'll expand your chance to accumulate points. Second, you may want to fill them with some Passion items, the higher the passion, the higher points you'll get for each pair. Last one is probably an item (optional) that adds whichever trait the girl you're dating prevers, if it's Talent, then use talent item, and when you're dating other girl, change it with the one they prefer.


I guess that's all I have for HuniePop, overall this is a very awesome game that will took your time is you're alone at home. I'm strongly not recommending this to girls. The weakness of this game I think is the items are too limited and keep looping non stop. That might help players who accidentaly skipped a good item, but for some other players, it's just the same item again and again. Score from Intion for HuniePop : 3 / 4 Thumbs.

Images from steam

Monday, August 31, 2015

Miku's 8th Birthday [ENGLISH]

Hatsune Miku's Birthday 2015

Celebrating Miku's Birthday

Happy Birthday for my love Hatsune Miku...
We are celebrating it all over the internet. One of the parties I attended is the one on Hatsune Miku group on facebook. Everyone so excited for this.
I've been counting down since the first of august, and here it is!!
I just want to share some artworks from the group, in case you are not joining the group. You're welcome to the group (I think). But for Rin, Len, Luka, Meiko or Kaito fans... please don't join cause you'll keep denying facts about how great Miku is (JK, I love them too, except Kaito).
Credits to the owner

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

Miku's 8th Birthday

These are obviously not all of them, visit the page if you want to see more. There are videos too if you are interested.
As for me, one of these pics is mine, I didn't draw it, only edited some renders. I also tried to complete every Miku beatmaps in osu! with a SS and I write a novel using her as a model to my story, but I can't finish them on time.
Well anyway, Happy Birthday for Hatsune Miku, and keep loving her!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Color of my Waifus [ENGLISH]

My Waifus

7 Various Race of Waifu

Color of my Waifus

Before this post, I admitted that I had 10 waifus. They are Mio, Asuna, Rias, Lisara, Yaya, Mizore, Sento, Tohka, Miku, and Morrigan. But there's no way I could love 10 girls at the same time. So I decreased the number to 7. And most of them have various color and race to describe theirselves. And here we go, Color of My Waifus :

Mio Akiyama

Color of my Waifus

Since Mio is a shy girl, mature, and always looks gloomy, I decided the color that's best to describe her is Grey. And her race is human, or to be more spesific, a bassist of Houkago Tea Time.

Asuna Yuuki

Color of my Waifus

Asuna is my second waifu. Well, this color actually doesn't really describe her. I don't know why, but this color suit her best. And the color is Bright Brown. Yeah I'm basically just mentioned her signature color. Her race is human, VRMMORPG player.

Rias Gremory

Color of my Waifus

Rias is my third waifu, and I really love her, like she's the one I most love. So, Rias is sexy, mature, and she is a demon, so the best color to describe Rias is Red.


Color of my Waifus

Yaya is a Machine doll. She is pretty, cute, funny, adorable. I will put Yaya below Rias if you ask me to sort them. Well, Black is actually doesn't suit her, but it's her signature color, if you ask me personally, I would say Pink suit her better.

Miku Hatsune

Color of my Waifus

I like Miku from very very long time ago, like 4 years ago, the first time I saw her. Well, even though I have loved her for such a long time, I still don't know her personality since I don't even have Vocaloid software. Her personality is different in every song. She'e cheerful and childish in Do re mi fa rondo, but gloomy in Cruel clock. So the color suits her best is Birght Aqua.

Morrigan Aensland

Color of my Waifus

Morrigan is a succubus, the beautiful creature that created to seduce human. Even though so, I did not fall for Morrigan because of her succubus magic. I love succubus since I was around 13th years old. Morrigan is sexy, it's succubus nature, her signature color is Slightly Darker Aqua than Miku's, but the color I think that best to describe her is Purple.

Mizore Shirayuki

Color of my Waifus

She's the last, but not least. She's a snow woman, but I love to call her kind Yuki-onna. My love to Mizore symbolize my love to Yuki-onna in Yokai world. Another Yuki-onna that I like are Setsura from Nurarihyon, and Tsurara from both, Nurarihyon and Rosario Vampire. Since she's a Yuuki-onna, a stalker, a kuudere or dandere or whatever, and she's also good at cooking, I'll give her White. But her signature color is Bright Purple.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters [ENGLISH]

Hottest Female Characters from Video Games.

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

It's been a long time since the last time I posted in english. Well, I rarely have time to post though. I've been playing video games, especially on PC since I was 4. And I've been marrying fictional characters including video games and anime characters since I was 12. But I can't marry them all of course. So I decided to pick 5 best female characters from video games.

Note : I put the pictures of cosplay of the characters, so it will looks realistic and hot.

5. Lara Croft

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Lara Croft isn't designed for fanservice purpose, but she has a point in that subject. Well, maybe you would throw up, or you may think I'm crazy if I chose Lara as my hottest female characters candidate, but you won't if you have played Tomb Raider Reboot 2013. Have you played that game? If you haven't, check the review, if you have, check out my other review.

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 2013 has more pixels on her boobs, which make her boobs looks more realistic compared to triangle boobs on 1996.

4. Rogue

Hot 5 Female Video Game CharactersHot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Rogue from Deadpool, she is pretty hot. But unfortunately, she got too short screen time. Well, it's Deadpool's game after all. She's hot, both in the game or movie, but I don't think so for the comics, she looks more badass insted of hot in the comics, and that's out of my topic right now.

3. Psylocke

Hot 5 Female Video Game CharactersHot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Also from Deadpool, Psylocke is one of the villain that we have to fight as a boss in the game. She's 1 point hotter than rogue though, and it's because her suit of course. But again, Psylocke has short duration to show off her boobs in the game, pretty much the same duration as Rogue. But not just in game, Psylocke looks even more beautiful in real life, also in the comic books.

2. Sims that you created in SIMS 3&4

Hot 5 Female Video Game CharactersHot 5 Female Video Game CharactersSims that you created in The Sims 3&4, why? Because of course, it has to be at least one or two female sims that you made it very hot so you could fap while seeing here taking bath with no mosaic mod. Just kidding, but seriously, it has to be at least one hot female sim in the entire town. If there's no hot female sims in town, what's the purpose of no mosaic mod?

1. Morrigan Aensland

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Who do you think will be number one? Of course, the one on the background, Morrigan Aensland, originally from Darkstalker series, but looks hot in Marvel vs Capcom, I mean seriously, who the hell wants to see a almost naked succubus wearing a tight spandex in only 64 pixels? The boobs wont be
Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters
popping out like 3D version, but still, as long as it's Morrigan, she will be hot. I can say, Morrigan beauty is more exposed outside the original game, because the game itself doesn't have a clear storyline. Morrigan does have a background story, but she doesn't have an in game story, something like storyline in game, and her role on that game. I wish Morrigan will have her own game for PC, and it has to be improved like how Lara Croft got her plastic surgery.