Showing posts with label Top 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top 5. Show all posts

Friday, November 17, 2017


Copy & Paste Series

Anime Series Overlapping Each Other

Shingeki no Kyojin

So as the title says, this post will be talking about anime series that are overlapping each other, or what I like to call "Twin Series". These series are basically the same story with different characters, and it's just annoying to look at how people have lost creativity. However, it's also kinda fun seeing these twin series competing with each other to be the more popular one.

Copying is not wrong, a great somebody told me that "Inspiration didn't just come out of nowhere, it came from something that's already been made". In this case, anime series trying to become popular, trying to swim to the surface inspired by more popular series in the same genre. A good example of good copying, is SAO and Log Horizon. Both of them talk about MMORPG, and both of them had main characters stuck inside the game. At first glance, it does look like Log Horizon is trying to copy SAO to the core. But if you actually watch the series, you'll find that Log Horizon is not really the same like SAO, so does the other series like Accel World, Overlord, etc.

Another example of good copying is Koutetsujou no Kabaneri. It's obvious that this series is pretty similar to Shingeki no Kyojin. However, KnK has their own unique universe in which instead of giant humanoid creature, the use Kabaneri as the enemy. In SnK, only a group of chosen people who're allowed to go outside the wall, and they're even equipped with maneuver gears while in KnK they use the Koutetsujou, a impenetrable steam train. They're both telling the story about human race survival, and even starting with the exact same story.

Do you get it now? It's basically "You can copy my homework, just change some things a little bit".

Now onto the list :

1. Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry vs Gakusen Toshi Asterisk

Gakusen Toshi Asterisk

This one has the same start, same harem style, same school fighting concept, same tournament concept, and so on. In my opinion, RKnC is obviously better, but for some reason it's really underrated so the twin counterpart got a second season instead (I don't know why). The only difference I can find between them is that Gakusen Toshi Asterisk is progressing in faster pace compared to the twin counterpart.

2. Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut vs Masou Gakuen HxH

Masou Gakuen HxH

Now these are some boobs. Both of them talk about mecha and both of them starting with Infinity Stratos start in where the main guy enters girls only school in a world of girls only system. This guy is a special guy cause he is the only one who can operate the mecha like girls, and also he has a special connection/position in the academy. Like a big sister who's the headmaster or something.

3. Shokomeza vs Saekano


These are basically the exact same anime. Majority of people agreed that Saekano is better, but I can't really tell because apparently I watched Shokomeza first and I didn't even finished watching it. When I started Saekano, it really piss me off how these series have the exact same story. Saekano got second season though, so if you want to watch, I suggest watch Saekano first.

So those are the twin series that are similar to each other. Do you know some more twin series? let me know in the comment, also, which one of these twins do you prefer? Is your opinion go with the majority of people or are you standing by yourself?

If you like top x posts like this, you may also like this Top 5 Waifu!

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Top 5 Tsurezure Children Best Girl

Tsurezure Children

tsurezure children best girl

What's up? I'm back from the dead, and I'll tell you how did I go back from being dead.

The answer is one series. Tsuredure Children. This series is a savior above Jesus for me. The first time I saw the manga series, I actually saw an angel descending from the sky... tears flowing down my cheek when I read the stories of idle teenagers. Its just simply beautiful.

But that's the story for another day, this is not a review, this is a top 5 and as we all now, Tsuredure Children consists of many many young couples in the series. That means there's a lot of girls and waifu material in that series. As per usual rules since Nisekoi, we have to vote for the best grill in the series and here we go :

Kaji Ryouko

5. Ryouko Kaji

'Sup? Your waifu got last? Well thats normal since Ryouko is basically just your typical tsundere girl in a romance anime. However, Masafumi is the one who actually brings her score up by spicing their relationship. Although I wont deny that she is cute, but she's flat and again, you can find tsundere anywhere in the anime universe.

4. Fuyumi Toda

She's actually on par with the #1 position, she has a unique personality and that's being very dry like a dried fish. Its just so funny seeing this awkward couple doing couple stuffs, and its very sweet seeing she's for once actually being lovey dovey like that one time in the manga.

Minagawa Yuki

3. Yuki Minagawa

Being on the attack, Minagawa is a girl who loves to play around with Furuya's feeling. However being a man he is, he returned her feelings and started going out. They're really cute and Minagawa is a good example of a female attacker in a romance series. She did play around but she has a good "pull out" sense to make Furuya admitted his feelings.


2. Patricia Caulfield

Patricia is an airhead. She act by her nature. The author even described her with "her thought process is a mystery". She is an exchange student from America, and everything she's done is just simply funny cause they're spontaneous and stupid. One thing for sure though, she has huge boobs and those are admired by basically every female in the series. Another thing is that her 'sushi' thingy. Do you know what 'sushi' actually means for Patty? comment below (please).

Kamine Ayaka

1. Ayaka Kamine

Kamine is simply cute, beautiful, and every single word to describe perfection. She actually very similar to my real life girlfriend. She's very doting towards Gouda, like a spoiled child she is, never back down asking to held hands, hug, kiss, ask Gouda to come over to her room during field trip, and so on. You can see that she really loves Gouda from the bottom for her heart. Gouda on the other hand, also a man-at-arms and never back down on being lovey dovey with Kamine.

Overall, this are Intion's top 5 best grill in Tsurezure Children. Tell us about your best grills in the comment below. If you like this post, you might also like Top 5 Kancolle Shipfus!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Top 5 Paladins Champions Who Don't Require Skill

Paladins Champions for Beginners

Easy to Play Champions


Paladins Champion


Okay so before you're flaming on me, I will admit it that the title is obviously a clickbait. I am currently studying the art of clickbaiting to gain more views. Don't worry, I will put boobs on the thumbnail as well.

So hold your horses, I did say that these champions don't need skill to play with, but what I actually mean is that these champions are perfect for beginners to master before trying out other champions.

First thing first, I love Paladins, and I've been playing it for like, 3 weeks now. If for some reason you want to see my noobness in the game, go and add Axahito as your friend.

Now let's get into the list

1. Tyra


Tyra Paladins


Don't flame me because I put your bae on the list, the first one on top of that. The reason is, Tyra really one easy champion to play with. Her Q skill throws a freakin molotov and create a puddle of fire that every enemy will try to avoid. This is perfect for beginners who just log on to Paladins  by Hi-Rez. Her F is basically a tank killer which is again, good for beginners. The only downside she has is the fact that she doesn't have any movement skill execpt for her ultimate skill which gives her 40% attack and movement speed, also her rifle will not consume ammo. All you have to do is just pick one nice and comfy spot, then start throwing nades and molotov from that spot. If you're playing in casual mode at least, I'm pretty sure the enemy team won't bother killing you as Tyra cause they don't care. It's just the matter of how good you're to utilize your enemy's ignorance.

Now you may disagree with me, but whatever man, it's my opinion, and of course you have your own opinion as well.

2. Ruckus


Ruckus Paladins


"What?? But Ruckus requires skill to play! Skill to use a good timing for shield, skill to jump around, skill-bla,blabla...."

Okay, I get it. But there's one thing that makes it really easy to use Ruckus. No need to aim. Ruckus has big guns, especially his ulti. With those guns it doesn't even matter wether you're aiming on one enemy or multiple enemies cause you don't have to worry about ammo and stuff. You do need to have a good timing skill to time Ruckus's shield though. Also, Ruckus is good for beginners to learn roles of the game. Like front line, support, flank, etc. With Ruckus, either themselves or their teammates will force them to stay on the point and doing his job.

3. Viktor


Viktor Paladins


Now who doesn't know this guy? You've seen him in the tutorial so it doesn't even matter anymore, you already know how to play him. Viktor is also typical classic soldier you usually play in games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, it should be difficult to go wrong with Viktor.

4. Skye


Skye Paladins


Now if you know me you know that Skye is my bae. I do love Skye, and mainly because her physical appearance.Skye is easy to play and you will be able to kill a lot if you know your role. If you're playing on casual mode, it should be fine using Skye, just play around with your right click and your F, you should be fine. The problem with beginners is they tend to play Skye in the front line. That's completely wrong, unless you are the only one alive in your team and really need to hold the point from the enemy team. But if that's not the situation, then you should go to the back line of the enemy's team and kill their damage dealers.

Kinessa should be your primary target since she's easy to kill and could be dangerous if you let her alive. Other targets should be Viktor, Tyra, theis healers, flankers and finally tanks. Those go in order.

Also, as Skye, when you're invisible, don't try to fight a fight that you can't win. Sometimes maybe you ran into someone while invis-ing to the back line of enemy's team, and they start shooting at you. Depending on who you're facing, but I suggest just stay away. Skye's invis wont gone unless you attack or the duration ends, so it will take a second for you to go invis again after whoever ran into you saw you.

5. Torvald


Torvald Paladins


Two reasons. One, "wait for my ulti.", and two "I don't know who else to add."

So yeah, those are 5 champions that are easy to play with and recommended for beginners in Paladins. I'm not saying that these champions are shit, or should be nerf-ed or something like that, no. They exist to help beginners getting into the game getting familiar to Paladins meta or some shit. These champions are easy to play, IMHO, but maybe not for you. So leave a comment who's the easiest champion to play, and share this post to your newbie Paladins friend.

*Note : Skye is bae

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Shipfu Poi~

Top 5 Shipfu by Intion

Top 5 KanColle's Shipfus


Yo, selama beberapa minggu ini kepala gua dipenuhi dengan bisikan-bisikan ghaib dari mendiang Hitler. Dia bilang, "Treten der Kriegsmarine und Sie können Bismarck heiraten." yang artinya "Gabunglah di Kriegsmarine, dan kamu kuizinkan untuk menikahi Bismarck.". Jadi selama berminggu-minggu ini isi kepala gua cuma Bismarck. Bismarck, Bismarck, Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Bismarck, dll.

Anyway, shipfu yang ditampilkan di sini cuma shipfu yang ada di anime nya aja, soalnya gua masih belum sempet bisa main KanColle karena servernya penuh. Nanti kalo udah bisa baru kita buat yang versi game-nya.

Cara penilaiannya, sebenarnya ini nggak ada urutan tertentu, cuma list Top 5 aja, tapi kriteria yang kita ambil di sini yaitu berdasarkan penampilan fisik. Kalo penampilan fisiknya mainstream, nggak cocok untuk Intion yang anti-mainstream. Kedua yaitu keunikan cara bicaranya. Contoh, Inazuma selalu pake 'Nano-desu' itu termasuk unik. Ketiga yaitu kehebatan kapal (beneran) di zaman perang dulu waktu masih mengabdi pada IJN (Imperial Japan Navy). Oke let's check it out :

1. Destroyer SHIMAKAZE

Langsung nge-gas di awal, Destroyer Shimakaze. Shimakaze ini karakter KanColle kedua yang gua kenal, (yang pertama itu Nagato, tapi dia nggak masuk di list). Sudah jelas, dari seragamnya Shimakaze beda sendiri, itu salah satunya karena Shimakaze itu satu-satunya kapal dalam Shimakaze-class destroyer. Dia nggak punya kakak, nggak punya adek, kapal tunggal. Oh ya, satu-satunya kapal yang punya minion waktu bertarung di laut juga kayaknya cuma Shimakaze, minion-minion yang bantu dia berperang. Nama Shimakaze artinya Shima (pulau) dan Kaze (angin) jadi pulau berangin.

2. Destroyer YUUDACHI

ShipfuAlasan paling jelas gua masukin Yuudachi di list ini adalah karena 'Poi~' nya di setiap kalimat. Entah apa maksudnya, gua pernah baca artikel soal itu tapi malah bingung sendiri karena itu maknanya jatuh ke masalah bahasa. Anyway, penampilan fisik Yuudachi juga nggak mainstream seperti yang lain, apalagi setelah di remodel. Apa yang hebat lagi dari Yuudachi yaitu sejarahnya dia ikut pertempuran Tarakan dan Laut Jawa. Artinya Yuudachi pernah ke Indonesia, poi~. Yuudachi adalah kapal ke 4, dari Shiratsuyu-class destroyer. Nama Yuudachi artinya malam badai (jangan tanya).

3. Battleship YAMATO

ShipfuIni dia favorit gua, Battleship Yamato. Yamato-class battleship adalah battleship terberat sepanjang sejarah PD 2. Sayang sekali adeknya (Musashi) nggak bisa ikutan main di anime-nya. Tapi sebenarnya mengecewakan juga penampilan Yamato di KanColle anime. Meskipun disebut-sebut sebagai 'Strongest Battleship in history' tapi screen time-nya nggak banyak. Okelah karena dia konsumsi banyak bahan bakar dan keberadaan Yamato juga dirahasiakan, tapi karena itu jadi potensi maksimal Yamato nggak keluar, dua-duanya, di anime maupun di sejarah nyata nya. Yamato-class battleship itu adalah satu-satunya battleship yang bisa mengangkut meriam berukuran 46 cm, dan itu lebih besar daripada meriamnya Nagato (41 cm) yang merupakan anggota Big Seven. Nama Yamato diambil dari Pronvsi Yamato. Sepanjang masa beroperasinya, Yamato disembunyikan keberadaannya dari USN (US Navy) supaya nggak ada yang bikin kapal lebih kuat daripada Yamato, bahkan sampe akhir PD 2 pun US masih dapat informasi yang salah tentang Yamato.

4. Battleship KONGOU

Yaay, hahahahaha. Gua nggak tau kenapa kalo denger nama Kongou itu bawaannya seneng, pengen ketawa. Mungkin karena ulah Kongou bersaudara yang lucu di sepanjang anime-nya. Lahir di Inggris sebagai battlecruiser, kemudian dibeli IJN dan dimodifikasi jadi battleship dan dibuatkan adek-adeknya, Hiei, Haruna dan Kirishima. Itulah alasan bahasa Jepang-nya Kongou yang acak-acakan. Dari awal Kongou buka mulut, gua udah bisa tebak seiyuu-nya pasti sama dengan waifu gua yang baru, Karen Kujo, karena bahasa Jepang-nya sama ancurnya. Tapi walaupun begitu enak didengar. Kongou berperan banyak dalam berbagai pertempuran-pertempuran besar di sejarah angkatan laut Jepang, makannya dia karakter yang gampang terkenal. Nama Kongou diambil dari Gunung Kongou, artinya (tidak dapat dihancurkan).

5. Heavy Cruiser ATAGO

ShipfuHehe, nggak menduga kan? Yup, sejak pertama lihat gua langsung jatuh cinta sama Atago, apalagi setelah liat anime-nya. Sayang nggak banyak waktu munculnya, cuma karakter sampingan sih. Oh ya, seiyuu-nya Atago (Touyama Nao) ini sama dengan Kongou, dan juga Chitoge Kirisaki dari Nisekoi. Gua ini anggota dari persatuan resmi #TeamChitoge, jadi tentu saja Atago masuk. Atago adalah kapal kedua dari Takao-class heavy cruiser, artinya dia adeknya Takao. Hal yang gua suka dari Atago yaitu (nggak ada hubungannya dengan kapal yang beneran) oppainya, wajahnya yang imut walaupun tingginya jauh di atas gua, rambut pirangnya. Atago nggak banyak bertempur dalam pertempuran-pertempuran besar, dia ditenggelamkan kapal selam USN di sekitar pinoy. Nama Atago diambil dari Gunung Atago. Soal penampilan fisik sebenarnya adeknya Atago, Maya dan Chokai berpenampilan lebih anti-ainstream, tapi sayang mereka nggak masuk di anime-nya. Kalo kakaknya, Takao itu kurang menarik, ya sih cantik, tapi rada mainstream.

Oke jadi itu adalah Top5 Shipfus dari Intion, gimana? Bagus nggak? Mungkin ada beberapa fakta yang salah gua sebutkan? Tolong diperbaiki di komen. Terus, gua mau ngasih alasan kenapa main character, Special Type Destroyer Fubuki dan Battleship Dreadnought Nagato nggak masuk di list ini. Simpel sih, alsannya karena Fubuki itu terlalu mainstream sebagai karakter utama. Cheerful, semangat, penuh harapan, pekerja keras, pokoknya terlalu mencerminkan karakter utama banget karena perkembangan karakternya paling jauh. Kemudian kalo Nagato, itu karena gua iri, Nagato bisa masuk Big Seven dengan meriam 41 cm tapi Yamato nggak masuk Big Seven dengan 46 cm (beda kelas), udah gitu meskipun mereka sendiri yang menyebutkan kalo Yamato itu battleship paling kuat sepanjang sejarah, tapi yang dapat spotlight ya Nagato, jadi ya... iri.

Images from

Monday, June 13, 2016

Shipfu Poi~ [ENGLISH]

Intion Top 5 Shipfus (Polygamy Edition)

Top 5 KanColle's Shipfus


Yo, for the past month, Hitler had been brainwashing me. He wont shut up about Bismarck and Prinz Eugen and keep whispering their names in my brain. Okay! Okay! I get it Hitler, you want me to join the Kriegsmarine? Okay! But seriously, Kriegsmarine is dead, so did Bismarck and Prinz Eugen. So the least thing I could do is to adopt them as my shipfu (sub class of waifu). Now, I still am not able to play KanColle on browser because the servers are full, and when they're not, my IP detected, and I wont use any proxy because my PC is already too slow to proceed even only a browser with one tab. Adding a VPN will only hurts more. That's why I watched KanColle the anime, which I will make the review later.

Here's the rules. The shipfus listed are only those who are shown in the anime series. For the rest of the fleet that didn't make it to the anime, I'll add you girls later, but for now, the anime only. I judged the shipfus by the non-mainstreamness (?) of their physical appearance, the uniqueness of their way of talking, and how great they are in the actual sea, the actual battleship.

I hope you understand my poor english, let's get to it :

1. Destroyer SHIMAKAZE

ShipfuRight from the start, quite accelerating aren't we? Well, Shimakaze is the second KanColle character I know (the first was Nagato and she wont be here). Shimakaze, amongst the other Destroyer type ship girls is the only one in Shimakaze class and the only one with a special physical appearance, also the only one who has minions to assist her in battle. The name 'Shimakaze' means Island (Shima) and Wind (Kaze).

2. Destroyer YUUDACHI

ShipfuThe most obvious reason for me to add Yuudachi in this list is because of her unique 'Poi~' addition in every single sentences. Which at some point of the series kinda annoy me. What I like about Yuudachi is the fact that she fought in battle of Tarakan and Java sea, which is here, in Indonesia, though very far away from the place where I live. Yuudachi is the 4th ship of the Shiratsuyu class destroyer. Her name 'Yuudachi' means Evening Squall).

3. Battleship YAMATO

Now this is actually my favorite, Yamato-class battleship is known as the heaviest battleship ever built, at least in world war II. Too bad her sister (Musashi) didn't make it to the anime series. If she did, number 3 & 4 would likely to be conquered by this sibling. As for her physicaly appearance, Yamato is not very different compared to Nagato, but she always bring along a traditional umbrella or something when she's fully equipped. Just like they said in the anime, Yamato is the strongest battleship in history, but I actually kinda disappointed that Yamato didn't show her full potential both in the anime series and in real life battle history. Yamato is the only battleship that could mount 46 cm naval gun, and those are bigger than Nagato's 41 cm. Yamato's named after the Yamato province. She was kept secret from the world so that no ccountry could build a more powerful ship, and even US still had the wrong information about Yamato until the end of WW II.

4. Battleship KONGOU

ShipfuYaay, hahaha. I don't know why but I always so happy if I remember the name Kongou, and how silly she is. Battleship Kongou was built in england, but then bought by IJN, and they built her sisters, Hiei, Haruna, and Kirishima. The Kongou sisters definitely deserve a place in this list, yes, four of them since they're all hilarious, and Kongo herself fought in a lot of major naval actions. Man, Japanese Navy was third best in the world during WW II (The first was Royal Navy, second was US Navy). As for now, US Navy take the lead. I really like Kongou's messed up Japanese, from the first time I heard her voice, I already guessed the VA is the same person as one of my waifu, Karen Kujo. Their messed up Japanese is very unique, legit, I really love it, it's funny, it makes me laugh. Kongou's named after the Mount Kongo, means (Indestructible).

5. Heavy Cruiser ATAGO

ShipfuHeheh, bet you didn't expect this, but YES! I love Atago! I forgot when I met her, but I know I've loved her since then. She has the same seiyuu as Kongou and Karen, and also, I forgot to mention, that their seiyuu (Touyama Nao) is also voiced Chitoge, and I'm a proud member of #TeamChitoge. She was the second in Takaou class heavy cruiser, means the younger sister of Takao. Some points I love from her is (doesn't have anything to do with the actual ship) her big boobs, her cute face despite being a tall ass girl. She didn't fought that many major battle, and was sunk by US Navy's submarine (sad). Atago was named after Mount Atago. Her physical appearance is also not that special since she has a sisters. Actually, Maya and Chokai has a more unique appearance compared to Atago, but she didn't show up in the anime, and Takao's hair is too boring.

So that was Intion's Top 5 Shipfus, how do you like it? Maybe there's false fact that I wrote? Please tell me in the comment. Also, I'd like to mention the reason why I didn't put Special Type Destroyer Fubuki and Battleship Dreadnought Nagato. It's actually simple, I don't like Fubuki, she's too mainstream as a main character, very cheerful and high spirit, high hope, etc. As for Nagato, she's like being almighty in the anime series. Although Yamato was the strongest battleship in history, and even Yamato mounts a bigger gun than her, but still Nagato gets all the spotlight (dammit).

Images from and wiki

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Even Worse 5 Censored Anime Series [ENGLISH]

Another Worst 5 Censored Anime Series


Yo, it's been a long time since my last post. I'm not in a good shape right now, for the past week I've been thinking about my love life. It all happened because I read too much romance manga, basically I envy those who have a beautiful romance life. But that's out of topic, you've seen 5 Worst Censored Anime, and guess what, THERE'RE MORE!!!

1. Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai (ShimoSeka)

5 Censored Anime

The concept of world where dirty jokes doesn't exist. It's! Despite having a dirty jokes as title, I kinda felt irritated watching this. Why? Because EVERY DAMN dirty jokes throughout the series is censored! Audio's censored by random noises, subtitles are depending on the publisher, and video's censored by chibi characters. I don't know if they're supposed to be censored in the blu ray, but logically, this anime is talking about dirty jokes, what's the point of the series if you censored all of the dirty jokes? This is stupid, they're not only censoring ecchi stuffs, but also the comedy.

2. Blood - C

5 Censored Anime

I really like this series even from the first episode. The main character is not really attractive, but I like the story. At least until at some episode I encounter a filthy darkness covering a gore/violence scene. I hate it, I seriously hate it. It was just a girl's torso got eaten by a monster, not a big deal. Again, I don't know if there's an uncensored version of this series in any form.

3. Maken-Ki!

5 Censored Anime

This one is ecchi, so it's natural it's being censored. But I truly hate censors, especially, again, when it's just a bra or panties. There's no point in censoring them, for they're already a censor. Though there are the uncensored version, but it's hard to look for it man, and it's not worth the effort for only undergarments.

4. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

5 Censored Anime

Yes, ecchi and harem, nudity, etc. I actually enjoyed the series until I realized that the blu ray version is uncensored. It's just a short scene, probably only a blink of an eye, but it still annoys me. I mean, the whole series got ruine because of that scene.

5. Highschool DxD

5 Censored Anime

My favorite series, and my standard for ecchi series. I always say in my review, "not even touching Highschool DxD's tail." it means it. HDxD is being the best ecchi anime for me, so that I made it a standard. A standard doesn't have to be the highest rank, because Seikon no Qwaser has a lot more boobies, but that just means SnQ passed the standard. Now, when the new season comes out, New and BorN, I always looking for the uncensored one. I don't care if I have to go through the pasific ocean of the internet to get it. I really cherish this series, I don't want to watch the censored version. For you who's watching the censored version of this, don't give up. Try a little bit more, there should be the uncensored one somewhere in the internet.

Now, before closing, I want to talk a little bit about censors. Anime, comes out with rating, various rating that's assigned to the series even before it becomes an anime. Most people ignore it, including me, but it supposed to be OUR problem and we're the ones who has to bear the consequences. But again, not all people is ready to control theirself after watching those series, and they started to do stuffs that are actually prohibited, and not the main goal of the anime airing, but who cares? They do it because they watched it, so it should be taken down, censored, aired in the middle of the night. I wont say they (publishers) 're wrong for doing so, they're totally the right, but if these things keep up, it will become worst, they might be closing off studios since it doesn't make that much money, instead it makes a lot of criminals. My point is that we, as the one who enjoy anime should pay more attention about rating, not for ourselves, but for other people. For example, if someone asked you for a reccommendation, it's best to watch over the age rating, and if they found out and ignored the age rating later on, it's their business. So keep control of yourself, ignore rating, ignore censors, but don't give in to the devil.

Images from

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Beauty Contest! Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls! [ENGLISH]

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Beauty Contest for Those Waifus

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Yo, long time no post, exam's finally over and I have 3 months off. First month is Ramadhan, so regarding it, I won't post any NSFW posts in this blog.

So, that was the quick notice, for now, we'll be listing our Top 5 Most Beautiful Anime Girls. I know what you're thinking, "But they're all beautiful." right? Well guess what... "YOUR WAIFU IS A SH-"

Ehm, sorry for that interruption, now let's talk a little bit about the scoring aspects. Most score will be determined by face, the more beautiful her face, the more points she gets. Next aspect hairstyle. I'm looking for the most unique hairstyle (Twintail, out). Last aspect will be her personality. Tsundere, Dandere, Kuudere, Yandere, Deredere, Himedere, etc. Also, bonus point may be applied for some extra reason. Last note, to prevent a confusion, I'll limit the parameter to 2015 - early 2016 anime only, so I don't have to look back until BC just to find a beautiful anime girl. Okay that's enough bullsh*it, let's get to it :

5. Kosaki Onodera voiced by. Hanazawa Kana

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

I'm personally a member of the great association of #TeamChitoge, but I can't deny that Onodera is very beautiful. Her hair is not that mainstream since not that many anime girls styling the hair like Onodera's. Her personality is shy, matching her beautiful face, but because she's too shy to confess her love, it started to get irritating.

4. Hotaru Shidare voiced by. Taketatsu Ayana

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Now when I first know her VA, I was surprised. Why? Because she's the same person who voiced Azusa Nakano from K-On! But that's beside the point. Well, her hairstyle is awfully mainstream, but wait! She actually changed her hair several times in the series (Dagashi Kashi). What makes her into this list is her eyes. I love it, it's a hypnotizing eyes that has several circles, I really like it. Also, her personality is kinda otaku's personality, you know, with those snacks.

3. Teruha Andou voiced by. Akesaka Satomi

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

My reason on including her in this list, is because she looks just like Rias. Rias is my longest time favorite waifu, and then suddenly they bring in Andou, which puts me in a dillema. Despite having physical appearance like Rias's, Andou is actually kinda like the 'refined' version of Rias. She wears glasses and she has alternate personality (working in a maid cafe). The only thing I hate about her is the fact that she's an otaku, a fujoshi on top of that.

2. Nozomi Toujo voiced by. Kusuda Aina

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Okay, wait, before you flame me because of putting her in this list, look at the Love Live! The School Idol Movie, it was released on June 2015, it still counts. I like to call her Toujo-san instead of Nozomi, I don't know why. What makes her scored second despite having a very mainstream hairstyle is her eyes. Amongst all Muse's members, Toujo-san's eyes is the most 'dead'-looked eyes. I don't know how to describe that, but her eyes just don't emmit cheerful aura like the others, it's more like despair, death, mystery, etc. I don't know. Also, I love her kansai dialect, it's really amusing.

1. Mai Kawakami voiced by. Sumire Uesaka

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

You've probably expecting this since I give so many praises for Mai on the previous post. But seriously, who doesn't agree that Mai Kawakami is beautiful? She is the most beautiful character I've ever seen, or more like, the most beautiful character with beautiful marks. Those beautiful marks of her is probably doing their job very well done, to make Mai looks more beautiful. Her hairstyle is mainstream though, but she scored excellent in any other hairstyle anyway, so don't mind.

Okay, you must be thinking that I'm not doing this correctly according to scoring aspects I've created myself. You're right, no matter what the score is, these girls are the ones that are in my mind, and truly gorgeous at least to me. 

Now, don't leave yet just because your waifu is not in this list. Honestly, Onodera and Shidare is not my waifu, but I still include them because they are beautiful. I know 5 is too little to list beautiful anime girls, but this is just part 1. Anytime, soon or not I'll release another one, more like the continuation of this, so stay tuned.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Top 5 Romance / (blank) Anime Series [ENGLISH]

Top 5 Romance / (blank) Anime Series

Top 5 Romance Anime

Top 5 Romance Anime

Yo, guess who's back! Even though life is hard, and I'm currently having an exam week, but who cares about college, I'm going to post anyway.

Getting off topic a little bit, recently I found out that some people from other countries were accidentally arrived at one of my Virtual Novel post. It has an english title, but the content is Indonesian. In fact, all of my Virtual Comeedy and Virtual Novel posts are all in Indonesian. Why? Because I don't even think anyone from Indonesia would read those, why would people from other country read that? But if you guys want to read them in english, just tell me in the comment below, I'll translate them, 80% accurate manual translation from me.

Top 5 Romance Anime

Okay, back to topic. You might think this is just going to be like that "oh so mainstream romance anime." Well, worry not, for I am going to list 'not so popular' anime. I'm not a mainstream guy, and I create a non mainstream blog (I guess...). Well, let's get to it, Top 5 Romance / (blank) Anti-mainstream Anime Series :

Top 5 Romance Anime
Sanka Rea, by Studio Deen. Okay so I have done a review about this anime in Indonesian, maybe gonna do the translation later. This is like a... romance / horror (?) anime, because at the very beginning, I felt the horror atmosphere. Basically, there's a main protagonist who's OBSESSED with zombies. He even had a thought of marrying a zombie girl. A Guess what, HIS DREAM COMES TRUE! Somehow he managed to find a zombie girl, or more like... 'create' her. This is not a harem anime, it's just a classic triangle-love. The downside of this series is that it's ended cliffhanger-ly. But the manga is finished, I reccomend watching the anime first, and then move on to manga, catching up to the chapter where the anime ended.

Top 5 Romance AnimeKono Naka ni Hitori, by Studio Gokumi. This is uh... kinda incest anime, harem too, and stupid protagonist too. But I don't know why I reccomend this, I guess I just running out of ideas. So basically, a damn rich guy just inherit his father's wealth. BUT, in order to fully inherit that wealth, he had to move to a new school and find a girl to marry. Seems easy for a very rich guy, isn't it? Well, that's not the case with this certain guy. Right after he enrolled to the school, he found out there are several girls that fallen in love with him, AND, the problem is, there's his little sister amongst all these harem sh*ts, and he must find the little sister, because he is not an incest guy. At least not until he realized that he's flirting around with his own sister the whole time. Well, most poeple not consider this anime as incest though.

Top 5 Romance AnimeOutbreak Company, by Feel (?). This anime is a prove that you otakus can be useful to the world. As a romance / fantasy, they caught a lot of otaku's dream to merge the boring real world with the fantasy world where there's elf, animal girls, and so on. The male protagonist is an otaku, and he got damn lucky that a weird portal to other world suddenly appeared in Japan. And for some reason the government chose him amongst countless other otakus spread all around Japan. Well, putting that aside, this anime is pretty good. I watched this anime like... years ago, I can't remember much. All I know is that there's a better version of this anime with a very similar plot, the title is Gate : Jeitai Kanochi nite Kaku Tatakaeri. But I don't think it's a romance anime.

Top 5 Romance AnimeSenjou no Valkyria, by A - 1 Pictures. This one, is freakin' AWESOME. It comes from the game franchise with the same title.  Have you seen Kaichou wa Maid sama? (That's the closest one I could think) This series has a very similar female protagonist with Misaki Ayuzawa. They both top ranked girl, they both skilled at stuffs, they both attractive, etc. BUT, in KwMs, Takumi is not an airhead like the male protagonist in SnV was, and this might add up some tense. Anyway, just ignore the tension, you'll feel rewarded at the end. You're welcome. I think this one is Romance / Action since there's war going on. The story is beautiful, as always, airhead male protagonist, but this time, combined with a cheerful female protagonist.

Top 5 Romance AnimeStrike the Blood, by Silver Link., Connect (Don't ask). You thought I forgot about this don't you? Pfft, of course not! Strike the Blood review is the most viewed post in Intion of all time, yet the anime itself is not very popular (guess my blog is not popular either). In this Romance / Action / Supernatural series, the male protagonist is a vampire, badass one apparently, and he has a girlfriend, who is also acting as his little sister, but this is not an incest anime, why? Because his girlfriend is not his actual sister, she's just his monitor or something who's for some reason keeps bragging it. Anyway, just as I said before, ignore the annoyance of this girlfriend-monitor-little sister girl, and enjoy the series to the very end, you wont regret it. The downside is the confusing ending, it leads to several possible opinions depending on the person.

Yaay, so that was Top 5 Romance / (blank) Anime Series, I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave a comment, join this site for more awesome anime / game related posts, and like the facebook page to help me survive.

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Worst 5 Censored Animes [ENGLISH]


Top 5 Anime that SUPPOSED to be Beautiful

5 Censored Animes

Okay, you've seen the title, I don't have to explain it anymore. I'm serious (hi serious,) No! Not that 'serious', but I'm entirely pissed. You see, there are a dozens of beautiful anime series (ecchi) that can't reach their full potential because of filthy censors. There's a modern saying, "Just because of a little, tiny little bit of censor, the whole series got broken". 

I don't know if the censor also apllied on the blu ray version of these series since I don't buy blu ray, I watch them online. But I do have a plan to start collecting blu rays. Now let's get to the list.

1. To Love Ru

5 Censored Animes

Ecchi and harem right away, this goes on top because I really like the series. I watched some clip from the series, but when I looked for the full episode, the ero god's ray keeps preventing me from seeing my beautiful boobs. As I said, I don't know if the blu ray version is uncensored, or there's any uncensored version somewhere online, you can tell me in the comment. I was once loosen up my policy to not watch censored stuffs, and I can't stand more than 4 episodes.

2. Corpse Party

5 Censored Animes

Gore and horror, I like this series, mostly the rpg game because the story is so awesome. Moving on to the anime, I was hoping for a good ol' storyline like the game. Actually, the story on the anime is good, what makes it not is censor. I watched Corpse Party : Misisng Footage, and on the very beginning of the first episode, all I could watch is black screen, wth.

3. Shinmai Maou no Testament

5 Censored Animes

I know the story is good, I know the fanservice is good, but I don't know what the hell is going on because the ero god's ray is in the way. Again, I don't know if these censors are applied on the blu ray, but they're hella disturbing. I stopped watching this on episode 2 after I confirmed that the series is censored.

4. Btooom

5 Censored Animes

Both gore and nudity, even thoguh they said it's only the bra, then why the hell would they censor the damn bra? I just don't get the point of all these censoring things. I know Btooom is a very awesome anime, it's just... I stopped watching this after I saw the flashback scene where the girl almost got raped, then the darkness kicked in, at the very same time I closed my browser.

5. Tokyo Ghoul

5 Censored Animes

I was very angry when I watched the censored version, especially the gore. Come on, it's just a chopped off limbs, it's not that bad. Even worse on the second season where a stab from a knife is censored, seriously, what the hell? I know a lot of kids watching the series too, and a lot of people don't like gore, but seriously, it's just gore in an anime.

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