Saturday, June 4, 2016

Beauty Contest! Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls! [ENGLISH]

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Beauty Contest for Those Waifus

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Yo, long time no post, exam's finally over and I have 3 months off. First month is Ramadhan, so regarding it, I won't post any NSFW posts in this blog.

So, that was the quick notice, for now, we'll be listing our Top 5 Most Beautiful Anime Girls. I know what you're thinking, "But they're all beautiful." right? Well guess what... "YOUR WAIFU IS A SH-"

Ehm, sorry for that interruption, now let's talk a little bit about the scoring aspects. Most score will be determined by face, the more beautiful her face, the more points she gets. Next aspect hairstyle. I'm looking for the most unique hairstyle (Twintail, out). Last aspect will be her personality. Tsundere, Dandere, Kuudere, Yandere, Deredere, Himedere, etc. Also, bonus point may be applied for some extra reason. Last note, to prevent a confusion, I'll limit the parameter to 2015 - early 2016 anime only, so I don't have to look back until BC just to find a beautiful anime girl. Okay that's enough bullsh*it, let's get to it :

5. Kosaki Onodera voiced by. Hanazawa Kana

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

I'm personally a member of the great association of #TeamChitoge, but I can't deny that Onodera is very beautiful. Her hair is not that mainstream since not that many anime girls styling the hair like Onodera's. Her personality is shy, matching her beautiful face, but because she's too shy to confess her love, it started to get irritating.

4. Hotaru Shidare voiced by. Taketatsu Ayana

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Now when I first know her VA, I was surprised. Why? Because she's the same person who voiced Azusa Nakano from K-On! But that's beside the point. Well, her hairstyle is awfully mainstream, but wait! She actually changed her hair several times in the series (Dagashi Kashi). What makes her into this list is her eyes. I love it, it's a hypnotizing eyes that has several circles, I really like it. Also, her personality is kinda otaku's personality, you know, with those snacks.

3. Teruha Andou voiced by. Akesaka Satomi

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

My reason on including her in this list, is because she looks just like Rias. Rias is my longest time favorite waifu, and then suddenly they bring in Andou, which puts me in a dillema. Despite having physical appearance like Rias's, Andou is actually kinda like the 'refined' version of Rias. She wears glasses and she has alternate personality (working in a maid cafe). The only thing I hate about her is the fact that she's an otaku, a fujoshi on top of that.

2. Nozomi Toujo voiced by. Kusuda Aina

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

Okay, wait, before you flame me because of putting her in this list, look at the Love Live! The School Idol Movie, it was released on June 2015, it still counts. I like to call her Toujo-san instead of Nozomi, I don't know why. What makes her scored second despite having a very mainstream hairstyle is her eyes. Amongst all Muse's members, Toujo-san's eyes is the most 'dead'-looked eyes. I don't know how to describe that, but her eyes just don't emmit cheerful aura like the others, it's more like despair, death, mystery, etc. I don't know. Also, I love her kansai dialect, it's really amusing.

1. Mai Kawakami voiced by. Sumire Uesaka

Top 5 Beautiful Anime Girls

You've probably expecting this since I give so many praises for Mai on the previous post. But seriously, who doesn't agree that Mai Kawakami is beautiful? She is the most beautiful character I've ever seen, or more like, the most beautiful character with beautiful marks. Those beautiful marks of her is probably doing their job very well done, to make Mai looks more beautiful. Her hairstyle is mainstream though, but she scored excellent in any other hairstyle anyway, so don't mind.

Okay, you must be thinking that I'm not doing this correctly according to scoring aspects I've created myself. You're right, no matter what the score is, these girls are the ones that are in my mind, and truly gorgeous at least to me. 

Now, don't leave yet just because your waifu is not in this list. Honestly, Onodera and Shidare is not my waifu, but I still include them because they are beautiful. I know 5 is too little to list beautiful anime girls, but this is just part 1. Anytime, soon or not I'll release another one, more like the continuation of this, so stay tuned.

Images from

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