Saturday, June 18, 2016


Anime Review : Ano Natsu de Matteru

Ano Natsu de Matteru

Ano Natsu de Matteru

Ano Natsu de Matteru
Ano Natsu de Matteru (2012) by JC Staff. I hate this series. I fucking hate this series... I don't know why, I just don't want to remember anything. I hate everything that're related to this series. Remembering it just hurting my chest. I can't, I simply just can't... I know it would end like that, I know very well from the very fucking beginning it would end like that! But I just got fooled by the flow of the story and when I came to I was hoping for things to end the other way around, and that makes my heart really hurts once the series ended. I can't do this, I don't want to remember anything, I don't want to cry anymore, I was holding down tears, keep denying as the ending ost played in the background, and the epilogue showed. I know she's back, she'c back, right? But at least tell me she's back! Show me that she's back! Let me see them together like in the previous episode! Don't just left with a glimpse of clue that she's back! I hate this! I can't do proper review like this, ugh...
Overall score :  4 / 4 Thumbs.

Character Review

Ano Natsu de MatteruKaito Kirishima, voiced by Shimazaki Nobunaga. He's a main character and  a lot of girls loved him, but  he gently turned one by one down and going out with Ichika. Only to find out later that Ichika will leave him suffering. Score : A.

Ano Natsu de MatteruIchika Takatsuki, voiced by Tomatsu Haruka. I recognized her voice from the first time, and decided to take a liking to her. But she easily give up, she give up on her dreams, she give up on her love, she did what she thought was right, but it just hurting him, and me. Score : A.

Ano Natsu de MatteruKanna Tanigawa, voiced by Ishihara Kaori. She's the poor one, she didn't get anything at all in the end, even after Ichika left. But she pushed Ichika to confess, ignoring her own feeling, that's something rarely happen in a triangle love anime relationship. Score : A.

Ano Natsu de MatteruTetsurou Ishigaki, voiced by Ogihara Hideki. He's a bro who can't live up to his own advices. Score : A-.

Ano Natsu de MatteruMio Kitahara, voiced by Asumi Kana. She's a nudist, I knew it since the second time I saw her talking on phone naked in her room. At first I though she was just changing after bath, so I don't really mind, but the second time, I guessed "What the hell is wrong with her? Is she a nudist?" and then she confirmed it later. She's considered as lucky for her to be together with the one she loves. Score : A.

Ano Natsu de MatteruRemon Yamano, voiced by Tamura Yukari. She's my favorite character, the funny one, the badass one, the know it all one, everything. She's my only reason to laugh at the ending, despite I was holding down tears. I don't want to spoil who she is, go watch the series by yourself, and cry. Also, her laugh is just the besst laugh I've ever seen. Score : S.

I'm sorry I couldn't do a proper review for this. As I said, this is the record breaker, I gave the series a full score, and a character an S rank, the highest one, and the only one so far. The series is not bad, it's just I still can't settle my feelings. I watched Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki kun right after I finished crying to heal my heart, but it didn't work. I just can't get this series off my mind, I want to forget this, I want to forget everything, that's why I'm doing the review early even though I'm still hurt.

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