Monday, June 13, 2016

Shipfu Poi~ [ENGLISH]

Intion Top 5 Shipfus (Polygamy Edition)

Top 5 KanColle's Shipfus


Yo, for the past month, Hitler had been brainwashing me. He wont shut up about Bismarck and Prinz Eugen and keep whispering their names in my brain. Okay! Okay! I get it Hitler, you want me to join the Kriegsmarine? Okay! But seriously, Kriegsmarine is dead, so did Bismarck and Prinz Eugen. So the least thing I could do is to adopt them as my shipfu (sub class of waifu). Now, I still am not able to play KanColle on browser because the servers are full, and when they're not, my IP detected, and I wont use any proxy because my PC is already too slow to proceed even only a browser with one tab. Adding a VPN will only hurts more. That's why I watched KanColle the anime, which I will make the review later.

Here's the rules. The shipfus listed are only those who are shown in the anime series. For the rest of the fleet that didn't make it to the anime, I'll add you girls later, but for now, the anime only. I judged the shipfus by the non-mainstreamness (?) of their physical appearance, the uniqueness of their way of talking, and how great they are in the actual sea, the actual battleship.

I hope you understand my poor english, let's get to it :

1. Destroyer SHIMAKAZE

ShipfuRight from the start, quite accelerating aren't we? Well, Shimakaze is the second KanColle character I know (the first was Nagato and she wont be here). Shimakaze, amongst the other Destroyer type ship girls is the only one in Shimakaze class and the only one with a special physical appearance, also the only one who has minions to assist her in battle. The name 'Shimakaze' means Island (Shima) and Wind (Kaze).

2. Destroyer YUUDACHI

ShipfuThe most obvious reason for me to add Yuudachi in this list is because of her unique 'Poi~' addition in every single sentences. Which at some point of the series kinda annoy me. What I like about Yuudachi is the fact that she fought in battle of Tarakan and Java sea, which is here, in Indonesia, though very far away from the place where I live. Yuudachi is the 4th ship of the Shiratsuyu class destroyer. Her name 'Yuudachi' means Evening Squall).

3. Battleship YAMATO

Now this is actually my favorite, Yamato-class battleship is known as the heaviest battleship ever built, at least in world war II. Too bad her sister (Musashi) didn't make it to the anime series. If she did, number 3 & 4 would likely to be conquered by this sibling. As for her physicaly appearance, Yamato is not very different compared to Nagato, but she always bring along a traditional umbrella or something when she's fully equipped. Just like they said in the anime, Yamato is the strongest battleship in history, but I actually kinda disappointed that Yamato didn't show her full potential both in the anime series and in real life battle history. Yamato is the only battleship that could mount 46 cm naval gun, and those are bigger than Nagato's 41 cm. Yamato's named after the Yamato province. She was kept secret from the world so that no ccountry could build a more powerful ship, and even US still had the wrong information about Yamato until the end of WW II.

4. Battleship KONGOU

ShipfuYaay, hahaha. I don't know why but I always so happy if I remember the name Kongou, and how silly she is. Battleship Kongou was built in england, but then bought by IJN, and they built her sisters, Hiei, Haruna, and Kirishima. The Kongou sisters definitely deserve a place in this list, yes, four of them since they're all hilarious, and Kongo herself fought in a lot of major naval actions. Man, Japanese Navy was third best in the world during WW II (The first was Royal Navy, second was US Navy). As for now, US Navy take the lead. I really like Kongou's messed up Japanese, from the first time I heard her voice, I already guessed the VA is the same person as one of my waifu, Karen Kujo. Their messed up Japanese is very unique, legit, I really love it, it's funny, it makes me laugh. Kongou's named after the Mount Kongo, means (Indestructible).

5. Heavy Cruiser ATAGO

ShipfuHeheh, bet you didn't expect this, but YES! I love Atago! I forgot when I met her, but I know I've loved her since then. She has the same seiyuu as Kongou and Karen, and also, I forgot to mention, that their seiyuu (Touyama Nao) is also voiced Chitoge, and I'm a proud member of #TeamChitoge. She was the second in Takaou class heavy cruiser, means the younger sister of Takao. Some points I love from her is (doesn't have anything to do with the actual ship) her big boobs, her cute face despite being a tall ass girl. She didn't fought that many major battle, and was sunk by US Navy's submarine (sad). Atago was named after Mount Atago. Her physical appearance is also not that special since she has a sisters. Actually, Maya and Chokai has a more unique appearance compared to Atago, but she didn't show up in the anime, and Takao's hair is too boring.

So that was Intion's Top 5 Shipfus, how do you like it? Maybe there's false fact that I wrote? Please tell me in the comment. Also, I'd like to mention the reason why I didn't put Special Type Destroyer Fubuki and Battleship Dreadnought Nagato. It's actually simple, I don't like Fubuki, she's too mainstream as a main character, very cheerful and high spirit, high hope, etc. As for Nagato, she's like being almighty in the anime series. Although Yamato was the strongest battleship in history, and even Yamato mounts a bigger gun than her, but still Nagato gets all the spotlight (dammit).

Images from and wiki

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