Saturday, October 28, 2017


Top 5 Tsurezure Children Best Girl

Tsurezure Children

tsurezure children best girl

What's up? I'm back from the dead, and I'll tell you how did I go back from being dead.

The answer is one series. Tsuredure Children. This series is a savior above Jesus for me. The first time I saw the manga series, I actually saw an angel descending from the sky... tears flowing down my cheek when I read the stories of idle teenagers. Its just simply beautiful.

But that's the story for another day, this is not a review, this is a top 5 and as we all now, Tsuredure Children consists of many many young couples in the series. That means there's a lot of girls and waifu material in that series. As per usual rules since Nisekoi, we have to vote for the best grill in the series and here we go :

Kaji Ryouko

5. Ryouko Kaji

'Sup? Your waifu got last? Well thats normal since Ryouko is basically just your typical tsundere girl in a romance anime. However, Masafumi is the one who actually brings her score up by spicing their relationship. Although I wont deny that she is cute, but she's flat and again, you can find tsundere anywhere in the anime universe.

4. Fuyumi Toda

She's actually on par with the #1 position, she has a unique personality and that's being very dry like a dried fish. Its just so funny seeing this awkward couple doing couple stuffs, and its very sweet seeing she's for once actually being lovey dovey like that one time in the manga.

Minagawa Yuki

3. Yuki Minagawa

Being on the attack, Minagawa is a girl who loves to play around with Furuya's feeling. However being a man he is, he returned her feelings and started going out. They're really cute and Minagawa is a good example of a female attacker in a romance series. She did play around but she has a good "pull out" sense to make Furuya admitted his feelings.


2. Patricia Caulfield

Patricia is an airhead. She act by her nature. The author even described her with "her thought process is a mystery". She is an exchange student from America, and everything she's done is just simply funny cause they're spontaneous and stupid. One thing for sure though, she has huge boobs and those are admired by basically every female in the series. Another thing is that her 'sushi' thingy. Do you know what 'sushi' actually means for Patty? comment below (please).

Kamine Ayaka

1. Ayaka Kamine

Kamine is simply cute, beautiful, and every single word to describe perfection. She actually very similar to my real life girlfriend. She's very doting towards Gouda, like a spoiled child she is, never back down asking to held hands, hug, kiss, ask Gouda to come over to her room during field trip, and so on. You can see that she really loves Gouda from the bottom for her heart. Gouda on the other hand, also a man-at-arms and never back down on being lovey dovey with Kamine.

Overall, this are Intion's top 5 best grill in Tsurezure Children. Tell us about your best grills in the comment below. If you like this post, you might also like Top 5 Kancolle Shipfus!

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