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Showing posts with label Overwatch Copy. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Top 5 Paladins Champions Who Don't Require Skill

Paladins Champions for Beginners

Easy to Play Champions


Paladins Champion


Okay so before you're flaming on me, I will admit it that the title is obviously a clickbait. I am currently studying the art of clickbaiting to gain more views. Don't worry, I will put boobs on the thumbnail as well.

So hold your horses, I did say that these champions don't need skill to play with, but what I actually mean is that these champions are perfect for beginners to master before trying out other champions.

First thing first, I love Paladins, and I've been playing it for like, 3 weeks now. If for some reason you want to see my noobness in the game, go and add Axahito as your friend.

Now let's get into the list

1. Tyra


Tyra Paladins


Don't flame me because I put your bae on the list, the first one on top of that. The reason is, Tyra really one easy champion to play with. Her Q skill throws a freakin molotov and create a puddle of fire that every enemy will try to avoid. This is perfect for beginners who just log on to Paladins  by Hi-Rez. Her F is basically a tank killer which is again, good for beginners. The only downside she has is the fact that she doesn't have any movement skill execpt for her ultimate skill which gives her 40% attack and movement speed, also her rifle will not consume ammo. All you have to do is just pick one nice and comfy spot, then start throwing nades and molotov from that spot. If you're playing in casual mode at least, I'm pretty sure the enemy team won't bother killing you as Tyra cause they don't care. It's just the matter of how good you're to utilize your enemy's ignorance.

Now you may disagree with me, but whatever man, it's my opinion, and of course you have your own opinion as well.

2. Ruckus


Ruckus Paladins


"What?? But Ruckus requires skill to play! Skill to use a good timing for shield, skill to jump around, skill-bla,blabla...."

Okay, I get it. But there's one thing that makes it really easy to use Ruckus. No need to aim. Ruckus has big guns, especially his ulti. With those guns it doesn't even matter wether you're aiming on one enemy or multiple enemies cause you don't have to worry about ammo and stuff. You do need to have a good timing skill to time Ruckus's shield though. Also, Ruckus is good for beginners to learn roles of the game. Like front line, support, flank, etc. With Ruckus, either themselves or their teammates will force them to stay on the point and doing his job.

3. Viktor


Viktor Paladins


Now who doesn't know this guy? You've seen him in the tutorial so it doesn't even matter anymore, you already know how to play him. Viktor is also typical classic soldier you usually play in games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, it should be difficult to go wrong with Viktor.

4. Skye


Skye Paladins


Now if you know me you know that Skye is my bae. I do love Skye, and mainly because her physical appearance.Skye is easy to play and you will be able to kill a lot if you know your role. If you're playing on casual mode, it should be fine using Skye, just play around with your right click and your F, you should be fine. The problem with beginners is they tend to play Skye in the front line. That's completely wrong, unless you are the only one alive in your team and really need to hold the point from the enemy team. But if that's not the situation, then you should go to the back line of the enemy's team and kill their damage dealers.

Kinessa should be your primary target since she's easy to kill and could be dangerous if you let her alive. Other targets should be Viktor, Tyra, theis healers, flankers and finally tanks. Those go in order.

Also, as Skye, when you're invisible, don't try to fight a fight that you can't win. Sometimes maybe you ran into someone while invis-ing to the back line of enemy's team, and they start shooting at you. Depending on who you're facing, but I suggest just stay away. Skye's invis wont gone unless you attack or the duration ends, so it will take a second for you to go invis again after whoever ran into you saw you.

5. Torvald


Torvald Paladins


Two reasons. One, "wait for my ulti.", and two "I don't know who else to add."

So yeah, those are 5 champions that are easy to play with and recommended for beginners in Paladins. I'm not saying that these champions are shit, or should be nerf-ed or something like that, no. They exist to help beginners getting into the game getting familiar to Paladins meta or some shit. These champions are easy to play, IMHO, but maybe not for you. So leave a comment who's the easiest champion to play, and share this post to your newbie Paladins friend.

*Note : Skye is bae