Showing posts with label Gaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaming. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Honkai Impact 3 Review

Game Review : Honkai Impact 3 SEA

Honkai Impact 3

Halo gaes, sudah lama sekali gua nggak posting game review di Intion ini. Game terakhir yang gua review kalo nggak salah yaitu Hunie Pop, bagi yang belum baca silakhan klik di sini (review in english).

Sekarang gua mau review game yang nggak kalah "Sexist". Well, meskipun nggak semesum Hunie Pop, Honkai Impact 3 yang baru release server SEA (South East Asia and completely not China! yet) beberapa minggu lalu juga punya poin-poin sebesar dada Jessie yang akan kita bahas di post ini.

Sejak awal announcement mengenai game ini, gua langsung samber pre registrasi dan mulai bisa main satu hari setelah hari release. Baru satu hari, orang-orang yang banyak migrasi dari server-server pendahulu sudah berada di atas. Duduk di tahta top player. Nggak sedikit juga yang sudah pakai karakter kelas A, atau bahkan S walaupun baru satu, dua hari release.

Salah satu trik yang gua pelajari dari orang-orang hardcore ini untuk dapet "head start" yaitu dengan reroll gacha. Pertama-tama, login dengan akun guest, jangan pakai akun facebook. Main story, ikutin tutorialnya (tutorial game mobile itu super nyebelin, super babysitting) sampai poin kita diizinkan untuk mengadu nasib (gacha). Gacha pertama, kita diberikan tiket gratis, dan karena kita sudah menyelesaikan beberapa story dungeon, ada beberapa achievements berhadiah crystal yang bisa kita claim. Menggunakan tiket gratis dan suntikkan crystal di awal, orang-orang hardcore ini melakukan gacha sambil berdo'a. Begitu mendapat karakter yang diinginkan, silakhan bind akunnya ke akun facebook. Kalau belum, silakhan logout, dan login lagi sebagai guest, dan ulang lagi proses sebelumnya. Selamat mengulang.

Masuk ke reviewnya, overall score untuk Honkai Impact 3, sebagai mobile game, gua berikan score 3.6 / 4 Thumbs. Mengingat score google play juga masih tinggi.

Honkai Impact 3

Beberapa poin yang ingin gua bahas yaitu :

Honkai Impact 3

Karakter yang diperkenalkan di sini cukup menarik. Tipikal harem seperti biasa, yaitu semua karakter perempuan punya spesifikasi masing-masing (Tsundere, Kuudere, Deredere, dll.). Karakter favorit gua yaitu Mei Raiden, khususnya Lightning Empress. Bukan cuma sekadar dere dere nya aja, tapi setiap karakter juga berbeda fighting style nya. Contoh, pertama kita akan diperkenalkan pada Kiana Kaslana, yaitu cewek tsundere pengguna dual pistol tapi pistolnya nggak dipake sama sekali. Kedua kita akan dikenalkan dengan Mei, yaitu ninja yang gerakannya superswift. Tergantung selera masing-masing player, karakter favorit setiap orang bisa berbeda-beda.

Honkai Impact 3

Dungeon yang dibagi jadi tiga, dungeon Extra, Story, dan Event. Masih dibagi lagi jadi dungeon co op dan singleplayer. Pembagian begini jadi lebih mudah untuk navigasi, jadi ketika kita mau main dungeon, semua sudah dikelompokkan dalam kategori "Attack". Ada beberapa game mobile yang dungeonnya terpisah satu sama lain, jadi untuk yang belum paham mesti bingung navigasinya.

Honkai Impact 3

Co op, fitur co op yang dihadirkan dalam game ini bisa jadi ajang pamer karakter. Di fitur ini juga gua ketemu orang-orang yang sudah bergelimang karakter kelas A dan S. Kekurangan di fitur ini yaitu nggak ada chat, jadi agak sulit untuk komunikasi satu sama lain, terutama soal komposisi tim yang cuma terdiri dari 3 orang. Kekurangan lainnya menurut gua yaitu access limit nya. Untuk bisa main co op kita harus punya entry pass yang dijatah per hari, dan itu gua rasa akan menghilangkan 'replay value' untuk akun-akun yang sudah bersandar di puncak rantai makanan.

Honkai Impact 3

Interactive menu dengan segala animasinya, dan terutama karakter yang memberikan respon ketika kita sentuh, dan respon yang diberikan berbeda untuk setiap bagian tubuh yang disentuh dan tingkat love nya. Ketika stamina habis, koin habis, dan crystal habis untuk berjudi, kita bisa menghibur diri dengan menyentuh karakter di bagian-bagian yang tidak akan pernah bisa kita sentuh di dunia nyata(?).

Honkai Impact 3

Base, di dalam game ada yang namanya base, fungsinya untuk memeberikan kita penghasilan koin pasif, dan tentu ada juga adventure dimana kita bisa assign karakter-karakter yang nggak dipakai di tim utama untuk pergi mencari resources. Satu hal yang gua bingung, di sini ada option untuk give like, atau commend base orang lain. Masalahnya, base orang dan base kita nggak ada bedanya(?) cuma berbeda level saja, selain itu semua kurang lebih sama persis. Gua nggak tau kalau di server lainnya yang sudah lebih advanced, mungkin ada fitur untuk mendekorasi base? Jadi kita punya alasan solid untuk like base orang lain.

Honkai Impact 3

Screenshot yang masih kurang banget kualitasnya. Game fast paced begini memang susah kalau kita mau ambil screenshot pas momen-momen yang mantap. Contoh kita baru ngekill satu musuh dan Mei Raiden membuat pose yang sangat keren gua pengen pamer ke facebook, tapi sayangnya kualitas screenshotnya masih kurang bagus. Gua punya beberapa contoh screenshot ketika lagi di dungeon, masalahnya di sini yaitu nggak ada fitur zoom in, atau semacamnya jadi bisa lebih jelas kelihatan karakternya.

Honkai Impact 3

Armada, game online tentu nggak komplit tanpa fitur guild, clan, squad, atau apa lah namanya yang fungsinya mengumpulkan beberapa player dalam satu grup. Fungsi aramada di sini, kita bisa unlock armada shop, ada juga hangaar untuk boss invasion bersama rekan seperjuangan, commission untuk reward-reward kecil, dan treasury untuk request item yang kita perlu ke member lain. Selain itu gua masih belum menemukan fungsi lain. Mungkin bisa ditambah fitu seperti Armada skill? Jadi join dengan satu armada bisa memberikan keuntungan yang signifikan selain sekadar reward berupa materi.

Terakhir, berhubung gua juga main Honkai Impact, dan sedang panas-panasnya, akan sangat menyenangkan jika ada temennya. Kebetulan armada gua, Kunoichi sedang ada lowongan kosong, butuh player yang aktif. Level nggak masalah, yang penting aktif, jadi seeU in game.

Kalo lu suka main game mobile, mungkin lu bakal suka game satu ini.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Top 5 Paladins Champions Who Don't Require Skill

Paladins Champions for Beginners

Easy to Play Champions


Paladins Champion


Okay so before you're flaming on me, I will admit it that the title is obviously a clickbait. I am currently studying the art of clickbaiting to gain more views. Don't worry, I will put boobs on the thumbnail as well.

So hold your horses, I did say that these champions don't need skill to play with, but what I actually mean is that these champions are perfect for beginners to master before trying out other champions.

First thing first, I love Paladins, and I've been playing it for like, 3 weeks now. If for some reason you want to see my noobness in the game, go and add Axahito as your friend.

Now let's get into the list

1. Tyra


Tyra Paladins


Don't flame me because I put your bae on the list, the first one on top of that. The reason is, Tyra really one easy champion to play with. Her Q skill throws a freakin molotov and create a puddle of fire that every enemy will try to avoid. This is perfect for beginners who just log on to Paladins  by Hi-Rez. Her F is basically a tank killer which is again, good for beginners. The only downside she has is the fact that she doesn't have any movement skill execpt for her ultimate skill which gives her 40% attack and movement speed, also her rifle will not consume ammo. All you have to do is just pick one nice and comfy spot, then start throwing nades and molotov from that spot. If you're playing in casual mode at least, I'm pretty sure the enemy team won't bother killing you as Tyra cause they don't care. It's just the matter of how good you're to utilize your enemy's ignorance.

Now you may disagree with me, but whatever man, it's my opinion, and of course you have your own opinion as well.

2. Ruckus


Ruckus Paladins


"What?? But Ruckus requires skill to play! Skill to use a good timing for shield, skill to jump around, skill-bla,blabla...."

Okay, I get it. But there's one thing that makes it really easy to use Ruckus. No need to aim. Ruckus has big guns, especially his ulti. With those guns it doesn't even matter wether you're aiming on one enemy or multiple enemies cause you don't have to worry about ammo and stuff. You do need to have a good timing skill to time Ruckus's shield though. Also, Ruckus is good for beginners to learn roles of the game. Like front line, support, flank, etc. With Ruckus, either themselves or their teammates will force them to stay on the point and doing his job.

3. Viktor


Viktor Paladins


Now who doesn't know this guy? You've seen him in the tutorial so it doesn't even matter anymore, you already know how to play him. Viktor is also typical classic soldier you usually play in games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, it should be difficult to go wrong with Viktor.

4. Skye


Skye Paladins


Now if you know me you know that Skye is my bae. I do love Skye, and mainly because her physical appearance.Skye is easy to play and you will be able to kill a lot if you know your role. If you're playing on casual mode, it should be fine using Skye, just play around with your right click and your F, you should be fine. The problem with beginners is they tend to play Skye in the front line. That's completely wrong, unless you are the only one alive in your team and really need to hold the point from the enemy team. But if that's not the situation, then you should go to the back line of the enemy's team and kill their damage dealers.

Kinessa should be your primary target since she's easy to kill and could be dangerous if you let her alive. Other targets should be Viktor, Tyra, theis healers, flankers and finally tanks. Those go in order.

Also, as Skye, when you're invisible, don't try to fight a fight that you can't win. Sometimes maybe you ran into someone while invis-ing to the back line of enemy's team, and they start shooting at you. Depending on who you're facing, but I suggest just stay away. Skye's invis wont gone unless you attack or the duration ends, so it will take a second for you to go invis again after whoever ran into you saw you.

5. Torvald


Torvald Paladins


Two reasons. One, "wait for my ulti.", and two "I don't know who else to add."

So yeah, those are 5 champions that are easy to play with and recommended for beginners in Paladins. I'm not saying that these champions are shit, or should be nerf-ed or something like that, no. They exist to help beginners getting into the game getting familiar to Paladins meta or some shit. These champions are easy to play, IMHO, but maybe not for you. So leave a comment who's the easiest champion to play, and share this post to your newbie Paladins friend.

*Note : Skye is bae

Monday, February 6, 2017


Judul Clickbait




Hmmm... berapa lama? sekitar 6 bulan ngga nyentuh ini blog sama sekali dan jangan tanya.

Tahun 2016 gua nobatkan sebagai tahun penuh hype. Kenapa begitu? Dimulai dari No Man's Sky, Pokemon GO, Re Zero, dan lain-lain yang bikin gua ENEG banget liat timeline facebook.

Orang mudah sekali kena virus hype, dan sebagai orang yang anti mainstream gua benci sekali dengan hype, karena itu post ini kita bahas tentang Hype dan bullshit yang terjadi sepanjang gua menghilang.

No Man's Sky


no man's sky

Mungkin lebih cocok disebut "No Man's Game". Sejak trailernya dilihat banyak orang, umat manusia langsung mengelu-elukan game space adventure exploration survival satu ini. Dengan bangganya mempersembahkan quantiliun planet yang dapat dijelajahi di sepanjang game, mereka membangkitkan semangat umat mainstream manusia di bumi.

Hal yang paling gua senang adalah ketika NMS jatuh, yaitu pas dia release. Nggak lama setelah rilis, orang-orang mulai merasakan kejanggalan. Mana multiplayernya? Alah BT banget nunggu pesawat sampe tujuan, lah kok planetnya gitu-gitu aja si??

Ketika orang pada keheranan, gua ketawa, mampus lu, satu hype telah gugur dan gagal menimbulkan kesan di hati umat manusia.


"Is this easy mode??" "Nerf this!"
Tau itu catchphrase siapa? oya, itu perempuan di bawah umur yang terjun ke medan perang.

Overwatch sudah mengecewakan gua sejak Blizzard bilang itu berbayar, tapi itu cuma sebagian. Satu karakter tertentu yang bahkan jauh hari sebelum release sudah banyak yang ngidolin. Dva.

Gua ngikutin banyak, banyak banyak banyak cosplayer. Bukan stalking, cuma pengen keep updated aja (jangan tanya). Gua ngga ngitung, tapi yakin sedikitnya ada ratusan cosplayer yang sudah cosplay Dva jauh sebelum Overwatch release.

Ini bullshit, karena mereka cuma cosplay satu karakter tertentu, dan taulah seperti apa cosplayer yang masih merasa dirinya fanpage kecil.

Masalahnya bukan karena gua ngga suka Dva, tapi sebenarnya gua ngga yakin cosplayer-cosplayer itu bahkan mainin Dva. Maksudnya gini, setau gua cosplay itu baiknya kita kenal karakter yang kita perankan, bukan sekadar ngikut hype kemudian inovasi sedikit (contoh: Dva pake pakaian dalam, Dva pake baju renang, Dva ngga pake baju, Dva...).

Gua ingat di BBM suka ada akun-akun palsu yang nawarin foto dan video porno kalo kita beliin dia pulsa. Biasanya dia bakal pasang profil yang menggugah, pelan-pelan makin kebuka fotonya dsbg. Dari cosplayer-cosplayer yang gua lihat ini, rasanya ngga ada bedanya. "if you want the uncensored version, follow me on patreon." dan sebagainya.

Gua bukan menghina cosplayer, tapi gua mengingatkan aja supaya cosplaynya ngga sekadar bullshit, apalagi cuma jadi bahan fap fap orang.

Pokemon GO

pokemon go
Oya, setelah ngomong agak vulgar tadi kita beralih ke old school. Game dengan teknologi Augmented Reality yang mutakhir, game yang disambut oleh semua kalangan masyarakat dari berbagai usia, Pokemon GO!!!!!1!11

Hadeh, game ini sempet ngehype, dan gila, 6.999.999.999 manusia di bumi mainin game itu (kecuali gua), ngga peduli apa dia tau apa itu pokemon atau ngga. Kebanyakan cuma ikutan hype, dan sampe-sampe menggempar dunia.

Hebatnya lagi, game ini cuma bertahan sekitar 2-3 bulan dan orang-orang kembali ke overwatch dan sun n moon, jadi syukurlah.

Re Zero Bla Bla Bla

re: zero kara hajimaru
Beralih ke anime, gua kecewa sekali dengan ketidakkreatifan penulis-penulis light novel dan fans-fans di Jepang. Pertama, penulis seolah berpikir kalau judul yang puaaaaaaaannnjaaaaanng itu bakal laku, dan kalo genre harem dengan sedikit oppai bakal menarik penggemar dan kenyataannya, benar. Kedua gua kecewa sekali dengan fans di Jepang karena penulis dan produser ngga akan menciptakan kisah-kisah oppai dan harem itu kalo bukan karena itu permintaan fansnya. Perlu diketahui, pasar yang mereka jadikan rujukan adalah pasar di Jepang karena... Jepang.

Khusus Re Zero Bla Bla Bla, bahkan sebelum selesai tayang ribuan cosplayer berbondong-bondong berpose sebagai Emilia, Rem, Ram, Processor, VGA, dsbg. untuk memuaskan hasrat para wibu. Kasus ini mengingatkan gua pada satu waifu yang tidak perlu disebutkan namanya. "Oh, udah banyak yang cosplay Emilia? Oke kita inovasi sedikit, Emilia pake bikini!!!" dan terus, terus, terus, terus.

Re Zero Bla Bla Bla ini buanyak banget yang suka, semua orang bilang itu anime bagus, berkualitas, bla bla bla... hadeh. Hype, sekali lagi itu cuma arus sungai hype yang luar biasa kenceng.

Kimi no Na wa

kimi no na wa
Kimi no Na wa bagus, dan ngga sekadar bullshit, dan gua belum nonton. Gua tanya ke temen gua "ini akhirnya dia orang pacaran ngga?" dia bilang "ngga" dan gua jadi males mau liat.

Kimi no Na wa juga membawa weeb dari yang kacangan sampe yang batangan bersatu untuk memuja penulisnya. Seolah anime yang turun dari langit, 6.999.999.999 manusia di bumi memujanya (kecuali gua). Karena hype yang deras sekali, gua jadi males mau nonton. Ibarat kita mau nonton star wars, kemudian sudah banyak orang yang nonton dan seseorang ceritain ke lu isi filmnya.

Oke jadi itu semua uneg-uneg hype gua. Sebagian mungkin ngga bisa dikategorikan sebagai hype, tapi gua ngga tau apa namanya jadi gua masukin aja.

Judul clickbait? Oh ya, itu buat clickbait aja, namanya aja clickbait.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

How to : Make a Dating Simulator Interesting [ENGLISH]

Game Review : HuniePop

HuniePop Review


HuniePop (2015) is a dating simulator. But unlike common dating sim which usually took the form of Visual Novel, HuniePop, on the other hand is a puzzle games, with tits. So this is an eroge, I hope you guys already above 18, otherwise I must ask you to leave.


HuniePop, an amazing dating sim, because there's not much to read, and it has a gameplay.

HuniePopThe Rewards the player will be getting after completing a puzzle challenge which getting harder everytime (literally) are really promising, especially for boys. Boys will not ressist some titties, and they;ll work hard for it, and that's what the developer used as their advantage on selling this game. Titties are the best selling point for boys target costumer, the gameplay is actually very classic, combined with dating sim elements, but with boobs on the table, we're on.

Secrets, you might think you're already at a class of a playboy once you conquered all the girls. But, it's not the end yet. The story continues, just when you finished banging the last girl, the new one will come, and so on until total 12 girls. So prepare your tissue for this one.

Difficulty is getting harder (as well as your thing) as you progress through the game. This will make you work harder to get those promised titties, if only companies used this method to motivate their workers, I'm pretty sure the world will be a better place :P

Voice Acting in this game is awesome, every dialogue is fully voiced by somewhat sexy voice. On normal dating sim, usually only several dialogue containing the main story line that's voiced by the VA, but in HuniePop's case, feel that various sexy to cute voices of those girls.

Art, this game's not using Unreal Engine 4 latest graphic, but that's my point. The art in this game is simple, just anime style arts and simple interface, no need such a graphic and jiggle physics to bring in costumers. This might become an advice for game developers, especially mobile games. Just simplify your game's graphic and art, buat make the gameplay, story, characters interesting.

Characters in HuniePop have their own personalities. It helps you pick who's the one you like most and make her your first. The characters dialogue also interesting, though they'll be repeating the same dialogue once you've heard evach of their dialogue, but there're 12 girls, 12 different set of dialogues will keep you occupied for an amount of time.

HuniePopA little tips from Intion for when you're reaching the end of the game and feels like this shit is just impossible, don't worry, I got it covered. Even if  you're already beat the whole game, and just in case you have a free time and want to see them ol' anime titties while doing your thing with tissue, this tips might become useful. Okay, this is an item build for your late game dates, because it will so much harder compared to the earlier ones. First, you have to fill up your date gifts with Bell / Joy items, cause they'll expand your chance to accumulate points. Second, you may want to fill them with some Passion items, the higher the passion, the higher points you'll get for each pair. Last one is probably an item (optional) that adds whichever trait the girl you're dating prevers, if it's Talent, then use talent item, and when you're dating other girl, change it with the one they prefer.


I guess that's all I have for HuniePop, overall this is a very awesome game that will took your time is you're alone at home. I'm strongly not recommending this to girls. The weakness of this game I think is the items are too limited and keep looping non stop. That might help players who accidentaly skipped a good item, but for some other players, it's just the same item again and again. Score from Intion for HuniePop : 3 / 4 Thumbs.

Images from steam

Friday, May 20, 2016

Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]

Dead Space 2 Review [ENGLISH]

Game Review : Dead Space 2 

Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]

Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]Just finished Dead Space 2, it's a very very intense game. Dead Space 2 (2011), a horror, action, thirdperson, RPG scored 2 / 4 Thumbs from Intion.

Actually, this is my first time playing a horror game. And I really felt the tension. Dead Space 2, from the gameplay, it was fun, and no wonder since there are a lot of weapons to choose. What makes it better, is that the weapons are 'futuristic' model and that's cooler compared to normal weapons. Plus, badass armors make this game really really cool.

The horror touch is OK. I can't say it's bad, but maybe not maximized for horror category since there are still many horror games that's more scary than Dead Space. 15 Chapters, every chapter's duration is pretty long, especially if you don't use YOLO mode when playing.

For you guys who haven't play yet, DO NOT get fooled by chapter one. Chapter 1 - 7 is very very very easy. Maybe you won't even use any health kid. But after that, the difficulty is like increased drastically. So many new hard to kill monsters. So don't be too cocky on the beginning.

Play with strategy, there are a lot of weapons to use in game, Plasma Cutter, Line gun, Pulse Rifle, Contact Beam, Seeker Rifle, Javelin, Ripper, Flamethrower, Force gun, and Detonator. 

Plasma Cutter, this is like the best weapon in the game, moreover if you have fully upgrade it. The damage it produces is pretty good, maybe mid - high. Compared to Pulse Rifle, this weapon is better for 1 vs 1 fight.

Pulse Rifle, this one is for 1 vs Infinity. Like alien babies who's never coming alone, they always bring their schoolmate, they're a good target for Pulse Rifle. Firespeed is fast, and the capacity is enough to kill a horde of enemies.

Seeker Rifle, also good for 1 vs 1, but the respond is slower than Plasma Cutter. The damage it produces is very high.
Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]
Line Gun, also good for 1 vs Infinity, BUT the reload speed is very slow, the capacity is small, and it's difficult to shoot it effectively. But it's special feature is pretty good.

Contact Beam, this is very good to save up stasis. The special feature is that we can stasis enemies around, very good for ganged up attack.

That was weapons that are useful for Dead Space 2 in Intion's opinion (actually I haven;t tried the rest). Back to difficulty, this game is really hard without cheats, trainer, etc. But there's one key for Dead Space 2, MONEY IS EVERYTHING. In Resident Evil series, we can't buy ammo, but in Dead Space, ammos are sold at the store for cheap price! This ease the gameplay, but also balanced by new enemies that are become stronger in every chapter.

Overall, Dead Space 2 is good.

For you who're interested in Dead Space 2, check the System Requirement here

Images from ea,com

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters [ENGLISH]

Hottest Female Characters from Video Games.

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

It's been a long time since the last time I posted in english. Well, I rarely have time to post though. I've been playing video games, especially on PC since I was 4. And I've been marrying fictional characters including video games and anime characters since I was 12. But I can't marry them all of course. So I decided to pick 5 best female characters from video games.

Note : I put the pictures of cosplay of the characters, so it will looks realistic and hot.

5. Lara Croft

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Lara Croft isn't designed for fanservice purpose, but she has a point in that subject. Well, maybe you would throw up, or you may think I'm crazy if I chose Lara as my hottest female characters candidate, but you won't if you have played Tomb Raider Reboot 2013. Have you played that game? If you haven't, check the review, if you have, check out my other review.

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 2013 has more pixels on her boobs, which make her boobs looks more realistic compared to triangle boobs on 1996.

4. Rogue

Hot 5 Female Video Game CharactersHot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Rogue from Deadpool, she is pretty hot. But unfortunately, she got too short screen time. Well, it's Deadpool's game after all. She's hot, both in the game or movie, but I don't think so for the comics, she looks more badass insted of hot in the comics, and that's out of my topic right now.

3. Psylocke

Hot 5 Female Video Game CharactersHot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Also from Deadpool, Psylocke is one of the villain that we have to fight as a boss in the game. She's 1 point hotter than rogue though, and it's because her suit of course. But again, Psylocke has short duration to show off her boobs in the game, pretty much the same duration as Rogue. But not just in game, Psylocke looks even more beautiful in real life, also in the comic books.

2. Sims that you created in SIMS 3&4

Hot 5 Female Video Game CharactersHot 5 Female Video Game CharactersSims that you created in The Sims 3&4, why? Because of course, it has to be at least one or two female sims that you made it very hot so you could fap while seeing here taking bath with no mosaic mod. Just kidding, but seriously, it has to be at least one hot female sim in the entire town. If there's no hot female sims in town, what's the purpose of no mosaic mod?

1. Morrigan Aensland

Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters

Who do you think will be number one? Of course, the one on the background, Morrigan Aensland, originally from Darkstalker series, but looks hot in Marvel vs Capcom, I mean seriously, who the hell wants to see a almost naked succubus wearing a tight spandex in only 64 pixels? The boobs wont be
Hot 5 Female Video Game Characters
popping out like 3D version, but still, as long as it's Morrigan, she will be hot. I can say, Morrigan beauty is more exposed outside the original game, because the game itself doesn't have a clear storyline. Morrigan does have a background story, but she doesn't have an in game story, something like storyline in game, and her role on that game. I wish Morrigan will have her own game for PC, and it has to be improved like how Lara Croft got her plastic surgery.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 : Cutscene 10x Lebih Jelek daripada Gameplay

Game Review : Sniper Ghost Warrior 2

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Review

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 : Cutscene 10x Lebih Jelek daripada Gameplay

Nggak ada intro, Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 (2013). Gara-gara nonton film Sniper Legacy gua jadi pengen ngekill pake sniper. Ada sih Operation Flashpoint : Red River, tapi bosen Akhirnya Sniper
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 : Cutscene 10x Lebih Jelek daripada Gameplay
Ghost Warrior jadi pilihan. Dan berdasarkan faktor graphic, seperti biasa, langsung lompat. Ok, soal sniping, SGW 2 ini memang asik. Tokoh Anderson itu digambarkan tokoh yang keren sebagai sniper. Kenapa judulnya Cutscene 10x Lebih Jelek daripada Gameplay? Jelas. Karena gameplaynya first person shooter, jadi nggak terlihat wujud Anderson yang sebenarnya. Pas misi kedua kalo nggak salah, di cutscene, terlihatlah wujud Anderson yang sesungguhnya. Di cover dan di background menu iya keren, tapi kenyataan di cutscene itu ibaratkan dikebiri. Ketika main gamenya, memang akting Anderson keren banget, bayangan yang terbentuk kan Anderson ini orangnya keren. Eh begitu diliatin mukanya, malah terjadi kecacatan cutscene. Ini game tahun 2013, tapi graphic cutscenenya kalah sama Dead Space yang tahun 2008. Soal gameplay mah ya nggak usah ditanya, game FPS tentara itu nggak ada yang berbeda score gameplaynya di Intion. Storylinenya kurang matang, ibarat Anime cliffhanger. Gua malah sempet nggak nyadar kalo itu udah misi terakhir. Ah well, nggak usah basa-basi lagi, langsung aja scoring Intion untuk Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 :

Graphic Quality : 3.4/4 Thumbs (-)
Gameplay : 3.8/4 Thumbs (sniping asik)
Storyline : 3.7/4 Thumbs
Overall : 3.6/4 Thumbs (no comment)

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 : Cutscene 10x Lebih Jelek daripada Gameplay

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag : Yarr.. Jlebb

Game Review : Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Assassin's Creed IV Review

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag : Yarr.. Jlebb

Weigh-hay and up she rises, weigh-hay and up she rises, early in the morning. Awak kapal yang bernyanyi mengiringi perjalanan mengarungi lautan luas di Assassin's Creed 4 : Black Flag (2013). Nggak nyangka sebenarnya bakal main ini game, karena dari awal sebenarnya nggak ada niat untuk main, tapi karena
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag : Yarr.. Jlebb
ditawarkan teman, ya ayo deh. Dengan frame rate luar biasa payah, Black Flag bisa tamat dalam 1 minggu. Game ini prequel dari Assassin's Creed 3, yang menceritakan Haytham Kenway, anak dari Edward Kenway yang kita mainkan di Black Flag. Soal graphic, jangan ditanya, frame rate gua aja payah, sekitar 20 fps. Ini game tahun 2013, jangan main-main sama graphicnya, kalau gaming machinenya mantap, bisa settingan very high, mungkin bisa menyegarkan mata dengan pemandangan yang disuguhkan dalam game. Gameplay, untuk Assassin story nya, ya seperti biasa. Tapi Edward Kenway dengan dual wielding nya, bikin lebih asik membunuh secara brutal, ditambah 4 pistol holster yang bisa dibuat. Stealthnya nggak berubah dari Assassin's Creed sebelum-sebelumnya, begitu-begitu saja. Versi multiplayer dari AC 4 juga asik sepertinya, walaupun nggak bisa main. Gameplay Animusnya berubah, Animus bukan lagi jadi tempat yang harus kita kunjungi, itu jadi optional, bisa kita kunjungi kapan saja, walaupun memang ada beberapa kali kita ditarik dari game, dan harus menjalani cerita di "Present day". Storyline, bagus ceritanya, baik yang in game, maupun Animus. Mungkin lebih asik kalau main AC 4 dulu, baru AC 3, pasti lebih menarik, karena jadi nggak flash back, dan ceritanya bisa jadi lebih nyambung. Scoring Intion untuk Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag :

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag : Yarr.. Jlebb

Graphic Quality : 4/4 Thumbs (game tahun 2013 akhir)
Gameplay : 3.9/4 Thumbs (open world yang asik, ibaratkan GTA versi jadul)
Storyline : 3.8/4 Thumbs (prequel dari AC 3, jadi sudah jelas ceritanya tentang ayahnya Haytham)
Overall : 3.9/4 Thumbs (Nearly Perfect!!)

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag : Yarr.. Jlebb

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Far Cry 3 : Stealth Dulu, Baru Go Nuts!

Game Review : Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 Review

Far Cry 3 : Stealth Dulu, Baru Go Nuts!

And we will end your week just like a son de (sunday). Yang main Far Cry 3 pasti tau lagu yang memang jadi pengiringnya Intion ini. Far Cry 3 (2012), Open World game, bisa dibilang GTA SIMULATOR, versi kampung. Asiknya nyetir mobil, kapal, dan terbang layang itu, mantap. Stage yang diambil bisa dibilang
Far Cry 3 : Stealth Dulu, Baru Go Nuts!
sekitar daerah Indonesia, katanya di Papua New Guinea, mengingat ada beberapa bahasa Indonesia yang disebutkan dalam gamenya. Bicara masalah Gameplay, udah OK. Banyak pilihan senjata, bahkan gratis, cuma dengan nyalain tower. Kita diberi pilihan bermain, bisa stealth, bisa YOLO, tergantung selera dan kondisi. Tapi rata-rata misi ya stealth. Fasilitas stealthnya juga OK dengan skill-skill yang membantu seperti berbagai macam Takedown. Senjata nya juga ada yang dilengkapi peredam supaya nggak menarik perhatian musuh. Nggak cuma bunuh orang, kita juga bisa membunuh binatang, berburu kambing, komodo, leopard, macan, hiu, kasuari, babi, anjing, babi hutan, dan beruang. Fitur crafting yang membantu banyak dalam hal pengangkutan. Soal nyawa,  beda sama CoD yang bisa auto heal ketika kita nggak terluka, di sini kita musti heal sendiri pake medicine yang bisa kita buat dari herbal-herbal yang ditemukan di seluruh pulau. Kalaupun medicine habis, masih bisa heal tanpa medicine, hanya durasi waktu yang lebih lama untuk heal. Bukan cuma medicine, kita juga bisa membuat berbagai macam serum seperti serum tahan api, serum sembunyi supaya binatang nggak lari, dll. Oh, soal musuh, kita lawan modern style pirates, dengan first boss Vaas. Vaas ini sebenernya keren, dan dia jadi icon Far Cry 3. Rupanya Vaas ini merupakan modifikasi dari tokoh awal, modifikasi dilakukan menyesuaikan voice actornya. Anyway, penilaian Intion untuk Far Cry  3 :

Graphic Quality : 3.4/4 Thumbs (improve graphic yang memang benar-benar dimentionkan)
Gameplay : 3.9/4 Thumbs (seperti yang sudah disebutkan, GTA SIMULATOR)
Storyline : 3.6/4 Thumbs (ceritanya lumayan, hanya sedikit banyak yang nggak asik aja)
Overall : 3.6/4 Thumbs (Make it Bun Dem!)

Far Cry 3 : Stealth Dulu, Baru Go Nuts!