Sunday, February 2, 2014

PS4 Outsell Xbox One?

PS Pus Subscriptions Triple as PS4 Continues to Outsell Xbov One

PS4 Outsell Xbox One

"UK Sony boss Fergal Gara has reported that subscriptions for PS Plus have tripled since the PlayStation 4 launched back in November.

The news accompanied suggestions that the PS4 is outselling its rival Xbox One by around 50%, showing a bright future for Sony as their consoles continue to increase their overall market share...

The huge rise in subscriptions is no doubt in part due to the fact that a PS + subscription is necessary to play PS4 games online, probably skewing the figures more than is strictly representative.

In addition, there’s been some pretty big name games on offer for subscribers the last few months. February deals include Outlast, Bioshock Infinite, and Metro: Last Light; no doubt a strong pull for many who didn’t have the chance to try those titles in 2013.

In a revelation that most likely shocked absolutely no-one but the most devoted Xbox fanboys, it was also revealed yesterday that, in the UK at least, PlayStation 4 is currently outselling its Microsoft rival by around 50%, offloading 1.5 consoles for every 1 Xbox One sold. It’s pretty much a direct role reversal from the last generation of consoles, where the Xbox 360 sold (and continues to sell) significantly more units than PlayStation 3, but it also helps to explain the big rise in PS+ subscriptions, suggesting some gamers may be switching allegiances.

Whatever the cause, the big rise in monthly subs can only indicate big financial returns for Sony, rounding off what has been an undoubtedly successful few months since the launch of their next-gen console."

source - Game-Debate

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat [ENGLISH]

Cat Comparison Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat

Real Life cat vs Anime cat

I love cats! When I walk anywhere, and if I see a cat that's nice to me, I'll happily stroke it. Anyway, I meet cats not in just real life, but also in Anime. If we look for a moment, from the behavior, shape, and sound, we'll assume that Anime cats will be the best cat ever. But if we look more closer, we can find things that's unique between them.

1. Behavior 

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat
  Cat, is basically a cute animal, and loves to do something really cute. Things like playing with a yarn, chasing something, curious about something, and many more. In Anime, cat behavior became 10 times cuter!! Playing with yarn's not just cute anymore, but it can blow your mind up with the cuteness.
So I think Anime cats won in this category, so let's just move out to the second one.

2. Shape

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat

 OMG, that cat is so cute!! The fur is so thick and soft, and he's so fat, it's like a ball covered in fur. I think real life cat gonna win in this round, because of course, they're so cute, and if they have thick fur, you can barely see it and touch it, but in Anime? You can't really draw a cat with thick fur don't you?

3. Transformation

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat 
Turned into

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat

What do I mean transformation?? Did you watch Doraemon the witch or magic movie? (probably this one). A magical cat in there can transform into a cute girl, isn't that obvious? I mean, no real life cat can transform into a cute girl, NO ONE.

4. Cat Girls

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat 

 I'm talking about those cute girls wearing a cat ears, that's just so cute, beautiful, and hot, both in the Anime and real life. I think it's a draw in this session, because, yeah you know, a cute girl will become 100 times cuter if she wears a cat ears.

5. Touch Effect

Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat
Are you satisfied with just stroking a picture of cute Anime cat? of course not! You need real cat to stroke, so Anime cats will definitely lose in this round, because you can't stroke a picture, but you can stroke and hug real life cats.

Anyway, That's all for Anime cats and Real life cats comparison, They're both the winner, I like to  keep cats as my pet, and I like to watch Anime too,  in my opinion, they're both cute.

Oh, and here's my cat, his name is "Boy". I know its a weird name, but in Indonesian it's just usual name.
Real Life Cat vs Anime Cat

Top 3 Horror Games

Top 3 Horror Games (PC)

Top 3 Horror Games versi Intion

Suka main game horror? Intion menginformasikan 3 GAME HORROR TERBAIK yang boleh dicicip. CIO :

3. SLENDER : The Eight Pages

Top 3 Horror Games

Ini game "indie horror", bukan diciptakan dari developer fabulous seperti EA, Activision, dll.
Top 3 Horror Games
Story nya, kita sebagai orang yang entah siapa namanya, nyasar ditengah hutan, dan kemudian kita harus mencari 8 lembaran yang ada tulisannya entah apa, pokoknya tentang Slenderman. Slenderman sendiri itu mitos dari Jerman (kayaknya), sosok yang suka men- "stalk" korbannya, dan korban yang diikuti itu perlahan-lahan hidupnya makin berantakan, dan akhirnya mati.

2. AfterFall : InSanity

Top 3 Horror Games

Dari judulnya kelihatan judulnya kayaknya game nya alay nih?
Top 3 Horror Games
Dat sexy face
Gak lah, ini keren juga kok (kayaknya). Belum sempet main sih, tapi selepas ujian kenaikan kelas insyaallah main, dan posting review nya.

SR > AfterFall

1. Dead Space (series)

Top 3 Horror Games

Top 3 Horror Games
DEAD SPACE!!!! Best horror game menurut Intion! Badass armor, Badass weapon, Badass gameplay, tapi juga Badass enemies. Nggak cuma dikasih senjata, armor, dan fitur yang keren dari game ini, kita juga dikasih musuh yang luar biasa horror!! Setelah menyelesaikan game ini dalam mode normal, gua berniat mencoba dalam mode Zealot, 1 level diatas normal. Walaupun sudah super badass disini, dan sudah tau di posisi mana-mana saja musuh akan keluar, game ini tetap bikin tegang! Cocok buat yang mau pacu jantung.

SR > Dead Space 1 2 3