Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Kholat News

Real world horror game Kholat comes to Steam Greenlight 

"A new survival horror title has been announced that is based upon true events. Kholat is set to tell the tale of the disappearance of nine Russian hikers in Dyatlov Pass during the winter of 1959.

Developer Imgn.Pro are looking to make one of the first true-to-life survival horror games, exploring how the nine experienced alpinists’ mutilated bodies were found scatter on the slopes of the Ural Mountains. Being inspired by real events certainly makes Kholat infinitely creepier, as the teaser trailer demonstrates…

The game has just hit Steam Greenlight and looks to be inspired by experimental indie games such as Dear Esther and Slender. Developed in the Unity engine, Kholat tasks you with being a member of the Dyatlov Pass investigation team that chances upon the bodies, tasked with looking into the events that led to their deaths. The real-life investigation into the events of Dyatlov Pass was concluded with police stating that a “compelling unknown force” had caused their deaths.

Kholat is set to feature a new ‘fear manager’ tool that is responsible for creating tension in the game, although it’s unknown what form this is going to take. Imgn.Pro are promising gameplay videos soon, although from what we are aware of Kholat is an adventure game with no hints on where to go or what to look for, instead relying on your trusty map and compass to steer your way throough the environments."

source - Game-Debate

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Top 7 Waifus [ENGLISH]

Top 7 Waifus Intion Version

7 best Anime girl to be your waifu

Top 7 Waifus

I love my girlfriend, but in the back, I have 7 waifus, and I love them too! Here they are..

7. Lisara Restall

Top 7 Waifus

Lisara Restall, from Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai. She's a tsundere I think, and of course, she's so pretty, but unfortunately, she's a GRIM REAPER. Be ready to get your life ended when you're dating her.

Personal bio :

Full name : Lisara Restall
Nickname : Lisara
Anime : Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai
Voice actor : Aya Endo
Birhtday : 6 July (based on Anime release date)
Hair type : long straight
Hair color : red
Eye color : red
Race : Shinigami
Gender : Female (of course! Let's just dismiss this from the list)

6. Wilhelmina Carmel

Top 7 Waifus

Wilhelmina Carmel from Shakugan no Shana. She's a maid, I love maids! But she's special. I think she's the one that called "kuudere" or "dandere" because she act like "stay cool" girl. 

Here's her bio :

Full name : Wilhelmina Carmel
Nickname : Wilhelmina
Anime : Shakugan no Shana
Voice actor : Shizuka Itou
Birthday : October 6 (based on Anime airing date)
Hair type : short straight (I think)
Hair color : purple
Eye color : dark purple
Race : Flame haze (Manipulator of object)
Gender : Female (goddamit do I need to tell that my waifus is FEMALE in every section??)

5. Mio Akiyama

Top 7 Waifus
Mio Akiyama from K -On!. She's a teenager, Bassist from Light Music Club called Houkago tea Time. She's shy, I don't know what kind of dere she is, maybe you can tell me in the comment. And she's voiced by my favorite voice actor! Also, she's my first waifu, we meet for the first time on Animax TV, and since then, I love her.

Mio 's personal bio :

Full na me : Mio Akiyama
Nickname : Mio
Anime : K-On!
Voice actor : Yoko Hikasa
Birthday : January 15
Hair type : long straight
Hair color : black
Eye color : gray
Race : Human (the most beautiful one probably)
Gender : (I wont tell you anymore)

4. Tohka Yatogami

Top 7 Waifus
Tohka Yatogami from Date a Live. She's a spirit, I don't realy understand about it. As we know, Date a Live is a HAREM Anime, which has pretty much "main" female character against the main guy. Beside Tohka, there's Kotori, Yoshino, Kurumi, and Tobiichi or Origami.

Tohka's bio :

Full name : Tohka Yatogami
Nickname : Tohka/ Princess
Anime : Date a Live
Voice actor : Inoue Marina
Birthday : April 6 (based on Anime release date)
Hair type : long straight (probably ponytail)
Hair color : black plum
Eye color : dark purple (Wiki says it's indigo)
Race : Spirit (Princess)
Gender : -

3. Rei Miyamoto

Top 7 Waifus

Rei Miyamoto from Highschool of the Dead. You may think I'm a perv. since I watched HOTD don't you? But that's really true. I mean, you're beautiful...

Rei's bio :

Full name : Rei Miyamoto
Nickname : Rei
Anime : Highschool of the Dead
Voice actor : Inoue Marina
Birthday : June 28 (based on Anime release date)
Hair type : long straight
Hair color : brown
Eye color : brown
Race : Human (the beautiful one)
Gender : -

2. Asuna Yuuki

Top 7 Waifus
Asuna Yuuki (or Yuuki Asuna) from Sword Art Online. I love her from the first time we met. I met her at google, while searching for some kind of swordsman picture, then I met her and her ex-boyfriend, Kirito (now she's mine). After that scene, I decided to watch SAO, and then I fell in love with her, even until now. She's categorized as tsundere, matching her behavior, expecially before she fall in love with Kirito.

Asuna's bio :

Full name : Asuna Yuuki
Nickname : Asuna
Anime : Sword Art Online
Voice actor : Tomatsu Haruka
Birthday : September 30
Hair type : long straight
Hair color : light brown
Eye color : brown
Race : Human (one of that "miss universe" winner if she's in real life)
Gender : Female (only for Asune, so no one will misunderstand)

1. Rias Gremory

Top 7 Waifus

Rias Gremory from Highschool DxD. B-E-A utiful, she's voiced by my favorite voice actor, she's the most beautiful girl (in my opinion) in Anime. One day, I was surious because everyone talking about Highschool DxD on Facebook, so I decided to watch it. And from the first time she appears in the Anime, I fell in love with her.

Here's Rias's bio :

Full name : Rias Gremory
Nickname : Rias
Anime : Highschool DxD
Voice actor : Yoko Hikasa
Birthday : January 6 (sadly, based on the Anime airing date)
Hair type : wavy (or maybe straight?) long
Hair color : crimson red
Eye color : blue-green
Race : Pure-Blooded Devil (the most beautiful one among Devils)
Gender : FEMALE
Top 7 Waifus

Funny story, so, I put Rias on the 1st place, because she reminds me about my ex-girlfriend. She doesn't have red long hair like Rias, but the character she loves, is Flaky from Happy Three Friends (it's not an Anime) which has similar hair type and color with Rias. So, I think, if I can't love her anymore, maybe I can still love Rias as her substitute. But of course, the one I love for now, is my real life girlfriend.

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery

Tomb Rider : Definitive Edition

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery


"Last year’s Tomb Raider reboot was a beautiful release for both PC and consoles. It stretched the ageing Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 to their limits, and also provided PC gamers with one of the year’s greatest spectacles.
It had some gripping set pieces and excellent combat that was completely at odds with how Tomb Raider was traditionally thought of. Sure, it’s the ultimate homage to the Uncharted series, but borrowing some of that franchises finer characteristics was hardly a one-way street. Now though, the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition has found its to PS4 and Xbox One, in an effort to plug that post-launch gap and attempt to get one of Lara’s finest adventures up to par with its PC brother. Let’s see how it fared…
Much of what can be said about Tomb Raider can be summed up in Stuart’s review. It’s an incredible looking rollercoaster ride through set-piece after set-piece, continuing to outdo itself with more bombast and over-the-top graphical wizardry. It was a feeling we’d never experienced before in a Tomb Raider game. Gone was Lara’s mansion. Gone was the majority of the tomb raiding. In its place was slick combat and a grittier, altogether more unsettling tale.

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery

The move to PS4 is certainly an impressive one. In comparison to the PS3 version it’s leaps and bounds ahead of it. Playing in glorious 1080p resolution and usually moving at a slick 60 frames per second, it looks great. Whisper it quietly but it’s actually looking every bit as good as the PC version, right down to the demanding Tress FX for tricophiliacs, you strange bunch you. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition uses the new Tress FX 2.0 that is much less demanding on the system, reducing the performance penalty and making it a possibility on PS4.

The PS4 is obviously capable of throwing around a lot more particle effects than console gamers have been used to, from embers whipping from your torch, to dust and wind effects. Everything about the game certainly looks better, even Lara herself has been given a makeover with an entirely new character model and voice actor. In comparison to the PS3 version there is just huge amounts more detail, including effects such as sweat and water dripping. The PS4 version is running FXAA, which while not as impressive as the PC Tomb Raider’s super-sharp antialiasing options, still looks pretty clear. The same can be said of the textures. The PS4 version can be guiltier of using lower quality textures sometimes but makes up for it with better environmental effects, such as authentically rolling fog and realistic smoke plumes from fires.
One aspect that is noticeable is the wider range of emotions evoked by Lara Croft thanks to her new model. Her face looks a fair bit more realistic and her eyes betray emotions that wasn’t seen in the PC version, easily letting you see whether she’s scared or confused.

Lara Croft Plastic Surgery
Old look (left, new look (right)

In essence it keeps pace with the PC version at the highest settings, introducing some additional effects to help mask its shortcomings. Occasionally you do see a few chinks in the armour, such as a lowered frame rate during some of larger explosions, but these aspects are few and far between. Overall it’s a technical tour de force and demonstrates that, for the time being at least, the Playstation 4 is capable of outputting at PC quality. How long that remains the case is of course the issue for console gamers...

The move to PS4 for the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition as a full-priced released has got a few knickers in a twist in the gaming world. This bundled up release contains the original game and all of its released DLC, which is basically extra multiplayer maps and skins. To complain that it shouldn’t be full price I find kind of bizarre. It’s been out less than a year and with all its additional bells and whistles is well worth the asking price of the original title. Knocking the score down because it’s already been released on another console seems a tad nonsensical. This isn’t a package made for those who’ve already explored Yamatai, this is for those first setting foot into Lara’s adventure. For them it’s an essential purchase, for everyone else it really doesn’t matter."

source - Game-Debate