Monday, March 10, 2014


Introducing Phone Debate : Phone Hardware Game Checker Area



"Developing and seeing what Game Debate becomes is a passion of mine and one that I continue to share with all of you, especially when you give me your awesome feedback and ideas. Obviously we are focused on hardware and gaming related tech, so it wont be much of a surprise to most of you to hear that I continually get requests for more tools on phones/tablets and their gaming options.

Now to cater to the phone arena we’re extending GD by adding the Phone Debate site area to help cater to those sorts of interests. The site is still in fairly early development (surprise surprise, that basically means that I have tonnes of never before seen tools I want to add to the new phone area) but it is already completely functional and has mobile/cell phone tools on it that do not exist anywhere else in the world already...

And lets face it, your enthusiasm for new features in this area only match your tenacity for all things technologically advanced. Of course, the mobile market is continuing to spread across the technology sector, and we all want more solutions to match our mobile gaming and tech needs as well as those for our home computers. More and more of you are owning smartphones, phablets and tablets, and using these for the kinds of games and apps that were previously limited to PC users.

I know that GD'ers care deeply about technology and technical advances, and so I wanted to give you the same ability to compare hardware and check out the latest news on Phone Debate as you have on Game Debate. We want to be able to choose mobile technology that suits us, whether we're a hardware buff or a gaming nut and hopefully Phone-Debate is a solid step in that direction.

What Is Phone Debate?

Phone Debate is a new area of Game Debate. It takes many of our most popular tool concepts from Game Debate - including hardware comparison and “Can I Run It” gaming tools - and extends these to cover the mobile smartphone and tablet market where none existed before.

For example, I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 and by visiting its phone debate page you will be able to get a thorough grasp of its spec details.

It’s not always easy to see what you’re getting for your money when you invest in a new mobile, and we wanted to create an easy system to compare different phones with each other and see which performs best in terms of technology, value for money, storage, battery life, display and camera functions. Using these categories, you can compare mobiles whilst focusing on the things that are most important to you; whether you want the phone with the best camera available, or whether you just need an inexpensive cell that won’t need its battery recharging twice a day.

For example, maybe I was thinking of upgrading to the S4 and so wanted to view a like for like comparison between the Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs Samsung Galaxy S2 that I have now.

As gaming on mobile gets more sophisticated, so does the technology you will need to run it. With this in mind, we’ve extended our “Can I run it” system requirements function from Game Debate to cover mobile games too. If you go to your own phone’s individual page, you can search for popular applications and games to see how well they will perform on your mobile.

You can also quickly run the Can I Run mobile games on both phones at the same time, from the comparison phone pages.

Keeping up to date with mobile gaming and technology will also be one of our key aims for Phone Debate. Just like on GD, we’ll be regularly updating the site with the latest news from the mobile technology and gaming industries. We’re also aiming to provide an increasing number of mobile game reviews to help you separate the diamonds from the duds.

It’s early days for Phone Debate and it is currently getting some of the data moved across to it from the old server, so some phones might be missing for a few days, but I would love for you to check out the site for yourselves and have a play around!"

source - Game-Debate

This is just too much of technology. But I'll always visit the site, both Game-Debate or Phone-Debate Periodically.

Dark Souls : Counting Death

Dark Souls Fansite Allows Player to Track Their Total Deaths

Dark Souls : Counting Death

Dark Souls : Counting Death

"It’s probably too sobering a thought for many, but a new website tool for the original Dark Souls allows gamers to check out their total number of deaths in the game by uploading a completed game save.

Now, we knew death happened a lot in Dark Souls, but it’s not until you get your eyes on the figures that you truly begin to realise what an imposing game From Software’s title is…

Dark Souls : Counting Death
No doubt for reasons of sanity, the statistics are hidden away from view in Dark Souls, until this fansite came to be, giving gamer credibility and morale a right good kicking.

The stats reveal that From Software’s action RPG is every bit as hideously difficult as it's made out to be, with the average number of deaths in a complete playthrough currently sitting at a staggering 626. What is surprising is that a pretty hefty 70% of gamers pushed through and completed Dark Souls, showcasing that most gamers’ had enough perseverance to plough through to the end, despite staring into the jaws of doom for days of game time.

There’s also a cheeky bonus stat for people’s nicknames for one of gaming’s hardest boss pairs, Ornstein and Smough, with over 400 people thinking “Fuck This I Quit” is the most appropriate. To upload your save and to check out more of the stats, be sure to have a mooch on over to Dark Souls Deaths.

Fittingly enough the sequel, Dark Souls 2, is due out in just a matter of days for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. It’s arriving on March 11 in the Us and March 14 in Europe, with a worldwide PC release coming on April 25."

source - Game-Debate

Hahah, this one is funny, I've played Dark Souls a little, I'm not too interested in it. But I know Dark Souls is a difficult game, and I've tried it myself.

Sunday, March 9, 2014



"ZAAAKIIIIIIII" *NGIIING* seketika telingan Zaki bedengung di pagi nan cerah itu. 'astaga anak itu. aku penasaran kayak apa sih pita suaranya? cempreng banget' batin Zaki. "Apa?" jawab Zaki ketus. "Gapapa, cuma manggil." jawab sahabt Zaki sambil tersenyum lebar --kita samarkan namanya menjadi Kichi. Zaki cuma mendecak kesal atas ulah sahabatnya ini. "Oh ya, kemaren kamu pulang bareng kak Sakura ya?" tanya Kichi. "Kalo iya emang kenapa?" jawab Zaki ketus --lagi. "Jangan-jangan..." kata Kichi menggantungkan kalimatnya sambil memberikan tatapan jahil pada Zaki. "Jangan-jangan apa?" kata Zaki yang mulai kesal. "Kamu suka ya~" "Bukan urusanmu." "Cie yang naksir kakak kelas... Ciee ciee..." ledek Kichi yang dilanjutkan dengan tawa kerasnya. Zaki yang merasa jengah dengan ulah sahabatnya ini pun pergi meninggalkan sahabatnya menuju perpustakaan. Kenapa perpustakaan? Karena dapat dipastikan 100% bahwa Kichi takkan mengikutinya. Kenapa? Karena Kichi benci ruang penuh buku mungkin.

Tak lama kemudian Zaki pun tiba di depan perpustakaan. Kenapa di depan? Kenapa gak masuk aja? Dan kenapa chapter kali ini banyak pertanyaannya? Karena author lagi stres mikirin uts besok mungkin. Oke back to the story. Karena saat Zaki hendak masuk ke dalam perpustakaan, Zaki dapat melihat Sakura dan Syahmil sedang berbicara berdua dengan senyuman Sakura yang menemani perbincangan mereka. Zaki yang panas melihat kejadian itu akhirnya pergi berlari menuju atap. Bukannya dia sakit hati melihat Sakura dapat tersenyum semanis itu hanya karena berbicara dengan Syahmil namun karena Syahmil yang --seenak pala botaknya om dedi-- dekat-dekat dengan Sakura. Meskipun Sakura bukan milik siapa-siapa saat ini --kecuali milik keluarga dan Tuhan YME tentunya-- tetap saja Zaki tidak suka melihat pemandangan itu.

Di lain tempat, di perpustakaan tepatnya. Syahmil tengah menyeringai penuh arti dalam hati. Rupanya Syahmil sedari tadi mengetahui keberadaan Zaki yang memperhatikan dia dan Sakura dari depan perpustakaan. 'How that's feel, my junior. Khu khu khu.' batin Syahmil. "Oh iya Sakura, kakak baru inget kalo kakak ada janji. Kakak balik duluan ya. Kapan-kapan kita ngobrol-ngobrol lagi, oke?" kata Syahmil pada Sakura. "Oke kak!" yang dijawab penuh semangat oleh Sakura.

--di atap--
*BRAK* terdengar suara pintu yang ditutup dengan cara dibanting. "Megane sialan!" teriak Zaki ketika sampai di atap. "Oi. Gak usah teriak-teriak bisa gak? Berisik tau." suara yang tidak begitu asing baru saja menyapa indra pendengaran Zaki. Zaki sempat menekukkan dahinya untuk mengingat-ingat suara milik siapa yang barusan berbicara (baca: memerintah) nya. "Oh, kak Mada ya?" kata Zaki kalem yang dibalas dengan munculnya sosok tersebut dari balik tembok. "Kenapa?" tanya sosok tersebut yang diketahui sebagai Mada. "..." Zaki hanya diam tak mengindahkan pertanyaan kakak kelasnya tersebut. "Megane, hm? Kak Syahmil maksudnya?" kali ini pertanyaan Mada dijawab dengan anggukan singkat dari Zaki. Mada diam tak melanjutkan pertanyaannya berharap adik kelasnya ini mau membuka mulut untuk bercerita. Tak lama Zaki pun menceritakan apa yang dilihatnya barusan karena ia merasa bahwa kakak kelasnya ini amat teramat sangat menanti jawaban dari Zaki. Namun cerita Zaki hanya dijawab dengan 'oh' dari Mada. "Kok cuma oh?!" teriak Zaki kesal. "Terus maunya apa?" kata Mada kalem. "Ya apa gi-" kata-kata Zaki terhenti saat tubuhnya berbalik menghadap Mada yang terlihat tengah mengeluarkan aura membunuhnya. Seakan mengerti dengan situasi Zaki pun langsung menutup mulutnya, tak berniat sama sekali untuk melanjutkan pembicaraan. Kenapa Mada mengeluarkan aura membunuh? Jelas karena jealous. Zaki pulang bareng sama Sakura kemaren. Mada tau itu dari gosip yang beredar di sekolah saat ia sedang menuju ke kelasnya. Syahmil ngobrol bareng Sakura di perpustakaan. Dan tolong siapa pun, pertegas kata ini, BERDUA. Kalau perlu di bold, italic, underline sekalian (begini? BERDUA). Apa perlu dijelaskan lagi kenapa? Jelas karena Mada belum bertindak sama sekali. 'dasar kouhai-senpai kurang ajar' geram Mada dalam hati.

--di tempat Sakura berada--
*WUUSSHH* tiba-tiba angin berhembus cukup kuat di sekitar leher Sakura membuat yang bersangkutan bergidik ngeri. 'harus waspada, harus waspada' batin Sakura.
Yak, di karenakan satu-dua alasan, minggu depan aku gak ngepost. Kenapa? (aduh pertanyaan mulu perasaan) Yah, pokoknya karena satu-dua alasanlah intinya. Dan maaf kalo chapie ini pendek, aku mau belajar buat uts besok soalnya :D. Oke, see you 2 week again~