Thursday, June 9, 2016

Normal Nggak Buruk Juga... (Friday Night Waifu)

Friday Night Waifu 

Koito Minase

Koito Minase

Sebelum dimulai, pemberitahuan singkat, karena malam ini gua kemungkinan akan berada dalam perjalanan, jadi khawatirnya nggak bisa post nanti malem, (malem jum'at). Jadi Friday Night Waifu dimajuin beberapa jam.

Koito Minase
Oke, kembali ke post favorit kita, Friday Night Waifu! Sebelumnya, Selamat menunuaikan ibadah puasa Ramadhan bagi yang melaksanakan.

Koito Minase, Koito-chan, Minase-san. Pernah lihat Maki dari Love Live? Pacarnya Nico, personality mereka mirip, dan tepat sekali, sesuai judul, NORMAL. Walaupun punya masa lalu yang buruk, perilaku Koito termasuk normal dibandingkan yang lain (Mai, Reina). Kenapa normal? 

Gini, kita pake contoh Maki dulu, inget scene waktu Muse kumpul di stasiun (atau bandara?). Mereka memutuskan untuk supaya lebih dekat satu sama lain, mereka manggil nama depan, kan? Nah, di situ mulai abnormalnya anime happy. Satu persatu member mulai manggil satu sama lain dengan nama depan plus '-Chan' tanpa alasan tertentu, cuma nyoba aja. Tapi di situ, Maki nolak. Dia bilang "Mending gua nggak manggil lu orang tanpa alasan." atau kurang lebih seperti itu.

Koito, juga mirip. Waktu dia liat Reina naik ke bus phantom, dia nggak mau ikut campur karena itu bukan urusannya. Sikapnya juga dingin, nggak hangat seperti atmosfir animenya.

Ada yang bilang, Koito itu tomboy, indeed, memang dia terlihat tomboy, menyembunyikan sisi 'girly' nya. Untuk ukuran waifu, ya... sesuai selera sih, kalo doyannya yang tomboy, ini nilai plus. Tapi kalo doyan yang biasa-biasa, Reina lebih cocok (minggu depan).

Koito Minase

Oh ya, satu nilai yang plus plus banget. Kotio Minase, kemampuannya kan nyanyi.... jelas, suaranya bagus. Mau dinyanyiin sebelum tidur? Atau bangun tidur dengan suara merdu Koito? Silakan, itu kalo bisa mecahin cangkangnya. Cangkangnya lumayan loh, udah banyak yang ngajak main, cuma main aja, ditolak, bahkan sampe semua menyerah ngajak dia main.

Backgroundnya, Koito itu ditakuti sama teman-temannya, karena itu dia menutup diri dari yang lain. Waktu kecil, kekuatannya mancing phantom yang menyerang kelinci di sekolahnya. Koito berhasil nyegel phantom yang berkaitan dengan kekuatannya, tapi karena insiden itu, semua jadi takut sama dia (padahal suaranya merdu).

Koito lebih memilih untuk memendam masalahnya, daripada minta bantuan orang, dan dia juga nggak mau bantu karena nggak mau ganggu urusan orang. Ya, tipikal normal bagi gua.

Ada satu episode dimana kekuatannya Koito hilang. Nah, episode itu bisa kedengeran tuh, suara merdunya Koito waktu dia coba-coba nada.
Koito Minase
Anyway, segitu ya yang bisa gua review dari Koito Minase, bio :

Nama : Koito Minase
Umur : 16
Ulang Tahun : 25 April
Ras : Manusia
Warna Rambut : Ungu-gelap
Warna Mata : Merah
Tinggi Badan : 162 cm
Golongan Darah : AB
VA : Maaya Uchida

Score yang normal untuk Koito Minase : 7 / 10 Love Points.


  • Hobinya musik, itu sebabnya Koito selalu pake Headphone.
  • Selain musik, hobi lainnya yaitu ngumpulin jepit rambut berbentuk bintang.
  • Koito nggak pernah ikut dalam kegiatan club di sekolah.
  • Koito suka make banyak gula dalam minumannya (suka yang manis-manis).

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Long Live Dirty Jokes! [ENGLISH]

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai

Anime Review : ShimoSeka

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na SekaiShimoSeka (2015), well, this anime from J.C. Staff is so lively, I can't stop laughing in every single episode. I love Ayame, I love Anna (in memoriam Matsuki Miu), every characters are unique. Really funny, I love this. Too bad I was watching the censored version, and that ruins the entire 'Dirty Jokes' concept. I just don't get it, why would they censor dirty jokes in an anime abou dirty jokes? It's just censoring the whole story, isn't it? Well, I'm not one to judge. There's one quote I pick from this series, and I make a principal out of it. 

"I'm like a fish who can't live outside water, so all I could do is practice swimming. But you, you're like a cheetah who doesn't have to practice running. Instead, you tried to fly or swim, that's why you never get food." - Ayame Kajo 

I really love this quote, because in life, I've bumped into soooo many people that are not in their correct track. Most of them chasing what they think is good for them, what they think could make the best money out of it, but they neglected their own talent, their own speciality. Just like how Tanukichi refused to be a dirty joke terrorist, even though he's got the skill, the ability, his father was the best dirty joke terrorist. Anyway, that was just an intermezzo, I hope you guys wont make such a fuss from it. Overall score for Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai : 3.7 / 4 Thumbs.

Character Review

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na SekaiAyame Kajo, voiced by Ishigami Shizuka. I like how Ayame is such a lively person. Her will is strong, and I support her way of thinking. If we watch closely in the world without dirty jokes, those highschool students doesn't even know how to babies are made. This kind of education is needed, you can't just neglect it, and making fun of it is not a crime. What's crime is doing it illegally. I personally enjoy dirty jokes myself, if I live in that world, I might have created a dirty joke terrorist organization, or join the Blue Snow. Ayame is really passionate about this, and it's her dad who taught her that her loves for dirty jokes is normal. I also like the way she laughed, that ojou-sama laugh. Score for Ayame Kajo : A.

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na SekaiTanukichi Okuma, voiced by Kobayashi Yuusuke and Yamazaki Haruka. He's the main character, also the son of the legendary dirty joke terrorist. But because of his love (or respect?) for Anna, he left the way of the dirty jokes, and aiming to become a good citizens. But that doesn't prove that he doesn't understand dirty jokes, his father taught him a lot of dirty jokes when he was little. This is when Ayame's quote kicked in. She said that to Tanukichi to open Tanukichi's mind about who he really is. He's trying to become someone and leaving his actual identity. I really grateful for that quote, thanks to Ayame. Score for Tanukichi Okuma : A-.

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai
Otome Saotome, voiced by Arai Satomi. Her name reminds with oregairu's naming system. Repeating word from the first name. Anyway, this girl, I respect her, for drawing doujins (execpt the yaoi ones), even if she can't use her hands, she used her foot,even mouth to draw doujins, and that's just master. It was a master's technique, just imagine how huge her dedication for dirty jokes. Score for Otome Saotome : A-.

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na SekaiKosuri Onigashira, voiced by Horie Yui. I laughed so hard when I rewatched the OVA. It's because Kosuri's haircut is the penis-styled hair, she often mistaken with an actual wooden penis (Hahahaha). Her dedication for dirty jokes is high, I like her spirit, but maybe because she's still a kid, that she doesn't have patience, she couldn't wait for the plan to be 100% executed, but she'll change as the series goes. Score for Kosuri Onigashira : B+.

As for closing, I'm sending thanks for Anna Nishikinomiya's seiyuu, Matsuki Miyu. I know it's way too late for this, but I just want to say my gratitude for voicing a lot of characters and contibuting in the anime industry. Honestly, I haven't got the time to watch any of other series that she voiced in, but I'll do it in the future, so I hope she went to a better place.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Even Worse 5 Censored Anime Series [ENGLISH]

Another Worst 5 Censored Anime Series


Yo, it's been a long time since my last post. I'm not in a good shape right now, for the past week I've been thinking about my love life. It all happened because I read too much romance manga, basically I envy those who have a beautiful romance life. But that's out of topic, you've seen 5 Worst Censored Anime, and guess what, THERE'RE MORE!!!

1. Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai (ShimoSeka)

5 Censored Anime

The concept of world where dirty jokes doesn't exist. It's! Despite having a dirty jokes as title, I kinda felt irritated watching this. Why? Because EVERY DAMN dirty jokes throughout the series is censored! Audio's censored by random noises, subtitles are depending on the publisher, and video's censored by chibi characters. I don't know if they're supposed to be censored in the blu ray, but logically, this anime is talking about dirty jokes, what's the point of the series if you censored all of the dirty jokes? This is stupid, they're not only censoring ecchi stuffs, but also the comedy.

2. Blood - C

5 Censored Anime

I really like this series even from the first episode. The main character is not really attractive, but I like the story. At least until at some episode I encounter a filthy darkness covering a gore/violence scene. I hate it, I seriously hate it. It was just a girl's torso got eaten by a monster, not a big deal. Again, I don't know if there's an uncensored version of this series in any form.

3. Maken-Ki!

5 Censored Anime

This one is ecchi, so it's natural it's being censored. But I truly hate censors, especially, again, when it's just a bra or panties. There's no point in censoring them, for they're already a censor. Though there are the uncensored version, but it's hard to look for it man, and it's not worth the effort for only undergarments.

4. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

5 Censored Anime

Yes, ecchi and harem, nudity, etc. I actually enjoyed the series until I realized that the blu ray version is uncensored. It's just a short scene, probably only a blink of an eye, but it still annoys me. I mean, the whole series got ruine because of that scene.

5. Highschool DxD

5 Censored Anime

My favorite series, and my standard for ecchi series. I always say in my review, "not even touching Highschool DxD's tail." it means it. HDxD is being the best ecchi anime for me, so that I made it a standard. A standard doesn't have to be the highest rank, because Seikon no Qwaser has a lot more boobies, but that just means SnQ passed the standard. Now, when the new season comes out, New and BorN, I always looking for the uncensored one. I don't care if I have to go through the pasific ocean of the internet to get it. I really cherish this series, I don't want to watch the censored version. For you who's watching the censored version of this, don't give up. Try a little bit more, there should be the uncensored one somewhere in the internet.

Now, before closing, I want to talk a little bit about censors. Anime, comes out with rating, various rating that's assigned to the series even before it becomes an anime. Most people ignore it, including me, but it supposed to be OUR problem and we're the ones who has to bear the consequences. But again, not all people is ready to control theirself after watching those series, and they started to do stuffs that are actually prohibited, and not the main goal of the anime airing, but who cares? They do it because they watched it, so it should be taken down, censored, aired in the middle of the night. I wont say they (publishers) 're wrong for doing so, they're totally the right, but if these things keep up, it will become worst, they might be closing off studios since it doesn't make that much money, instead it makes a lot of criminals. My point is that we, as the one who enjoy anime should pay more attention about rating, not for ourselves, but for other people. For example, if someone asked you for a reccommendation, it's best to watch over the age rating, and if they found out and ignored the age rating later on, it's their business. So keep control of yourself, ignore rating, ignore censors, but don't give in to the devil.

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