Sunday, May 25, 2014

Top 5 K-On!! Songs [ENGLISH]

Top 5 K-On!! Songs (Intion Version)

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Well, I could say, K-On!! is the second anime that turned me out into an Anime lover. I love the song, and also the Anime, especially Akiyama Mio. Well, here's my Top 5 Favorite K-On!! Songs

Note : this is Initon version, so if your favorite song doesn't included in it, Im sorry.

1. No, Thank You - Akiyama Mio

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

There are 2 main vocalist in HTT, it's Hirasawa Yui, and Akiyama Mio. I actually love Mio's voice instead of Yui. No thank you is played as the ending song of K-On!! 2nd season, it was sung by Akiyama Mio or Yoko Hikasa.

2. Don't Say Lazy - Akiyama Mio

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Well, another song from  Mio. Don't say lazy is the first ending song of K-On! (s1).

3. Watashi no Koi wa Hocchikisu - Mio & Yui

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

This song is the first song that HTT played at the school fest. As the first time they performed on stage, Yui forgot to sing while she focused on her guitar. Mio covered Yui's mistake, and then they sang it together.

4. Fuwa Fuwa Time - Hirasawa Yui

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Finally, a song by Yui. Well, it's not like I don't like Yui's voice, but I prefer Mio's voice than Yui's. When HTT played this song at school fest Yui forgot to bring her guitar, so that she has to go back home and get it while Mio sang the first song of their performance (Fude Pen Boru Pen).

5. Tenshi ni Fureta yo - Mio & Yui

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

I cried when I watch this episode. This is a sad song, a good bye song. This song played when the graduation day of HTT seniors (Yui, Mio, Ritsu, and Tsumugi). Which left Azusa and Sawako in the band. Ritsu, Mugi, Mio, and Yui played this song at the club room to comfort Azusa and make her stop crying. While Sawako waits for them outside the room, listening to their song.

Well, that's all for K On!! best songs, thanks for visiting, and don't forget to leave a comment and click join this site button.

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Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High

Watch Dogs on Console Will Equal to PC on High

Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High spec.

Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High

"Watch Dogs creative director Jonathan Morin has revealed the difference in graphical quality between the PC and next-gen console versions of Watch Dogs.

Morin claimed that Watch Dogs on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will look as good as running Watch Dogs on PC high settings, although the resolution could be a lot lower…

Tweeting to fans asking about Watch Dogs performance yesterday afternoon, Morin said Watch Dogs “PC High settings = NG Consoles.” So Watch Dogs should be looking pretty top-notch on the new consoles, but as always the place to be for the definitive version of Watch Dogs will be PC. If you’ve got a sweet enough gaming rig you’ll of course be able to crank Watch Dogs up to Ultra settings for the ultimate experience at up to 4K resolution.
Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High

We know that the resolution in Watch Dogs is capped at 900p (1600x900) on PS4 and just 792p (1408x792) on Xbox One, so PC is the ultimate platform for those hunting for the sharpest resolution. Just be prepared to need a beast of a rig to squeeze Watch Dogs past 1080p on Ultra.

For those Ultra settings in Watch Dogs you’re going to need a mammoth GeForce GTX 780 or Radeon R9 290, couple with a quad-core i7-4770K 3.5GHz with 8GB RAM to boot.

There’s also some possible good news for those at the other end of the Watch Dogs system requirements spectrum, with Morin claiming that while “4GB is lower than min specs. It might run if nothing else is running, but when it swaps to your hard drive it will lag.”

There will be no lock mechanism in place to prevent users trying to run Watch Dogs with specs below the minimum requirements, so there could be a little more wiggle room for those willing to drop down the Watch Dogs graphics settings.

Watch Dogs is out worldwide on May 27th, for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360."

source - Game-Debate

PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console?

"PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console" Said Sony Boss

PS4 Becoming Best-Selling Sony Console

PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console?

"The PlayStation 2 remains, to date, Sony’s best selling console, with over 155 million of the consoles shifted, but Sony are apparently gearing up for their current PlayStation 4 to overtake this in lifetimes sales.

Sony boss Kaz Hirai stated in a corporate strategy meeting this week that, thanks to the PS4’s strong initial sales and the general growing popularity of digital, PS4 is well on track to eventually become Sony’s best-selling console.
PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console?

“It is likely that PS4 will become the platform which exceeds the profits earned with PS2” Hirai stated, underlining the 7 million PS4 units sold in just the first 6 months since its November launch.

Last week, Sony posted major, company-wide losses, but noted that its game division actually increased in sales year-on-year. Taking into account PS2 and PS3, Sony sold 14.6 million home consoles in the 2013 financial year, but are hoping the PS4 can boost this in the coming year. It is predicting home console sales of 17 million in this financial year.

The Playstation 2’s generational lifespan was 6 years between its launch in 2000 and the PS3 release in 2006, but the console continued to sell well for several years after this point. However, times have changed since then, with PC now being much more competitive and popular as a gaming platform, and with the differences between PC and consoles ever shrinking. Only time will tell if Sony’s predictions for the PS4 will prove correct."

source - Game-Debate