Friday, March 7, 2014

AMD AM1 Chipset

AMD Shows Off th Low-Cost Upgradeable AM1 Chipset Aimed at Expanding PC Market

AMD AM1 Chipset

AMD AM1 Chipset

"AMD has developed a new low-cost desktop chipset, targeting more computing power for the sub-$60 market. The new AMD AM1 Kabini range of processors are system on a chip (SoC) designs, combining a Kabini API with a socketed FS1b motherboard.

While much of the tech industry focuses its designs on the mobile market, AMD is refocusing on cheaper alternative desktop chipsets for developing regions. What this means is cheaper PC hardware worldwide, while still remaining upgradeable thanks to the socket AM1 platform…
AMD AM1 Chipset

These new Kabini processors are being created to be similar to their laptop counterparts, while focusing on a key aspect of PCs - upgradeability. Each of the processors will come packing four Jaguar-based CPU controller, a memory controller supporting up to 1600 MHz memory and 128 streaming processors utilising the Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture. This will make them very similar in technology to the recently launched Playstation 4 and Xbox One consoles, although the all-in-one packages will begin retailing for an expected starting price point of $60 for the combined chipset and motherboard.

A range of fifteen different motherboards are planned for the worldwide launch on April 9th, with many major chipset partners getting on board. The majority of the mobos will be in a micro-ATX form factor, while some are mini-ITX. Building a system using these components could see complete PC builds in the sub-$200 range, capable of playing many of the last decade’s games at lower settings.

While the specs won’t make for very pleasant reading for gamers it should be enough to create a system right at the lower end of the scale, great for running some of them older games. Gamers right at the cutting edge won’t see much to gain here, but AMD looks to be targeting a market of potentially billions of new PC gamers looking to get a foot in the door for an extremely affordable price.

AMD AM1 Chipset

These AMD AM1 products are expect to be available globally from April 9th."

source - Game-Debate


OnLive Reborn as Steam-Integrated CloudLift Store



"It’s disappeared from public view for the last 18 months or so but OnLive has once again surfaced, and it’s an even stranger proposition than before.

The video game streaming service is back with a new business model, a cloud gaming companion service going by the name CloudLift. The difference this time is that it no longer sells any games whatsoever…

The new CloudLift service will work with gamer’s existing game collections, letting them stream their games remotely via any device with a browser. It’s beta opened up to everyone yesterday, and will allow them to stream select games via the CloudLift service for a subscription fee of £9.99/$14.99 per month, which doesn’t include the cost of buying the games from other services.

The service will automatically detect the games installed on your primary gaming machine and make them available for streaming. The difference between CloudLift and the previous Online service is that users can retain ownership of games they buy should their subscription lapse, and can still play their games in perfect fidelity at home.

The cloud play CloudLift service will reportedly work on PC, Max, TV and Android devices, while gamer’s cloud saves are synced automatically to allow them to pick up where they left off. Presumably this is being targeted at commuters who want to play games streamed from their gaming PC that their laptops aren’t capable of. The immediate problem is that OnLive already had large-scale issues due to input lag and artifacting from users without fast enough internet connections, CloudLift appears to rely exclusively on wireless connections to stream games.

CloudLift also has to contend with the issue that not every game is supported by the service, with it launching with a limited selection of titles, including Batman: Arkham City, The Lego Movie: Videogame, Saints Row IV and a dozen others.

We've tried to boot up the free trial to put it through its paces but it doesn't appear to working just yet, let us know if you have any luck!"

source - Game-Debate

Saturday, March 1, 2014


War Of Lovers - Part Five

Sakura menarik nafas panjang sekedar untuk menenangkan diri. Ditahan sebentar, kemudian dihembuskan kembali nafas tersebut pelan-pelan.
"Terima kasih, tapi tidak usah." Jawab Sakura lembut. 'emang siapa sih yang mau dianterin pulang kalau mereka lagi dalam mode perang kayak gini' batin Sakura. Well, kayaknya sih Sakura udah tau tentang sifat mereka yang 'bakal-ngelakuin-apa-aja- demi-mendapatkan-apa-yang-mereka-mau'. Tapi tau darimana? Coba di flashback.

"Sakura" panggil Hana. Yang dipanggil hanya menoleh sebagai bentuk bahwa ia merespon. "Aku kasih tau ya. Yang namanya Zaki, Syahmil sama kak Mada itu, kalau udah  terobsesi sama sesuatu mereka bakal dapetin sesuatu itu dengan cara apapun sampe mereka dapet. Pernah sekali mereka --secara kebetulan-- punya satu hal yang jadi keinginan mereka bertiga. Alhasil mereka bertiga perang(?) buat dapetin benda itu. Yah, meskipun ujung-ujungnya gak ada yang dapet soalnya pada akhirnya mereka bertiga jadi tertarik sama hal yang lain." terang Hana. Sakura merespon dengan wajah yang tampak keheranan. Hana yang mengerti akan hal itu pun langsung melanjutkan penjelasannya. "Kalo dari yang diliat sih, kayaknya mereka bertiga naksir kamu deh." JDER! Petir imajiner pun menyabar hati Sakura. "Tu-tunggu... Kok kamu mikirnya gitu sih?" tanya Sakura sedikit panik. "Hhh... Semua orang yang ada di sekolah ini --kecuali kamu, karna kamu orang baru-- juga tau kali. Soalnya tahun lalu mereka juga begitu. Keliatan banget kok dari matanya" terang Hana. "Tahun lalu? Itu berarti Zaki belum SMA dong. Kok udah pada tau aja?" tanya Sakura. "Waktu SMP dia sekolah di sini juga. Makanya kita tau" kata Hana menanggapi pertanyaan Sakura. "Te-terus, aku harus gimana dong ke mereka?" "Ya terserah kamu. Maaf aku gak bisa bantu. Mereka kalau udah mode perang nyeremin."

"Eh, kenapa?" tanya Zaki heran. "Ya, gapapa sih" jawab Sakura. "Kalo gitu ayo kita anterin" kata Mada. "Eh, gak usah" kata Sakura --sedikit-- panik. Syahmil yang melihat itu pun menyimpulkan "Kamu udah tau ya tentang kita" yang langsung membuat Sakura agak terkejut "W-we-well, gimana ya? Ya, gitu deh." kata Sakura bingung menanggapi pertannya --penyataan-- kakak kelasnya itu. Sempat ada keheningan di antara mereka sampai akhirnya Syahmil membuka suara. "Oke kalau gitu. Aku gak akan maksa. Aku pulang duluan. Dah Sakura. See ya." Syahmil pun pergi menuju halte bis terdekat. Setelah Syahmil pergi, datang sebuah limosin berwarna putih. "Tuan muda." kata sopir itu setelah turun dari limosin tersebut. "Baiklah, kayaknya aku juga harus pulang. Hati-hati di jalan ya Sakura." kata Mada yang kemudian memasuki mobil tersebut. Sakura hanya diam saja melihat keduanya telah pergi. Sekarang tinggal Zaki dan Sakura yang ada di sana. "Mau sampai kapan kakak di sini? Ayo pulang, biar aku temenin." kata Zaki. "Tenang aja. Kalau mereka gak ada aku normal-normal aja kok." lanjutnya seolah tau apa yang tengah dikhawatirkan oleh Sakura. "O-oke.." jawab Sakura ragu.


--kamar Sakura--
Huaa, still alive... Aku pikir aku bakal mati gara-gara hal tadi. Untung aja tadi di jalan Zaki biasa-biasa aja, kalo gak mati deh bisa-bisa. Tririririiiing.... Eh, e-mail dari siapa? eh? EH?! DARI ZAKI?! DIA DAPET DARI MANA?! Oh iya, dia kan anak pemilik sekolah. Haah..., dasar. Baca dulu aja deh. Hah? Apaan nih? Baru kenal aja udah ngajakin jalan. Aduh, adik kelasku ini.... Hah.., biarin dulu aja deh. Aku capek mau istirahat. Semoga aja besok gak ada kejadian yang aneh-aneh deh
Sorry kalo pendek. Lagi gak ada ide :D