Friday, March 7, 2014


OnLive Reborn as Steam-Integrated CloudLift Store



"It’s disappeared from public view for the last 18 months or so but OnLive has once again surfaced, and it’s an even stranger proposition than before.

The video game streaming service is back with a new business model, a cloud gaming companion service going by the name CloudLift. The difference this time is that it no longer sells any games whatsoever…

The new CloudLift service will work with gamer’s existing game collections, letting them stream their games remotely via any device with a browser. It’s beta opened up to everyone yesterday, and will allow them to stream select games via the CloudLift service for a subscription fee of £9.99/$14.99 per month, which doesn’t include the cost of buying the games from other services.

The service will automatically detect the games installed on your primary gaming machine and make them available for streaming. The difference between CloudLift and the previous Online service is that users can retain ownership of games they buy should their subscription lapse, and can still play their games in perfect fidelity at home.

The cloud play CloudLift service will reportedly work on PC, Max, TV and Android devices, while gamer’s cloud saves are synced automatically to allow them to pick up where they left off. Presumably this is being targeted at commuters who want to play games streamed from their gaming PC that their laptops aren’t capable of. The immediate problem is that OnLive already had large-scale issues due to input lag and artifacting from users without fast enough internet connections, CloudLift appears to rely exclusively on wireless connections to stream games.

CloudLift also has to contend with the issue that not every game is supported by the service, with it launching with a limited selection of titles, including Batman: Arkham City, The Lego Movie: Videogame, Saints Row IV and a dozen others.

We've tried to boot up the free trial to put it through its paces but it doesn't appear to working just yet, let us know if you have any luck!"

source - Game-Debate

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