Sunday, May 25, 2014

Top 5 K-On!! Songs [ENGLISH]

Top 5 K-On!! Songs (Intion Version)

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Well, I could say, K-On!! is the second anime that turned me out into an Anime lover. I love the song, and also the Anime, especially Akiyama Mio. Well, here's my Top 5 Favorite K-On!! Songs

Note : this is Initon version, so if your favorite song doesn't included in it, Im sorry.

1. No, Thank You - Akiyama Mio

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

There are 2 main vocalist in HTT, it's Hirasawa Yui, and Akiyama Mio. I actually love Mio's voice instead of Yui. No thank you is played as the ending song of K-On!! 2nd season, it was sung by Akiyama Mio or Yoko Hikasa.

2. Don't Say Lazy - Akiyama Mio

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Well, another song from  Mio. Don't say lazy is the first ending song of K-On! (s1).

3. Watashi no Koi wa Hocchikisu - Mio & Yui

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

This song is the first song that HTT played at the school fest. As the first time they performed on stage, Yui forgot to sing while she focused on her guitar. Mio covered Yui's mistake, and then they sang it together.

4. Fuwa Fuwa Time - Hirasawa Yui

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

Finally, a song by Yui. Well, it's not like I don't like Yui's voice, but I prefer Mio's voice than Yui's. When HTT played this song at school fest Yui forgot to bring her guitar, so that she has to go back home and get it while Mio sang the first song of their performance (Fude Pen Boru Pen).

5. Tenshi ni Fureta yo - Mio & Yui

Top 5 K-On!! Songs

I cried when I watch this episode. This is a sad song, a good bye song. This song played when the graduation day of HTT seniors (Yui, Mio, Ritsu, and Tsumugi). Which left Azusa and Sawako in the band. Ritsu, Mugi, Mio, and Yui played this song at the club room to comfort Azusa and make her stop crying. While Sawako waits for them outside the room, listening to their song.

Well, that's all for K On!! best songs, thanks for visiting, and don't forget to leave a comment and click join this site button.

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Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High

Watch Dogs on Console Will Equal to PC on High

Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High spec.

Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High

"Watch Dogs creative director Jonathan Morin has revealed the difference in graphical quality between the PC and next-gen console versions of Watch Dogs.

Morin claimed that Watch Dogs on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will look as good as running Watch Dogs on PC high settings, although the resolution could be a lot lower…

Tweeting to fans asking about Watch Dogs performance yesterday afternoon, Morin said Watch Dogs “PC High settings = NG Consoles.” So Watch Dogs should be looking pretty top-notch on the new consoles, but as always the place to be for the definitive version of Watch Dogs will be PC. If you’ve got a sweet enough gaming rig you’ll of course be able to crank Watch Dogs up to Ultra settings for the ultimate experience at up to 4K resolution.
Watch Dogs on Console = PC on High

We know that the resolution in Watch Dogs is capped at 900p (1600x900) on PS4 and just 792p (1408x792) on Xbox One, so PC is the ultimate platform for those hunting for the sharpest resolution. Just be prepared to need a beast of a rig to squeeze Watch Dogs past 1080p on Ultra.

For those Ultra settings in Watch Dogs you’re going to need a mammoth GeForce GTX 780 or Radeon R9 290, couple with a quad-core i7-4770K 3.5GHz with 8GB RAM to boot.

There’s also some possible good news for those at the other end of the Watch Dogs system requirements spectrum, with Morin claiming that while “4GB is lower than min specs. It might run if nothing else is running, but when it swaps to your hard drive it will lag.”

There will be no lock mechanism in place to prevent users trying to run Watch Dogs with specs below the minimum requirements, so there could be a little more wiggle room for those willing to drop down the Watch Dogs graphics settings.

Watch Dogs is out worldwide on May 27th, for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360."

source - Game-Debate

PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console?

"PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console" Said Sony Boss

PS4 Becoming Best-Selling Sony Console

PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console?

"The PlayStation 2 remains, to date, Sony’s best selling console, with over 155 million of the consoles shifted, but Sony are apparently gearing up for their current PlayStation 4 to overtake this in lifetimes sales.

Sony boss Kaz Hirai stated in a corporate strategy meeting this week that, thanks to the PS4’s strong initial sales and the general growing popularity of digital, PS4 is well on track to eventually become Sony’s best-selling console.
PS4 Could Pass PS2 to Become Best-Selling Sony Console?

“It is likely that PS4 will become the platform which exceeds the profits earned with PS2” Hirai stated, underlining the 7 million PS4 units sold in just the first 6 months since its November launch.

Last week, Sony posted major, company-wide losses, but noted that its game division actually increased in sales year-on-year. Taking into account PS2 and PS3, Sony sold 14.6 million home consoles in the 2013 financial year, but are hoping the PS4 can boost this in the coming year. It is predicting home console sales of 17 million in this financial year.

The Playstation 2’s generational lifespan was 6 years between its launch in 2000 and the PS3 release in 2006, but the console continued to sell well for several years after this point. However, times have changed since then, with PC now being much more competitive and popular as a gaming platform, and with the differences between PC and consoles ever shrinking. Only time will tell if Sony’s predictions for the PS4 will prove correct."

source - Game-Debate

Friday, May 23, 2014

Top 10 Game Trailers [ENGLISH]

Top 10 Game Trailers Part 1

Best 10 Game Trailers

Another English post, haven't posted in English for a while. Before we go to the Top 10 Game Trailers. Actually, the reason why I post this, is because I can't play the game with my low spec. Computer. Well, forget it, here's Top 10 Game Trailers part 1.

1. Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Top 10 Game Trailers

"FUS RO DAH!!!!" (and then a strange opera music played).
I put Skyrim in the first rank, because I love the game, and I love the trailer. I neve get tired of watching the trailer. And the game itself is fun. Actually, there are many people that love the trailer too, and they make a parody about it.

2. Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance

Top 10 Game Trailers

"I was born in the wrong side, in the wrong house ....."
The song is absolutely cool, and also the game is cool. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance which released on February 2014, is a game that I always want to play. Revengeance is the main theme of the game. I love the gameplay, the story, and of course, the graphic.

3. Dishonored

Top 10 Game Trailers

Revenge solves everything
I actually love the quote, it really have meaning for me. Afterall, Dishonored is also a cool game which (again) I can not play. In the game, you can play stealth, or assasin (that's how I call it). IGN says, you can actually finish the game without even kill an enemy.

4. Assasin's Creed 3

Top 10 Game Trailers

(Don't know anything to say)
Well, this trailer isn't really interactive, but I love seeing how the assasin killing people in the middle of war. He was like, "fuck this war! I'm going to kill people!" LoL.

5. Need For Speed : Most Wanted 2012

Top 10 Game Trailers

"we are challenged by beyond expected ..."
Need for Speed : Most Wanted 2012, as I said in Top 5 games I want to play, it's really different from the old most wanted. The trailer, yes, it's interesting to watch some expensive cars chased by cops and then they do some action like drifting, or flying, etc. that we can't actually do in the game. So, enjoyed the trailer will be fun.

NFS Most Wanted 2012 Trailer

So, that's the part one of Top 10 Game Trailers, and the part 2 will be published soon, thanks.

Part 2

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Killing God : Prolog

Virtual Novel : Killing God

Killing God


“haah.. dasar merepotkan” laki-laki itu berdiri disamping jasad seorang perempuan yang masih segar. Terlihat sebuah pisau tertancap di dadanya.
“taruh mana ya…?” gumamnya. Laki-laki itu memperhatikan seluruh bagian ruangan yang merupakan kamar tidurnya.
“oh ya, taruh situ saja!” serunya ketika melihat ke langit-langit kamarnya.
Laki-laki itu membuka pintu kamarnya, meninggalkan mayat perempuan dngan darah segar tergeletak di lantai. Tak lama kemudian ia kembali membawa sebilah pisau lain yang masih bersih, dan sebuah bangku plastik. Ia meletakkan bangku plastik di atas tempat tidurnya, dan berdiri di atasnya sambil menjaga keseimbangan.
“kreek” ia menusuk plafon di langit-langit kamarnya, dan membuat lubang yang cukup besar untuk dimasuki.
“nah, tinggal dibungkus” ujarnya sembari turun dari tempat tidurnya.
Laki-laki itu kembali meninggalkan kamarnya. Ia kembali membawa sebuah kantung plastic berukuran besar, dan sebuah lakban hitam. 
“kalau pakai baju nanti tidak rekat, apa boleh buat, bajunya harus dilepas”
Tanpa rasa bersalah, laki-laki itu melepas satu persatu pakaian dari jasad perempuan. itu. Ia kemudian mengambil plastik besar yang dibawanya dan memasukkan jasad perempuan tersebut kedalamnya.
“jangan sampai ada udara” ia mengeluarkan udara dari kanung plastik berisi jasad perempuan itu, dan merekatkan mulut kantung dengan lakban hitam.
“nah beres, harusnya tidak berbau” ujarnya selesai membungkus jasad.
Laki-laki itu kembali menaiki tempat tidurnya, kali ini sambil menggendong mayat yang sudah dibungkus itu di pundaknya. Ia memasukkan mayat tersebut kedalam loteng melalui lubang yang telah ia buat.
“nah, tidur nyenyak di situ, jangan ganggu hidupku lagi” ucapnya ketika berhasil memasukkan mayat ke dalam loteng. Ia turun dari kursi di atas tempat tidurnya, dan meraih lakban hitam.
“biar tidak ada yang mengetahui” ia merekatkan kembali plafon yang tadi dilubanginya, sehingga terlihat seolah tidak terjadi apa-apa.
“nah, sekarang beres semua, tinggal bersih-bersih”
Laki-laki itu merapikan kamarnya. Pakaian bekas mayat perempuan tadi dibakar dan ditebarkan abu nya di udara. Pisau yang tadinya berlumuran darah kini sudah kembali bersih tersusun dalam rak di dapur.
“nah, beres”
Tiba-tiba terdengar suara klakson mobil dari luar pagar. Laki-laki itu bergegas keluar.

Killing God Step 1 : Raise and Shine

New Virtual Novel : Killing God

Virtual Novel : Killing God

Killing God

Sebelumnya, untuk memperjelas, novel-novel yang pernah ditulis di Intion itu ada :

- Shinigami Half Vampire (cancelled)
- My Baka Girlfriend (cancelled)
- Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse
- War of Lovers (finished)
- Killing God (coming)

Untuk My Baka Girlfriend dan Shinigami Half Vampire harus berhenti karena ada kendala, bagi yang suka baca, mohon maaf. War of Lovers yang ditulis oleh Nisa Cantika sudah diakhiri di part 9.
Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse dalam kondisi pending karena juga ada kendala sehingga tidak bisa dilanjutkan untuk sementara. Sekali lagi mohon maaf untuk yang suka baca.
Virtual Novel baru dari Intion yaitu Killing God, yang akan segera di post part per part nya.

New Virtual Novel : Killing God


Terkadang, membunuh seseorang yang kita cintai itu menyenangkan. Begitulah yang dirasakan Felix, siswa SMA yang menjadi kebanggaan sekolahnya. Kehidupan Felix yang tadinya baik-baik saja seketika berubah ketika sisi gelap dirinya mulai memberontak untuk keluar. Siapa yang sangka kalau siswa teladan yang menjadi kebanggaan sekolah bisa menjadi seorang psycho? Semua kehidupan Felix berubah, mulai dari keuangan, cinta, keluarga, dan kehidupan sekolahnya. Bahkan Anggie, pacarnya sendiri pun tidak luput dari kegilaan Felix dengan sisi gelapnya.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

PS4 and XBox One Facing Huge RAM Limitations??

CryTek Developer Warns PS4 and XBox One Facing Huge RAM Limitations

PS4 and XBox One RAM Limitations

PS4 and XBox One Facing Huge RAM Limitations??

"Ryse: Son of Rome developer CryTek has warned that being limited to 8GB of RAM will be a huge shortcoming for both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Both current-gen consoles come packing 8 gigs of memory, a huge chunk of which is taken up by each system’s OS. While many of the early titles have looked fantastic, CryTek’s business development manager Sean Tracy has said that it is already encountering RAM limitations on PS4 and Xbox One…

PS4 and XBox One Facing Huge RAM Limitations??
Speaking in an interview with GamingBolt, Tracy claimed that “Though the PS4 and Xbox One don’t offer an enormous jump over the previous generation in terms of raw processing power, the custom AMD APU’s within both platforms represent a huge leap forward in terms of integration and capability.

“We are delighted with the updates to the next-gen hardware but of course always want more! The unified architecture of the [Accelerated Processing Units] allows us to easily leverage massive amounts of resources for all kinds of features including rendering, physics, animation and more.”

While this may all sound like great news for console gamers, Tracy was quick to put the kibosh on this news, signalling alarm when revealing that Xbox One launch title Ryse: Son of Rome pushed the system to its limit thanks to RAM limitations.

“I would have to agree with the viewpoint that 8 gigs can easily be filled up, but also keep in mind that developers don’t necessarily even have access to all 8 gigs of it,” Tracy continued. “For example the Xbox One retains some of the RAM for OS purposes.

“We already had to manage quite intensely our memory usage throughout Ryse and this will be one of the limiting factors surely in this generation. As hardware gets stronger the complexity of scenes can be increased and the dynamism within them. However, with that said it’s not the raw power alone that will allow for photorealistic graphics but technology that intelligently scales and utilizes all that the hardware has to offer.”

It’s worth bearing in mind that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 both came packing a meagre 512MB of RAM, which was still enough to produce gaming beauties such as The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto V, and Halo 4."

source - Game-Debate

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Watch Dogs Breaking Records

Watch Dogs Breaks the Pre-Order Records, Becomes Most Pre Ordered New IP of 2014

Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs Breaking Records

"In an announcement that probably won’t surprise anyone that has followed the Watch Dogs franchise from the outset, Ubisoft has announced that its upcoming hacker game has become the most pre-ordered new IP in the entire history of Ubi.

Not only this, but the game is also the most pre-ordered new IP in the industry this year and the second highest pre-ordered Ubisoft game ever, according the the company’s figures…

That means it looks like - for the moment at least - Watch Dogs is out-doing Destiny, which has also been tipped as a major competitor when it comes to new IPs in 2014.

"These strong pre-orders are a clear indication of players' anticipation and excitement for Watch Dogs," said Ubi's Geoffroy Sardin "The teams have worked tirelessly to ensure that players will enjoy a top quality game with enormous scope, and we can't wait to get the game into their hands."

"We are seeing tremendous excitement for the new Watch Dogs game," said Michael van den Berg, VP of Merchandising at GameStop. "In fact, Watch Dogs is the highest pre-ordered next-generation console game to date. It is on track to be one of the top selling video games across all consoles in 2014."

We don't know exact number as yet, but details coming out of Ubisoft say that the French publisher is anticipating that Watch Dogs will outsell the first Assassin's Creed game; a title which racked up an impressive 6.3 million lifetime sales.

If you've not yet pre-ordered Watch Dogs, don't forget about Game Debate's own Watch Dogs give-away, where you can win Watch Dogs and a handful of other games."

source - Game-Debate

Far Cry 4 News

Far Cry 4 Announced for November 2014 Release

Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4 News

"Ubisoft's Far Cry 4 is on its way and will release later this very year!

Its only been two years since the release of Far Cry 3 (Nov 2012) but we anticipate that FC4 will get fans of open world first person shooters clamoring for the next in the Far Cry series. Ubi will likely splash out with lots of juicy details at this years upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), June 10th. But lets take a look at what we have so far on Far Cry 4...
Far Cry 4 News

Dan Hay of Ubisoft Montreal says “wanted to take the franchise to the next level and create a game that will surprise and exceed fan expectations.” Dan is the Executive producer at Ubi Montreal and leading the FC4 development team.

Far Cry 4 will take place in a fictional Himalayan province called Kyrat, where a crazed self proclaimed modern day king rules.

Far Cry 4 is expected to be filled with the usual wildlife hunting and is being reported to include elephant riding as one of the activities open to the player. The usual scattering of vehicles, weapons and explosives are going to litter the snow covered craggy lands of the mountainous Himalayas for the player to find and abuse, while pursuing the inevitable opt in story line that accompanies these Ubisoft blockbuster titles.

But it wont all be arctic like backdrops, there will also be sunnier regions available to explore set around the alpine woodlands of the imaginative lands of Kyrat.

It sounds like a number of studios under the control of Ubisoft are coming together to get Far Cry 4 finished this year. These studios include Red Storm, Ubi Kiev, Ubi Toronto and Ubi Shanghai. How much each of these studios is contributing is not known, but it certainly suggests the final push towards the November 2014 release window.

The Far Cry 4 release date is set for November 20th in Europe where as Far Cry 4 will release on 18th November in the North Americas.

Far Cry 4 will be available on the following platforms: PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, XBox One and XBox 360

There is already talk of pre-order bonuses, to try and get fans to add Far Cry 4 to their 2014 purchase list today. If you pre-order then you will be getting a bunch of limited edition content that revolves around the character Hurk from Far Cry 3. Hurks Redemption, is a set of 3 single player missions that feature Hurk himself and you gain access to Hurk's trusty harpoon gun, known as The Impaler.

Far Cry 4 News

Naturally Far Cry 4 will be aiming at more mature audiences.

As we said though, lots more Far Cry 4 info will pour out of E3 in June which will be the first Far Cry 4 official announcement."

source - Game-Debate

New Assasins Creed

Ubisoft Confirms 2 Assasins Creed Games Coming in Autumn 2014

Assasin Creed : Unity

New Assasins Creed

"Ubisoft has announced that Assassin’s Creed Unity will be one of two Assassin’s Creed titles releasing this Autumn.

Confirmed as a next-gen and PC-only title, Assassin’s Creed: Unity is being developed by a whopping 10 Ubisoft studios, and will be joined by the oft-rumoured Assassin’s Creed Comet…

New Assasins Creed
Ubisoft revealed the news during a financial call yesterday afternoon, reporting that Ubisoft Montreal, Toronto, Singapore, Quebec. Annecy, Shanghai, Chengdu, Kiev, Montpellier, and Bucharest are all in chipping in to help Assassin’s Creed Unity’s development. It’s little wonder there was an info leak back in March isn't it?

Other than the all-too-brief cinematic trailer and the knowledge that Unity is set during the French Revolution, very little is known about Ubisoft’s next-gen offering.

Even more of a mystery is Assassin’s Creed Comet, which Ubisoft chairman Yves Guillemot has confirmed will be a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 only release. PC gamers will be disappointed to know there have been few whispers of Comet reaching your trusty beige box.

Both Assassin’s Creed titles are set to go head-to-head this fall, with more info of course expect during Ubisoft’s E3 2014 press conference on 9th June."

source - Game-Debate