Sunday, January 5, 2014

Film Horror Indonesia

Virtual Comedy - Film Horror Indonesia

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Udah cukup lama sejak Virtual comedy yang terakhir, kali ini gua mau ngomong soal film horror di Indonesia. 
Film horror disini aneh-aneh, dan menurut gua, memang betul-betul horror!! Kenapa? 
Karena yang diliatin itu kalau nggak PAHA, pasti DADA, nggak ada sayap, ceker, atau yang lain.

Tapi serius, film horror ini juga namanya aneh-aneh, Arwah Goyang Karawang, Suster Keramas, belum lagi yang tahun 2013 ini, Taman Lawang, setau gua taman lawang itu tempat banci ya? kok jadi horror?? Apa banci-banci itu dandan sedemikian menor, kemudian ngegoda om-om?? Atau itu sekedar film dokumentasi tentang kehidupan banci?? Sehingga bisa disebut film horror?

Ada lagi, Bangkit dari lumpur, ini dari judulnya aja gua dah ngakak. Ibaratkan metamorfosis dari film lama judulnya "Bangkit dari kubur". Ni orang mau buat film, tapi kehabisan judul, jadinya gini lah..
Mayat mana yang mau dikuburin di lumpur?? Aneh-aneh aja.

Terus Eyang Kubur...
Ini orang entah kreatif, entah blo'on, atau gimana, kok bisa-bisa nya, dari gosip ajaran sesat dijadiin film horror?? Kalo hantu kan biasanya suaranya "hhaaaaaaaaaa...." slow berat gitu, ada efek ngambangnya yang bikin deg-deg an. Nah kalo eyang kubur?? hantunya dateng, "DEMI TUHANN!!!!!" gitu? Deg degan kagak, langsung jantungan yang nonton.

Kembali nya Nenek Gayung, ini mitos yang sempet gua denger berkeliaran juga di daerah sekitar gua, katanya kalau ketemu nenek-nenek bawa gayung sama tikar, jangan ditanggepin, cuekin aja. Dan memang betul!! Gua pernah ketemu nenek-nenek, bawa-bawa gayung, sambil nentengin tiker buat piknik gitu. Eeeh, taunya nenek gua lagi mau mandi, ngapain bawa tiker nek? Buat jaga-jaga siapa tau nanti pas lagi mandi air abis, jadi sembari nunggu, gelar tiker.. Pake bawa rantang juga..

Oh ya, semalem gua nonton film horror, soal jelangkung gitu, ada adegan cowok, six pack, ganteng, keren, bawa jeep, di sekelilingnya hutan, terus biasa, ada efek-efek asep gitu. Tiba-tiba ada cewek lari ketengah jalan, ketabrak lah, ceweknya jatoh. Si cowok six pack ini turun, ngeliat, kagak ada siapa-siapa. Terus dia masuk lagi kedalem, tiba-tiba ceweknya udah di kap mobil nya, dipecahin kaca mobilnya itu sama si cewek, ditarik cowok six pack itu, dilemparnya keluar. 1 hal dalam pikiran gua waktu terjadi adegan itu, "ini cewek 'Badass' amat ya". Tau 'badass' ga? simpelnya, itu tokoh yang semacam preman, nggak bisa dikalahkan gitu. Nah ini cewek, setan lagi, tapi BADASS???

1 lagi, ada film judulnya "Mengejar Setan". Bullshit itu ya, mau judulnya mengejar setan, menangkap setan, berburu setan, ujung-ujungnya kalau sudah ketemu setan juga pada lari..

Oke segitu aja Virtual Comedy nya, gua Kahfi Akahito, Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Steam, Origin, and Hacked??

Steam, Origin, and hacked

Steam, Origin, and Taken down by DDoS attacks

"A number of gaming services including Steam, Origin, and League of Legends have been subjected to DDoS attacks over the past 24 hours, causing store closures and loss of access.

A hacker group going by the name DERP have claimed responsibility for the attacks that are still causing outages across the board for and Origin services, while a Twitter account by the name of chFtheCat has claimed that it took down Steam’s services…
Steam, Origin, and Hacked??

EA’s Origin platform was taken offline, blocking any players from accessing its online services across any of the available platforms, something which hacker group DERP was quick to claim responsibility for.

chFtheCat tweeted at 5:09 AM; “So Steam got back up, but we just rip'd it again. #pwned courtesy of myself and @LARCENY_”, before following up at 8:08 AM with “wut do u guys want down next since we're done with steam.”

It’s unknown exactly why the storefront has been targeted, but their motivations seemed to be revealed when they expressed their hope to “wake up with 50k [Twitter] follows.”

DDoS attacks work by overloading the target online networks so that the intended users cannot gain access to them. Over the past few months a number of DDoS attacks have brought down game servers and even government websites, but now it seems it’s the turn of the digital storefronts."

Well, I personally don't know what's these Steam and Origin did? I mean, when those fabulous game developer like EA, Activision, CAPCOM, etc. make a game, then Steam (or Origin for EA) take control of it like, selling it, and make a server for them to play online. I live in Indonesia, and liing there is VERY VERY VERY uncomfortable for gamers. I asked my friends that live in California about an original video games price there, she answered it's about $ 20.0 - $ 50.0 depending on the release date. THAT'S SO DAMN CHEAP MAN!!, in Indonesia, if we want to buy an original video games, it cost us Rp. 600.000 ($ 60.0) for Battlefield 4, and it's equals to $ 600.0 for dollars. That's why I hate living here.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, join this site if you want more, add a commet if you have your own opinion about this article, and thanks for visiting.

2013 Worst Games

Worst Games in 2013

The worst games in 2013 by Game Debate

2013 has been a great year since there are pretty much awesome games released. But unfortunately, there are many games that categorized "worst" in the Gaming news website. I'm personally a gamer myself, but I haven't played 2013 games yet, because my PC doesn't support any of them. Well anyway, let's get to the point.

The Worst Games of 2013 

- Ashes Cricket 2013, "The gaming equivalent of a Uwe Boll movie. Originally scheduled for a Summer 2013 release, this got pushed back just before release to a Winter 2013 release, in time for year’s second coming of the Ashes. It cropped up for sale for a few days before being unceremoniously aborted. Permanently. This was an unprecedented move on 505 Games behalf, removing the already completed game from sale and throwing it down the drain.
2013 Worst Games

The culmination of two years work, this made England’s performance at the latest Ashes look like a masterclass. Embarrassingly unplayable, Ashes Cricket 2013 has disappeared into the annals of history in a way few games ever have."

Haven't played it myself, but in my opinion, the graphic are pretty good, of course, it's 2013.

- SimCity, "No game has managed to shoot itself in the foot upon release with such staggering effectiveness. Launching to rave reviews it soon became readily apparent that SimCity had big problems. It seemed EA Maxis needed a new mayor. I guess the game would’ve been good hadn’t EA and Maxis made the intensely poor decision of enforcing always online in a series which has long been a solitary and calming experience. Well, launch day users had to prepare themselves to be decalmed, when the servers exploded under the strain. BOOM. EA were too late brewing the camomile tea, the baying audience were already looking for blood. It took over a week for reliability to rear its comforti
2013 Worst Games
ng, by which time several retailers had even removed it from sale.

That all seems moderately annoying but EA didn’t stop there. Before you knew it game saves were disappearing into the ether, never to be seen again, swallowed up by the omniscient ‘cloud’. Then news filtered out that SimCity didn’t even need to be an online, with the servers EA claimed were necessary not even handling any of the computations they said were necessary. Coupled with small cities and copious DLC, this game was certainly EA’s first big blot on 2013."

I played Simcity 3000 unlimited and Simcity 4, they're  fun games, too bad their reputations dropped because of "forced online" thing.

2013 Worst Games
- Alien : Colonial Marines, "Oh dear Aliens: Colonial Marines. Oh dear. How a game became the stuff of legend mere days after release is anybody’s guess, but Aliens: Colonial Marines became a laughing stock and a bargain bin resident in record time. Now available on consoles brand new for the princely sum of £2.85, it seems in space everyone can hear you scream.

How this team made Borderlands 2 and Half Life: Blue Shift while simultaneously birthing this monstrosity and Duke Nukem Forever is anybody’s guess. Pre-release footage suggested we were going to be in for a treat, the Alien franchise was back kicking and screaming, what we got was a hilarious, bug-ridden romp with laughable AI."

Haven't played this one, but I know Borderlands,  and according to the text, so basically, people expecting great games from them, but they give them a really bad games. Is that it??

- X Rebirth, "‘Trade, Fight, Build, Think, Tedium.’ Ok that’s not quite the real tagline but it may as well be. Taking the mundane to new levels previously thought impossible, the team at Egosoft took a beloved series, painfully extracted all of the negative elements and decided to make a game exclusively out of all those hideous scraps.
2013 Worst Games

While Space games can rarely lay claim to being emotive, X Rebirth takes the biscuit, appearing to the player to be about as charismatic as a paving slab. The indentikit space stations and a hideously dull co-pilot combine with horrendous frame rates and an array of graphical and control problems to create a mess that would have left Elite shaking its head and tutting, wondering where it all went wrong."

I don't know what to say here, I never heard abouy this game before, so, not much to say, the problem is their graphics here. maybe?

2013 Worst Games- The Walking Dead : Survival Instinct, "To call The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct a cash-in would be remiss. The Walking Dead: A Telltale Series was by all means a cash-in on both the comics and the TV series’ success, it was just fortunate enough to be a good one. Terminal Reality’s zombie-fest has you wishing reality really would terminate within five minutes of booting it up. Not many games let you know quite as swiftly as The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct that what you’re playing is an utter pile of tosh. At least it’s up front and honest we guess. Terrible controls, terrible graphics, repetition and poor combat combine in a melting pot of awful to serve you up a big steaming slice of undead pie."

I often heard about Walking Dead, and I ever watch it once at FOX? And Pewdiepie plays it a lot. I'm personally not really a fan of it, but I'm a fan of zombie apocalypse, but I think the gameplay's not too bad since we're fighting many zombies in this game.

So, that's all for the worst games of 2013 by Game Debate, and I have a question for you, Which one do you think is the worst of the worst among the games I mentioned above? or if you have your own game, then tell me in the comment, thanks for visiting.