Saturday, January 4, 2014

Steam, Origin, and Hacked??

Steam, Origin, and hacked

Steam, Origin, and Taken down by DDoS attacks

"A number of gaming services including Steam, Origin, and League of Legends have been subjected to DDoS attacks over the past 24 hours, causing store closures and loss of access.

A hacker group going by the name DERP have claimed responsibility for the attacks that are still causing outages across the board for and Origin services, while a Twitter account by the name of chFtheCat has claimed that it took down Steam’s services…
Steam, Origin, and Hacked??

EA’s Origin platform was taken offline, blocking any players from accessing its online services across any of the available platforms, something which hacker group DERP was quick to claim responsibility for.

chFtheCat tweeted at 5:09 AM; “So Steam got back up, but we just rip'd it again. #pwned courtesy of myself and @LARCENY_”, before following up at 8:08 AM with “wut do u guys want down next since we're done with steam.”

It’s unknown exactly why the storefront has been targeted, but their motivations seemed to be revealed when they expressed their hope to “wake up with 50k [Twitter] follows.”

DDoS attacks work by overloading the target online networks so that the intended users cannot gain access to them. Over the past few months a number of DDoS attacks have brought down game servers and even government websites, but now it seems it’s the turn of the digital storefronts."

Well, I personally don't know what's these Steam and Origin did? I mean, when those fabulous game developer like EA, Activision, CAPCOM, etc. make a game, then Steam (or Origin for EA) take control of it like, selling it, and make a server for them to play online. I live in Indonesia, and liing there is VERY VERY VERY uncomfortable for gamers. I asked my friends that live in California about an original video games price there, she answered it's about $ 20.0 - $ 50.0 depending on the release date. THAT'S SO DAMN CHEAP MAN!!, in Indonesia, if we want to buy an original video games, it cost us Rp. 600.000 ($ 60.0) for Battlefield 4, and it's equals to $ 600.0 for dollars. That's why I hate living here.

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