Saturday, February 25, 2017


Anime Review : Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

koutetsujou no kabaneri review

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri (2016) by Wit Studio. One thing about this anime, it certainly has hype. It definitely came wit a hype among otakus and cosplayers. Though it wasnt a big one, but whatever.

So I started watching this series like two months ago, and a few minutes into the first episode, I concluded the whole series... "It's fucking Attack on Titan."

Truthfully speaking though, the concept really close to the so hyped anime Attack on Titan. The first episode even basically just the exact same progress as AoT and that's really disappointing but hey, it's 2017, nobody has original idea anymore, they need source of inspiration, they need reference. Well at least don't freakin' copy it.

But real talk, after that AoT prolog, everything is different so DON'T WORRY, YOU'RE NOT WATCHING 'THAT' ANIME.

My personal favorite moment is during the first attack on kabane, everyone's panicking, running to safe place somewhere. There's a little girl, about to run away, her mother is waiting in front of the house, but she's busy picking toys to bring with her, that was cute. She was just picking toys to bring with her like normal kids and when she's done her mother got eaten by a titan--I mean kabane. Kinda like Eren's mom huh?

Anyway, aside from the first episode, the rest of the series is fine. I freakin love the concept of the deffensive survival thingies and transporting with basically train fortress, that is just freakin cool and they deliver it very well compared to AoT I think so I'm gonna give this series a score of 3.6/4 Thumbs. It was fine and good to watch, recommended for beginners aswell.

Now onto the characters review, what's good about this anime is that they don't give any surnames for their characters which a unique idea not implemented on every anime, especially AoT.

Character Review

ikomaIkoma, voiced by Tasuku Hatanaka. I like his passion and Eren-like personality. I found it kinda annoying that he's relying more on his gun instead of his cool kabaneri power. But at least he's not Eren. I love how Ikoma's character progression from the beginning to the end, he got a lot of progression which is cool. So in my opinion, this guy worth an A in my book.

Mumei, voiced by Sayaka Senbongi. The cosbait, waifu bait, fap bait, etc, etc. Seriously I have lost count of how many cosplayers are cosplaying her, not counting those who don't watch the series at all. One thing about this girl is she's cute when she's not in her fighting uniform, it's like several seconds in the first episode and then she's done. What I don't like about Mumei is the fact that this character is having a degression. Like the first several episodes she looked really sure of what she's doing, really confident about everything until at some point she started to confuse everything. The reason I call it a degression is because she didn't get the confident she had in the beginning at the end of the series which is sucks. This girl desserves a B in my book.

So that was my Koutetsujou no Kabaneri review, let me know in the comment below if Mumei is your waifu and you feel offended cause your waifu is a trash.
Just kidding, share this review to those who JUST FINISHED WATCHING the series to avoid spoilers.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lo Bukan Lo Kalo lagi Laper

Anime Review : Ben-To



Ben-to Anime Review


Bento (2011) by David Production. Anime ini bener-bener bagus! Scene fightingnya well animated, jelas sih, namanya genre nya aja martial arts. Hal yang menarik dari anime satu ini yaitu konsep bertanding untuk memperebutkan Bento (bekal) setengah harga. Anak kos, anak rantau direkomendasikan untuk nonton nih anime, pasti feels nya kerasa. Awalnya emang bisa dibilang konyol karena berantem cuma untuk rebutin makanan, dan itu mengingatkan pada sebuah iklan yang cukup viral dengan tagline nya "Lo bukan lo kalo lagi laper.". Semua pasti tau iklan apa itu... yap, iklan sneakers. Anyway, ada waifu baru di sini, dan sangat potensial. Tapi dari semua karakter perempuan yang ada di series nya, yang paling mencolok yaitu Sen Yarizui dan Shaga Ayame. Nanti gua kasih tau siapa waifu baru gua, tapi untuk sekarang gua akan sebutkan kelemahannya. Kelemahan pertama yang paling mencolok yaitu scene yuri. Nantinya akan ada scene yuri + incest yang overdose, padahal genre nya nggak menyebutkan yuri. Kedua yaitu episode yang terlalu pendek. Ya, mereka mengakhiri series nya dengan baik, tapi meninggalkan tanda tanya besar antara hubungan Satou Yoh dengan Sen Yarizui, well, romance memang bukan genre nya juga sih. Sayangnya anime ini underrated, entah kenapa, padahal bagus, mungkin kalo mereka mengurangi adegan yuri nya atau menambahkan tag yuri ke genre nya, anime ini jadi lebih mudah dicapai. Overall score untuk Bento : 3.5/4 Thumbs.

Character Review


Sen Yarizui
Sen Yarizui, disuarai oleh Mariya Ise. *suara drum* daaaan inilah waifu baru gua, Sen Yarizui!!!
Ehm, mungkin banyak yang milih Shaga sebagai waifu, tapi nggak, yang nemplok di hati gua yaitu Sen. Kenapa? Pertama, Sen itu cool, calm, collected. Dia menghadapi masalah dengan tenang dan cool. Dua, dia badass. Sen itu kuat, karena itu dia termasuk serigala yang dapat julukan "Ice Witch". Tiga, clumsy. Meskipun cool, calm, collected, rupanya Sen punya sisi clumsy atau ceroboh juga, karena itu dia diberi julukan Ice witch. Empat, jelas, bodynya AAA. Perkembangan karakter slow, ngga begitu terlihat, mungkin karena karakter dasarnya yang melekat dan pakem, tapi pada akhirnya dia terbuka juga kok. Score untuk Sen : A

Satou You
Satou Yoh, disuarai oleh Hiro Shimono. Pertama-tama, karakter Satou itu memang bagus. Lucu, ceroboh, bodoh, dll. tapi jangan terkecoh dengan karakter badutnya, Satou ini ternyata kuat. Kuat serupa dengan Sen. Awalnya gua ngga menduga kalau orang ini ternyata bisa ngalahin musuh dengan mudah seperti senpai-nya, Sen. Perkembangan Satou dari awal sampai akhir, mungkin yang paling mencolok adalah sisi gay nya. Yup, semakin ke belakang Satou jadi makin gay (spoiler). Score untuk Satou Yoh : B-

Shaga Ayame Shaga Ayame, disuarai Emiri Katou. Shaga salah satu karakter favorit gua, apalagi VA nya juga ngisi karakter-karakter favorit gua dari series lain. Tapi sayang ngga cukup screen time untuk Shaga supaya jadi waifu gua. Selain itu juga, ada satu hal penting yang mengurangi poin Shaga di mata gua, yaitu baju renang. Di sepisode berapa (lupa), ketika semua ke kolam berenang, jelas ada fanservice dong, di sana kita punya dua primadona, Sen dan Shaga. Ketika gua lihat baju renangnya Sen, "oh yeah!!", namun ketika gua lihat baju renang Shaga, ah biasa aja. Anyway, Shaga termasuk serigala kuat yang punya julukan, dan kekuatannya setara dengan Sen. Perkembangan karakter, gua suka ketika Shaga tau kalo Satou suka sama Sen. Jarang ada rival yang bisa bikin gua ikut rasain kehilangan, dan Shaga termasuk salah satu yang dapat bikin gua merasaakn kehilangan juga. Penanaman karakter terhadap penontonnya bagus. Score untuk Shaga : A

Hana OshiroiHana Oshiroi, disuarai Aoi Yuuki. Karakter satu ini gua punya mixed feelings. Satu sisi gua ngga suka hardcore fujoshi nya yang main-mainin karakter utama sehingga jadi yaoi. Tapi di sisi lain ngga bisa dipungkiri kalo dia lucu. Cara dia menggunakan narasi third person untuk membuat pertarungan sengit Satou jadi pertarungan di ranjang dengan laki-laki lain ngga bisa dipungkiri memang lucu. Perkembangan karakter, rasanya ngga terlalu mencolok selain dia menemukan jati dirinya, yaitu penulis cerita yaoi Satou. Score untuk Oshiroi : B

Yup, jadi itu dia review untuk Ben-to, anime ini direkomendasikan untuk yang nyari anime fighting, comedy atau bahkan yuri. Kalau ada pendapat silakhan dikomen, dan jangan lupa share ke temen otaku yang masih baru.

Top 5 Paladins Champions Who Don't Require Skill

Paladins Champions for Beginners

Easy to Play Champions


Paladins Champion


Okay so before you're flaming on me, I will admit it that the title is obviously a clickbait. I am currently studying the art of clickbaiting to gain more views. Don't worry, I will put boobs on the thumbnail as well.

So hold your horses, I did say that these champions don't need skill to play with, but what I actually mean is that these champions are perfect for beginners to master before trying out other champions.

First thing first, I love Paladins, and I've been playing it for like, 3 weeks now. If for some reason you want to see my noobness in the game, go and add Axahito as your friend.

Now let's get into the list

1. Tyra


Tyra Paladins


Don't flame me because I put your bae on the list, the first one on top of that. The reason is, Tyra really one easy champion to play with. Her Q skill throws a freakin molotov and create a puddle of fire that every enemy will try to avoid. This is perfect for beginners who just log on to Paladins  by Hi-Rez. Her F is basically a tank killer which is again, good for beginners. The only downside she has is the fact that she doesn't have any movement skill execpt for her ultimate skill which gives her 40% attack and movement speed, also her rifle will not consume ammo. All you have to do is just pick one nice and comfy spot, then start throwing nades and molotov from that spot. If you're playing in casual mode at least, I'm pretty sure the enemy team won't bother killing you as Tyra cause they don't care. It's just the matter of how good you're to utilize your enemy's ignorance.

Now you may disagree with me, but whatever man, it's my opinion, and of course you have your own opinion as well.

2. Ruckus


Ruckus Paladins


"What?? But Ruckus requires skill to play! Skill to use a good timing for shield, skill to jump around, skill-bla,blabla...."

Okay, I get it. But there's one thing that makes it really easy to use Ruckus. No need to aim. Ruckus has big guns, especially his ulti. With those guns it doesn't even matter wether you're aiming on one enemy or multiple enemies cause you don't have to worry about ammo and stuff. You do need to have a good timing skill to time Ruckus's shield though. Also, Ruckus is good for beginners to learn roles of the game. Like front line, support, flank, etc. With Ruckus, either themselves or their teammates will force them to stay on the point and doing his job.

3. Viktor


Viktor Paladins


Now who doesn't know this guy? You've seen him in the tutorial so it doesn't even matter anymore, you already know how to play him. Viktor is also typical classic soldier you usually play in games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, it should be difficult to go wrong with Viktor.

4. Skye


Skye Paladins


Now if you know me you know that Skye is my bae. I do love Skye, and mainly because her physical appearance.Skye is easy to play and you will be able to kill a lot if you know your role. If you're playing on casual mode, it should be fine using Skye, just play around with your right click and your F, you should be fine. The problem with beginners is they tend to play Skye in the front line. That's completely wrong, unless you are the only one alive in your team and really need to hold the point from the enemy team. But if that's not the situation, then you should go to the back line of the enemy's team and kill their damage dealers.

Kinessa should be your primary target since she's easy to kill and could be dangerous if you let her alive. Other targets should be Viktor, Tyra, theis healers, flankers and finally tanks. Those go in order.

Also, as Skye, when you're invisible, don't try to fight a fight that you can't win. Sometimes maybe you ran into someone while invis-ing to the back line of enemy's team, and they start shooting at you. Depending on who you're facing, but I suggest just stay away. Skye's invis wont gone unless you attack or the duration ends, so it will take a second for you to go invis again after whoever ran into you saw you.

5. Torvald


Torvald Paladins


Two reasons. One, "wait for my ulti.", and two "I don't know who else to add."

So yeah, those are 5 champions that are easy to play with and recommended for beginners in Paladins. I'm not saying that these champions are shit, or should be nerf-ed or something like that, no. They exist to help beginners getting into the game getting familiar to Paladins meta or some shit. These champions are easy to play, IMHO, but maybe not for you. So leave a comment who's the easiest champion to play, and share this post to your newbie Paladins friend.

*Note : Skye is bae