Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing

Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing

The Witcher II

Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing

"According to a recent post on its site, GOG.com will begin offering regional pricing for several of the larger titles releasing this year, meaning games could see a price bump in some countries.

The cost of a game can vary wildly from region to region, but GOG sought to avoid that situation by selling all of its games for a single price wherever you are in the world. That won’t be the case much longer though, as GOG.com referenced the regional pricing for The Witcher 2 across the US, UK, EU and AUS as an example of the method it will be adopting…
Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing
According the GOG.com this method is needed in order to attract the bigger studios, who don’t want to lose out by selling games for US prices in other territories. The news post said that it is “in order to bring you new titles from fantastic bigger studios. Since we don't accept currencies other than USD on GOG.com right now, we'll be charging the equivalent of the local price in USD for these titles.

“We wish that we could offer these games at flat prices everywhere in the world, but the decision on pricing is always in our partners' hands, and regional pricing is becoming the standard around the globe. We're doing this because we believe that there's no better way to accomplish our overall goals for DRM-Free gaming and GOG.com.”

What this means for gamers is that in all likeliness pricing is going to go up for territories outside the US, or it wouldn’t have been in the publisher’s interest to get it changed in the first place. Still, at least GOG is sticking to its DRM-free ideals, taking a moment to soften the blow by announcing that three big titles would be arriving soon. It’s all hush hush and NDAs at the moment, but GOG could say that it’s two RPGs and a strategy game. As with The Witcher 2, buying or pre-ordering these games will allow you to bag a free game as well."

source - Game-Debate

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