Monday, May 23, 2016

This is OUR Badassness! [ENGLISH]

Strike the Blood Review [ENGLISH]

Anime Review : Strike the Blood (24 episodes)

Strike the Blood

A quick notice, since I've done this review so long time ago, and I've changed my review policy, so I'm going to make a slightly different review compared to the old [Indonesian] one, just fitting up some stuff to my current policy.

Strike the Blood
Strike the Blood (2013). Okay, this anime... just finished watching, even though I stopped watching for like 2 weeks, but the after taste when finishing is still haven't changed at all. I'm not even mad, not even sad, I just... don't know what I'm feeling towards this anime, maybe confused? For the storyline, it's good. The girls are also pretty good for ecchi category, even though they're not even touching Highschool DxD's tail. But it's not fanservice that I'm looking for. At the beginning, I was interested by the vampire, and when I found such a badass vampire, I started to watch the series. There's not much I can say about this anime, maybe there's several episodes that're not connected to the main story, also the ero god's ray intervering the fanservice. Overall, this anime is good, the story is OK, and the romance element also deserve a thumb. Score for the anime Strike the Blood : 3.6 / 4 Thumbs.

Character Review

Strike the Blood

Kojou Akatsuki, voiced by Hosoya Yoshimasa. He's the main character, also the 4th progenitor (I don't even know what a progenitor is). He's pretty badass, even though his badassness mostly blocked by Yukina who always claim to be his "monitor", including girlfriend and little sister. As a badass character, Kojou himself is alreadt good, with his signature line : "From now on, this is my fight!" and at that point, right away, he could defeat any kind of enemies, no matter how strong the enemy is. BUT, unfortunately, his badassness had to be blocked by the "girlfriend wanna be" Yukina by her signature line : "No senpai, this is OUR fight!" right after Kojou saying his signature line. Anyway, score for Kojou Akatsuki : A.

Strike the Blood

Himeragi Yukina, voiced by Taneda Risa. Monitor, also imouto and girlfriend of Kojou. I don't know what to say,  is it only me or she is actually exaggerating every single thing? I mean, she's always showing off stuffs like the fact that she is Kojou's monitor. Her other signature line : "However, I am your monitor." really pissing me off. It's like I want to shout in front of her face : "I know dammit! Enough!". She always mention her signature lines in like every single episode, which make this kawaii, sexy and beautiful girl kinda annoying. But hey, everyone's opinion is different, right? Score for Himeragi Yukina : B+.

Strike the Blood

Aiba Asagi, VA : Seto Asami. Now you may say, Aiba Asagi is my favorite female character throughout the whole series. I don't know why or how, I just really like her. She's a female hacker, which is kinda nonsense at least for me. Aiba has a personal assistance in a form of software that I don't know how she acquired it, and his true identity will be revealed later. The thing that I hate from Aiba is that how she really loves Kojou, but her tsundere personality is too damn strong. Aside from my love for Aiba, she's actually really hated y everybody in the entire world. I looked up at some forums and the majority people hate her. I think, what makes her looks bad is that she didn't get enough screen time, which makes her can't show off her cool side. I mean, like Kojou's badass block, she didn't have the chance to do romantic things with Kojou like how Yukina did. Her role on the series is also not really suit for her to be the main female. Well, score for Aiba Asagi : A-.

Okay at this point, you might already checked the Strike the Blood database on myanimelist, and found out that I didn't do the review of  Rihavein La Folia. The reason is because I only translated my old review, and do some arrangement to suit my current policy. I removed the review of some characters to fit the ones that are showed at Strike the Blood myanimelist databse main page. It's not like I don't want to, but I've watched this anime for so long, like two years ago, and I don't have enough time to rewatch and refresh my memories about this anime. So, I'm really sorry about this missing character review.

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