Friday, February 28, 2014

Watch Dog Release Date

Watch Dog Release Date Announcement and New Gameplay Trailer Imminent

Watch Dog Release Date

Watch Dog Release Date

"The official UK Playstation website may have inadvertently let slip an imminent announcement for Watch Dogs.

The competitions page of Sony’s website temporarily featured a box-out advertising a trailer dropping soon, with a release date for the highly anticipated Watch Dogs to accompany it...

How the leak appeared on the Playstation website
The blurb on the now removed advert read “Watch Dogs is on its way… Find out the release date in this new trailer…” While it is no longer present, a cached version existed for some time that contained references to Watch Dogs peppered throughout the page’s source code.

Watch Dog Release Date
Watch Dogs was originally planned for a November 2013 release before being delayed just weeks before its launch. At the time Ubisoft’s North American president Laurent Detoc said “It’s a very intense decision, not everybody agrees. You have to say, ‘this is in the best interest of the product, to do this,’ because at the end of the day we’re going to be able to do this extra fine tuning.”

Watch Dog Release Date

Watch Dogs is now currently scheduled to arrive by the end of June, for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360. A Wii U version is expected some time later."

source - Game-Debate

AMD Radeon R9 280

First Look At The Upcoming AMD Radeon R9 280

AMD Radeon R9 280

AMD Radeon R9 280

"A couple of weeks ago we talked about AMD reportedly preparing Radeon R7 265 and R9 280 graphics cards for production. Well, the R7 265 is officially out and the R9 280 doesn’t look to be far behind.

The R9 280 is set to be a refresh of a classic high-end graphics card, the HD 7950. Packing a Tahiti Pro 2 GPU with 3GB GDDR 5 memory, 1792 Stream Processors, 112 TMUs and 32 ROPs, this card is expected to hit retail within the next fortnight for around $250. That’s if the bitcoin miners don’t get their hands on it first anyway…

In terms of the specs of the R9 280 that’s all we have for now, the clock speeds of the reference card are still an unknown. So far we’ve received details on two cards being manufactured by AMD partners; the ASUS Radeon R9 280 DirectCU II TOP and the XFX Radeon R9 280 Double Dissipation.

The ASUS R9 280 looks identical to its R9 280X model, complete with trademark DirectCU II heatsink.

AMD Radeon R9 280
Also known is the XFX Radeon R9 280 Double Dissipation, with a slick looking finish and sturdy cooler.

AMD Radeon R9 280

Both of these cards are expected on the market within a week or two, priced at around $250. We’ll be sure to bring you more concrete info on clock speeds once we have it."

source - Game-Debate

Thursday, February 27, 2014

DmC Devil may Cry

Komentar DmC Devil may Cry

DmC Devil may Cry (DMC 5)

DmC Devil may Cry

SSSensational!!! DmC Devil may Cry, atau yang biasa di misunderstanding sebagai DMC 5, game
DmC Devil may Cry
re-make hasil kolaborasi CAPCOM, dengan Ninja Theory. Dari segi storyline, ini sudah beda jauh dari DMC 4, walaupun memang sebenarnya setiap seri DMC juga nggak nyambung satu sama lain, tapi ini yang paling nggak connect ke DMC 4. Rambut Dante warna putih, gondrong, jadi item setengah emo. Storyline nya, bagus, graphic, bagus, jelas, keluaran Januari 2013. Kaget juga sebenernya PC gua bisa dipake buat DmC Devil may Cry, malah kena setting high. Anyway, soal unlockables, ada 3 kostum yang bisa di unlock, White haired Dante, Coatless Dante, dan Super Dante (style kayak old Dante di DMC 1-4). Weapon, pedang pusaka Rebellion, pistol kembar Ebony & Ivory, senjata Demon Arbiter dan Eryx, senjata Angel Osiris dan Aquilla, pistol tambahan Kablooey dan Revenant. Soal combo, ada segudang, nggak usah pusing, pusingin aja cara nge chain combo dengan 5 jari. Style Rank mulai dari Dirty, Cruel, Brutal, Anarchic, Savage, SSadistic, dan SSSensational. Masih ada lagi unlockable Difficulty, dari Human, Devil Hunter, Nephilim, Son of Sparda (tamatin 1x), Dante Must Die (tamatin Son of Sparda), Heaven or Hell (tamatin Son of Sparda), Hell or Hell (tamtin Heaven or Hell). Anyway, penilaian Intion untuk DmC Devil may Cry :

Graphic Quality : 3/4 Thumbs
Storyline : 2/4 Thumbs
Gameplay : 3/4 Thumbs
Overall : 2.6 Thumbs (above average)

DmC Devil may Cry

Belum main? cek SR di DmC
Cek Komentar Flappy Bird

South Park : The Stick of Truth

The Truth of the Stick

South Park : The Stick of Truth

South Park : The Stick of Truth

"Four potty-mouthed kids from a small Coloradan town called South Park will once again be making the pilgrimage back to the land of gaming, after a fourteen-year hiatus since the last full retail release.
Those afraid that South Park’s politically incorrect humour had any chance of being toned down for its latest videogame outing will be pleased to know it looks every bit as offensive as you’d hope it would. So, let's take a look at South Park: The Stick of Truth…
It takes less than a week for the Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s teams to piece together a bitingly satirical episode of South Park, cranking them out at a rate of knots to ensure every episode is as current as can be. South Park: The Stick of Truth is forced to take an entirely different tack; a game that has been on a rocky development road that saw it miss its original release date by almost a year.
Previous South Park games oddly decided to go down the 3D polygonal model room, but The Stick of Truth subverts gamer expectation by instead looking exactly like the TV show. EXACTLY like the TV show. It’s a glorious representation of South Park’s budget aesthetics and laissez-faire attitude to appearances, rendered like everybody’s favourite cartoon come to life.  Contrary to previous games in the franchise, South Park: The Stick of Truth is written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone themselves, ensuring this should have the sort of top-notch hilarious script Duke Nukem Forever could only dream of.
South Park : The Stick of Truth

For those of you GDers who aren’t familiar with South Park, it’s worth bearing in mind that this is set to be a game designed to be controversial. Just today word reached us that several scenes from the game are to be banned in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Probably expected when they included a mini-game in which a doctor is performing an abortion on the player. Oops, this is probably NSFW!
Booting the game up for the first time tells you all you need to know about what to expect from South Park: The Stick of Truth, as the player is offered a choice of four classes for their adventure. Your standard Fighter, Mage, Thief and erm... Jew.

Plot Shenanigans

South Park : The Stick of Truth

South Park: The Stick of Truth is a classic turn-based RPG that has the player controlling the new kid in school, riding into town amid a titanic fantasy battle. Coming from the fertile mind of Cartman’s imagination no doubt, a thousand year has been waged over The Stick of Truth. Humans and elves have been locked in a neverending battle for an enlarged twig, until word of a new kid at school looks to turn the tides of war. Cartman immediately takes you under his wing, tasking you with protecting the Stick of Truth in a fight against the Elves. Things of course get out of control and so, battling alongside Stan, Kyle, “The Grand Wizard” Cartman and Kenny, the new kid must discover the Stick of Truth and end this war once and for all. Cue underpants gnomes, hippies, ginger kids and other forces of evil. Win, and you’re a hero. Fail, and you’re a loser.


In The Stick of Truth’s turn-based battles you’ll be juggling you and your parties various attacks, blocks and items, all the while keeping a beady eye on your HP and Power Points (affectionately dubbed pee-pee). If you’ve played any classic JRPG you should be in familiar territory here. This time though, rather than Materia and Summons it’s more explosive diarrhea and anal probes. In a manner similar to Paper Mario, each of your attacks will have special timing mechanisms that when pressed can boost the damage or the effect. For example pressing a button on exactly the right timing when Cartman lights his fart will engulf the enemy in flaming methane, doing increased damage.
Players will have access to perks, skill trees and weapon buffs, allowing them to customise their two-person party. Most of the perks seem to be top-secret for now, except for the Protect My Balls perk, which decreases the damage a player takes when critically injured. Levelling up and character growth is conducted through a traditional levelling system. Battles provide you with experience points and loot, while levelling up will allow the player to spend points on skills in various skill trees.  New members in your group are invited through Facebook, and of course you start the game with “0 friends”.
South Park : The Stick of Truth

In a nod to classic RPGs the player will have a quest log with things to do, whether that be trafficking crystal meth, beating up a bunch drifters with a dead bird, or farting on Kenny dressed as a princess. It promises to be like The Witcher but with considerably more rectums.
You’ll be able to move about the town of South Park on 2D sets that ape the cartoon’s classic visual style. Players will be able to move on a 3D plane though, moving in and out of the screen in order to explore the environment. There’s no word yet on how big the world will be, but for those looking for fast travel look no further than Timmy Travel, the wheelchair-bound student who’ll whisk around South Park at your whim.

System Requirements

Considering its 2D graphics and fairly basic art style, South Park: The Stick of Truth is a moderately demanding game. While gamers are only going to need a couple of gigs of RAM to hit the recommended system requirements, the GPU requirements may sting a few. A minimum of an Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT is required to get the game running, alongside a dual-core 2.5 GHz processor. 
For the full list of system requirements be sure to check out the South Park: The Stick of Truth game page.
South Park: The Stick of Truth will be available for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 on March 4th in the US and March 7th in Europe."

source - Game-Debate


Outlast Whistleblower Prequel DLC Detailed and Dated

Oulast Whistleblower DLC


"Strap yourself in because the first batch of downloadable content for the truly terrifying Outlast will officially be available this April, developer Red Barrels announced today.

For those who’ve not had their fill of nerve-shredding terror, the Outlast: Whistleblower DLC is a prequel of sorts that drops the player in control of an anonymous tipster, who contacted the main game’s protagonist about a series of strange goings-on at Mount Massive Asylum…

Taking on the role of contract software engineer Waylon Park, the player will witness the experiments leading to the breakdown of the mental asylum, as well as events beyond the main game that will reveal the final chapter of this morbid tale.

“Whistleblower will let you play as Waylon Park, a software engineer under contract with Murkoff and the man who emailed journalists around the world - including Miles - at the beginning of Outlast," reading a blog post from Red Barrel Games. "Spending a couple of weeks at Mount Massive, during which he was unable to even talk to his wife and son in Boulder thanks to strict security protocols, Weylon developed a deep-seated distrust of the profit-motivated scientists and doctors leading dangerous and irresponsible experiments on their patients. Identifying with those poor souls fueled Waylon's anger, and set the stage for his unmasking of Mount Massive's rotten core.”

Judging from the single released screenshot and my horrific playthrough of Outlast, it’s a safe bet that the Whistleblower DLC will be ordeal that’s difficult to resist.

Whistleblower will be arriving this April for PC and Playstation 4. In the meantime be sure to check out our review of the Playstation 4 version of Outlast."

source - Game-Debate

Direct X Evolution

Microsoft is Evolving Direct X to Compete with the Mantle API

Microsoft Evolving Direct X

Direct X Evolution

"Never one to be outdone, Microsoft has taken a glance over at the impressive performance seen from AMD’s close-to-the-metal Mantle API and decided it too wants a piece of the action.

At next month’s Global Developer Conference (GDC) 2014 event, Microsoft is preparing to unveil plans for providing low level access to the DirectX APIs…

Two Microsoft-hosted talks at the event will be looking at the future of Direct3D as well as evolving Microsoft’s graphics platform.

The Direct3D Futures talk will be looking at how future changes to Direct3D will enable the next generation of games to run faster than they ever have before. The GDC catalogue provides details on the session, saying that the team will discuss “future improvements in Direct3D that will allow developers an unprecedented level of hardware control and reduced CPU rendering overhead across a broad ecosystem of hardware.”

As if this wasn’t enough, the Evolving Microsoft’s Graphics Platform talk will focus on how the most popular API for game development over the last twenty years will be adapting in order to compete with the impressive Mantle API. The session description says “You asked us to bring you even closer to the metal and to do so on an unparalleled assortment of hardware. You also asked us for better tools so that you can squeeze every last drop of performance out of your PC, tablet, phone and console.” If they get any closer to the metal things could get dangerous.

This indicates that there should be a fundamental change in the way that DirectX operates. The thinking seems to be similar to Mantle in that some of the traditional overheads associated with DirectX will be cut in order to communicate more efficiently with the GPU and CPU. The performance gains seen in Battlefield 4 with the use of Mantle API have been considerable, and it appears Microsoft hasn’t been totally oblivious to the competition heating up around them. The more competition the better for us PC gamers!"

source - Game-Debate

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dying Light

Dying Light Sytem Requrements

Dying Light

Dying Light

"Dying Light is the survival horror set to come to next-gen consoles this year courtesy of Techland and Warner Bros. The story focuses on the mass infection of a population with a virus that turns them to an aggressive, zombie-like state and the title's open world and cyclical day mechanic (the game switches from day to night, with the "infected" becoming more dangerous after nightfall) could make it an interesting addition for fans of the zombie genre.

Techland and Warner Bros. have both repeatedly reiterated the game's next-gen potential and it's hardware-testing technology; it is the first game built around the new, powerful Chrome Engine 6. To give us an insight into these next-gen graphical shenanigans, they've unveiled their work-in-progress system requirements which, whilst not complete or extensive, give us an insight into what kind of rig we might need for this zombie title...

Minimum System Requirements

OS : Vista, 7 or 8
CPU : Intel Core2 Duo 3GHz /AMD Athlon 64 X2 3GHz, Intel Core i5 2.4GHz
HD : 20GB available space
GPU : DirectX 10–compliant 512 MB VRAM
DX : 10.0

Recommended System Requirements

OS : Windows 7 or 8 -64 bit
CPU : Quad-core CPU 3GHz
HD : 20GB available space
GPU : Radeon 7900 Series / GeForce GTX 670

It's worth noting that these as of yet are just predicted requirements, so don't go panicking yet if you want this game on maximum settings but don't have the GTX 670 to cope with it. However, Techland has been pretty insistent about the next-gen potential of their game (they even released a trailer specifically showing off how pretty its light effects would be) and how they are trying to break barriers when it comes to technology. The predicted system requirements they unveiled were accompanied by blurb saying that;

"Dying Light is the first game powered by Chrome Engine 6, a cutting edge incarnation of Techland’s proprietary technology, designed from the ground up for the new console generation, DirectX 11 and other advanced solutions."

This probably explains the hefty recommended GPU requirements, although the fairly vague minimum requirements could end up being pretty manageable, depending on the game's PC optimization. All indications point to minimum DirectX 10 compliant cards, however.

What might be the real challenge for a lot of gamers on lower-spec rigs is those recommended RAM requirements. Whist most serious gamers I probably already packing the 4GB required for minimum settings, upgrading to 8GB looks like it might be necessary if you want to appreciate the full glory of all those promised new lighting technologies and realistic physics effects Dying Light apparently has up its sleeve. That 20GB of hard drive space is no mean feat either, although with games getting bigger seemingly by the hour, and with those like The Elder Scrolls Online taking up far vaster expanses of our drives in recent weeks, 20GB is beginning to seem less outlandish. Still, you might have to have a bit of a spring clean if you're pushed for space.

Techland has been pushing pretty hard on the "next-gen console" side of marketing their game; we're hoping upon hope that this doesn't translate into lousy optimization on PC."

source - Game-Debate

First time seeing the SR, I think this game is a monster. 4GB RAM for minimum requirements, 2014 will be a crazy Gaming Evolution year..

Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing

Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing

The Witcher II

Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing

"According to a recent post on its site, will begin offering regional pricing for several of the larger titles releasing this year, meaning games could see a price bump in some countries.

The cost of a game can vary wildly from region to region, but GOG sought to avoid that situation by selling all of its games for a single price wherever you are in the world. That won’t be the case much longer though, as referenced the regional pricing for The Witcher 2 across the US, UK, EU and AUS as an example of the method it will be adopting…
Good Old Games to Begin Using Regional Pricing
According the this method is needed in order to attract the bigger studios, who don’t want to lose out by selling games for US prices in other territories. The news post said that it is “in order to bring you new titles from fantastic bigger studios. Since we don't accept currencies other than USD on right now, we'll be charging the equivalent of the local price in USD for these titles.

“We wish that we could offer these games at flat prices everywhere in the world, but the decision on pricing is always in our partners' hands, and regional pricing is becoming the standard around the globe. We're doing this because we believe that there's no better way to accomplish our overall goals for DRM-Free gaming and”

What this means for gamers is that in all likeliness pricing is going to go up for territories outside the US, or it wouldn’t have been in the publisher’s interest to get it changed in the first place. Still, at least GOG is sticking to its DRM-free ideals, taking a moment to soften the blow by announcing that three big titles would be arriving soon. It’s all hush hush and NDAs at the moment, but GOG could say that it’s two RPGs and a strategy game. As with The Witcher 2, buying or pre-ordering these games will allow you to bag a free game as well."

source - Game-Debate

Monday, February 24, 2014

Benteng Van Der Wijk

Virtual Comedy

Kehidupan orang Belanda di Benteng Van Der Wijk

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Virtual up Comedy, gua buat konsepnya "Virtual Comedy", jadi segala macem tulisan yang bisa bikin ketawa termasuk didalamnya.
Anyway, udah pernah ke benteng ini? Kalo belum, cobain aja kesana, masih banyak peninggalan Belanda.
Benteng Van Der Wijk
Sebelumnya gua ceritain kisahnya gimana bisa sampe ke benteng Van Der Wijk, itu karena ada acara judulnya Outbound untuk kelas Akselerasi (kelas gua). Nah di event ini, kita pergi ke DIY Yogyakarta, berangkat tanggal 17 Februari 2014. Gua nggak akan bahas disini, nanti gua bahas di posting selanjutnya.

Anyway, nggak banyak bicara, gua mau sharing picture tentang benda-benda peninggalan orang Belanda di benteng Van Der Wijk, Check it out!

Benteng Van Der Wijk
Tim Elite Belanda
Benteng Van Der Wijk
Tempat Latihan Tentara Belanda
Benteng Van Der Wijk
Satwa liar dalam benteng Van Der Wijk ASLI (patungnya)
Benteng Van Der Wijk
Panggung orgen tunggal versi Belanda kalo ada tentara yang nikahan
Benteng Van Der Wijk
Pemandian Tentara Belanda, ada Buaya nya

Kalo yg ini fotonya pake kamera HP (3MP), jadi kualitasnya kurang.

Benteng Van Der Wijk
Curhatan orang Belanda galau di dinding benteng

Benteng Van Der Wijk
Energy Drink orang Belanda, 100% cincau

Benteng Van Der Wijk
Stop Kontak orang Belanda, ada On/Off nya
Benteng Van Der Wijk
Gudang TokoBagusnya orang Belanda

Sunday, February 23, 2014



Haah, bosen nih cuma lagi males keluar. Buruan dong belnya, bete banget gak ada kerjaan. Main game aja kali ya? sekalian ninggiin high score. Aku pun memainkan game yang lagi marak saat ini. Duh, siapa sih yang gak kenal sama game yang satu ini,fl**y B**d --ada yang gak tau, yang kudet atau yang tinggal di pedalaman contohnya-- Aku pun mengambil iPhone ku dan memilih aplikasi yang ku sebutkan tadi (karna takut dibilang promo jadi aku nulis sekali aja ya :D). "Eh, barusan gue liat cewek, cakep bener dah..." "Liat dimana lo?" "Di ruang kepsek, kayaknya sih murid baru" "Kelas berapa?" "Mana gue tau, cuma kayaknya sih kelas 11 gitu" "Serius? Ah, gue harap dia masuk kelas kita" "Tapi yang aku denger dia masuk ke kelas 11.3." "Eh? Masa? Huh, dunia memang gak adil" Jadi ada anak baru masuk kelas 11.3? Kepo nih, entar samperin ah~ "Ya, anak-anak, matikan HP kalian, kita akan memulai pelajaran. Ck, padahal belum nyampe high score nih
--saat istirahat--
"Mada, mau kemana? Buru-buru amat?" tanya temanku, sebenarnya sih dia ketua kelas
"Mau ke kelas 11.3, kepo pengen liat murid baru. Duluan ya, dah.."
Aku berjalan menyusuri koridor kelas dan berbelok di ujung jalan, menyusuri beberapa kelas di sana hingga menemukan papan yang bertuliskan '11.3'. Ah, itu dia kelasnya. Eh, bukannya itu kak Syahmil? Kayaknya dia mau ke kelas 11.3 juga deh. Ah, dia liat ke sini, tunggu kenapa fokus matanya bukan ke aku? Ketika aku menengok ke belakang aku menemukan Zaki dan sahabatnya menuju ke arah yang sama denganku. Yah, kayaknya bakal rame nih. Huft... Yang bisa kulakukan hanya menghela nafas sembari terus berjalan menuju kelas 11.3. Kenapa pada berhenti di depan kelas? Eh, kenapa pada manggut-manggut? Ngajak bareng mungkin? Ah, iya in aja deh.
"Ano, maaf mengganggu. Apa di sini ada anak yang bernama Sakura?" tanya kak Syahmil. Loh? Sastrawan yang satu ini tau darimana nama si murid baru? Entahlah, mungkin dia liat data OSIS. Tapi emang boleh? Dia kan udah gak jadi ketos lagi. Ah, udahlah gak usah dipikirin. Tapi aku masih kepo nih, dia tau darimana ya?
"Ya, ada apa ya?" Uoh, suaranya lembut banget. Harus liat, harus liat. Wah, pasti dia bidadari yang turun dari kayangan. Malaikat --aku-- dan bidadari --Sakura-- emang suatu kombin yang pas banget. Ah, Tuhan emang selalu memberikan yang terbaik. She must be mine. Ah, tapi pertama aku harus nyingkirin mereka --Zaki dan Syahmil-- dulu nih. Kalau diliat dari cara mereka natap Sakura sih, kayaknya mereka suka juga sama Sakura. Khu khu khu, kayaknya sang malaikat akan bereinkarnasi menjadi seorang iblis untuk membasmi dua makhluk menyedihkan ini. Khu khu khu~

Perpustakaan di sini emang selalu update, bahkan manga sekalipun. "Syahmil, kamu tau kalau di sekolah ini ada anak baru?" tanya si penjaga perpustakaan. Yah, well, aku sering ke sini sih makanya kita deket. "Anak baru?" tanyaku balik sembari mengalihkan pandangan dari buku yang tengah ku baca ke si penanya. Wajar sih kalau aku nanya, habis aku gak tau kalau ada anak baru. "Iya, adik kelasmu sih. Anaknya cantik, baik pula. Kalau gak salah namanya Sakura." terang si penjaga perpus "Bu Ine tau darimana?" "Tadi ibu ketemu waktu dia mau ke ruang kepala sekolah. Kita sempat kenalan sebentar tadi." jelas bu Ine, penjaga perpus. "Oh, gitu. Hm, makasih ya infonya." kataku sambil mengulum senyum. "Ah, kalau gitu ibu kembali ke tempat jaga dulu ya. Nanti kalau sudah bel ibu beritau" aku hanya menganggukkan kepalaku sebagai jawaban dan kembali memfokuskan diriku ke bacaanku. Tidak lama setelah itu aku mendengar suara bu Ine yang berkata bahwa bel telah berbunyi. Aku pun membereskan buku-buku yang ku baca tadi, berdiri, mengucapkan terima kasih dan pergi meninggalkan lautan buku (baca:perpustakaan) menuju kelas.
--saat istirahat--
Ah, berhubung kelasku --12.1-- hanya berbeda dua kelas dengannya, lebih baik aku menegoknya. Sebagai senpai yang baik, tentu menyapa murid baru yang merupakan adik kelasnya adalah suatu keharusan. Tapi sepertinya acara sapa-menyapa ini tidak akan kulakukan sendirian. Dari arah yang berlawanan aku melihat Mada berjalan seorang diri dan tidak jauh di belakangnya terdapat Zaki dan sahabatnya. Bisa ku pastikan mereka bertiga ingin melihat murid baru juga mengingat bahwa Mada itu kepo dan sahabat Zaki adalah seorang yang memiliki tingkat kepo yang sangat tinggi. Setelah saling angguk-mengangguk --meskipun aku tak tau maksudnya apa-- kami mendekati kelas itu. Aku, yang notabene anak tertua diantara mereka --sekaligus satu-satunya diantara mereka yang tau namanya-- bertanya kepada anak kelas 11.3. Alangkah terkejutnya aku, ketika aku melihat Kanade versi manusia berambut hitam di kelas itu. Ah, aku kebanyakan baca manga jadi berkhayal terlalu tinggi. Tapi kalau dilihat-lihat mirip juga sih sama Kanade. Ah~ seperti aku harus mulai melupakanmu, oh idolaku Kanade, karena aku sudah menemukan sosok yang mirip denganmu. Kau harus menjadi milikku, Sakura sayang. Sepertinya kebiasaanku untuk tersenyum akan segera terganti dengan sebuah seringai karena aku lihat dua kouhai ku ini juga menyukainya. Yah, mau bagaimana lagi. Jelas aku harus menjauhkan si kowai shota dan iblis ini dari Kanade ku tercinta bukan?

Ketika itu Sakura hendak menghampiri si gerbang sekolah, mengingat sekarang sudah jam pulang sekolah, hingga tiba-tiba saja seseorang --tidak, tiga orang-- datang menghampirinya--
"Halo, Sakura"
--dengan bling-bling namun masih menyimpan aura hitam disekitar mereka, membuat Sakura agak merinding.
"Ha-halo." balas Sakura gugup. Ukh, harusnya aku nunggu Hana pulang ekskul aja kalau tau bakal begini, batin Sakura. "A-ada ap-apa ya?" tanya Sakura takut-takut.
"Tidak apa." balas Mada. "Mau pulang bareng?" tawar Zaki. "Tenang saja, diantar sampai rumah dengan selamat kok." Jelas Syahmil.
Sepertinya hari-hariku di sini akan sulit, sangat. Batin Sakura
Huft, Chapter empat selesai. Buat semua penggemar War Of Lovers --meskipun aku gak yakin ada penggemarnya sih-- aku mohon maaf banget nih, karena mulai hari ini aku ngepost ini cerita cuma hari Sabtu atau Minggu doang --abis mau UTS sih-- jadi aku minta maaf banget yah. Jaa~ matta ashita~

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Final Fantasy Going to PC

Square Enix Admit it Wants to Bring Final Fantasy Game to PC

Final Fantasy Going to PC

Final Fantasy Going to PC

Final Fantasy Going to PC"Final Fantasy releases have been few and far between in PC-land, leaving us to make do with just Final Fantasy VII and VIII, as well as the two forays into the online wilderness, Final Fantasy XI and XIV: A Realm Reborn. Kitase has revealed though that the early stages of development for the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy all began on PC, before porting the game over to consoles for release…

There was at one time an option for the team at Square Enix to release the games for PC, but that ultimately the team decided against it. Kitase said; “As far as the technology is concerned, it would

Still, going forward Kitase believes that there very much is a market for a PC gaming audience for Square Enix’s beloved and yet troubled franchise. “We see potential in it and there are lots of regions and countries where PC is very strong,” he continued. “So in terms of our hope of being able to deliver our games to every single country in the world and to as many gamers as possible, yes, we would definitely be interested in pursuing that route in the future."

The last single-player Final Fantasy game to release on PC was Final Fantasy VIII way back in 2000. Recent re-releases of Final Fantasy VII and VIII on Steam have proven extremely popular, making the likelihood of more titles appearing a possibility. "It's an early stage for us. We haven't got an awful lot of experience in this field. So when we have more know-how and experience in this market we would be very interested."

So far Final Fantasy XV has only been confirmed for a Playstation 4 and Xbox One release."
have been possible for us to make a PC version, but we decided against it for two reasons: we looked at the market situation and we didn't think it would be a good idea, and also it would have involved lots of complex issues like security. So we decided not to do it this time around.”

source - Game-Debate

Tony Hawk Back in the Pipeline

New Tony Hawk Game is in the Pipeline

New Tony Hawk Game

Tony Hawk Back in the Pipeline

Tony Hawk Back in the Pipeline"Between 1999 and 2010, on Tony Hawk game was released annually. Like Call Of Duty (only, you know, skateboard based) the franchise began strong and revolutionary, with the first few games in the series accruing some of the highest review scores from gamers and critics alike in the history of gaming.

You can have too much of a good thing, however, and four years ago, Tony Hawk Pro Skater took a much needed break. Now, with the number of even semi-decent extreme sports games having plummeted in the last few years, Tony is back. The retired pro-skater himself has revealed that work is undergoing on a new Tony Hawk title…

In an interview on US radio yesterday, Hawk told audiences that he is currently working on motion capture for a new skateboarding game that he is “pretty cool”. Activision, who originally published more than a dozen games in the skating franchise, have also stepped forward to confirm their involvement in the project. A spokesperson for the publishing giant has said that "Activision can confirm that they have something in the works with Tony Hawk," and that "more info is coming soon."

For those of us who, as children, spent much, much more time with the virtual boards of SSX and Tony Hawk games than actually outside, you know, exercising and stuff, the thought of a new motion captured skateboarding title is pretty interesting. Let’s hope the hiatus for the series means Activision can do something fresh with the series."

source - Game-Debate

Tuesday, February 18, 2014



"ekhm, hana, aku mau nanya lagi." kata sakura ragu-ragu. "tanya apa, sakura?" "kok mereka bisa tenar gitu sih?" tanya sakura. "ekhm, aku kenalin ya. zaki, cowok bertubuh mungil, kawai, maskot sekolah kita. dia juga anak dari pemilik sekolah ini. mada, cowok berkulit gelap tapi eksotis, berwajah bak malaikat, olahragawan, anak pemilik sekaligus pewaris sah perusahaan xxx (ceritanya perusahaan industri terbesar di jepang). di juga jago masak. kak syahmil, ramah, murah senyuman, hobi baca buku apalagi manga, dia terkenal di dunia penyastraan gara-gara puisi yang dia buat diakui oleh seluruh pencinta sastra khususnya puisi di dunia. mereka bertiga selain kece, ganteng, keren dan sebagainya, mereka juga selalu menduduki peringkat pertama di ujian dari sd ampe sekarang." terang hana antusias. hah? aku gak tau kalo mereka sehebat itu. bahkan bukan cuma dibidang akademik tapi juga di non-akademik? kukira udah gak ada lagi orang kayak gitu di dunia ini batin sakura. "oi sakura, kok bengong?" tanya hana heran yang melihat temannya dari tadi diam saja. "ah gak kok" jawab sakura dengan senyum yang agak dia paksakan. "ya udah kalo gitu. cepet gih abisin makannya. udah mau bel" kata hana memperingati yang hanya dijawab dengan anggukkan kecil dan seulas senyuman di wajah sakura.


kini aku sedang jalan-jalan di halaman belakang sekolahku. di sini sangat indah dan nyaman menurutku. aku selalu datang ke sini saat pagi-pagi. "hei, katanya hari ini ada murid baru loh~" "oh ya? anak kelas berapa" "hm, kalo gak salah sih anak kelas 11.3" "cewek, cowok?" "cewek" ada murid baru? biarin ah, bukan anak kelasku ini. TEET TEET udah bel? mesti buru-buru ke kelas nih.
--di kelas--
"ZAKI!" teriak sahabatku yang langsung memekakan telingaku ugh, seperti perempuan saja sih suaranya batinku "kau sudah dengar belum?" tanyanya antusias "kalau maksudmu tentang game center yang baru-baru ini buka di dekat sini aku sudah tau." "yah, tadi sih aku mau bertanya hal itu, tapi bukan cuma itu aja!" "lalu?" "kau tau? ada anak baru di sekolah kita!" katanya "ah, cewek yang bakal masuk kelas 11.3 itu ya?" tebakku "kau sudah tau?" tanyanya kaget. "aku dengar dari kakak kelas yang bergosip tadi" jelasku "baiklah kalau begitu, nanti temani aku kesana yah!" pintanya dengar puppy eyes andalannya. bisa tidak kau tidak usah bersikap seperti perempuan? tentu itu ku katakan dalam hati saja "baiklah..." kataku pasrah.
--saat istirahat--
"Zaki, ayo cepat!" ah, kau ini, berisik tau! "iya, iya." jawabku pasrah, kalau gak begitu gak bakal kelar masalahnya. kami pun menaiki tangga menuju lantai 2 --karena kelasku di lantai satu sedangkan kelas 11.3 di lantai dua-- dan dengan segera menghampiri kelas 11.3. saat kami sudah berada dekat kelas 11.3, aku melihat dua senpai-ku --mada dan syahmil-- menuju ke arah yang sama --kelas11.3-- pasti mereka pengen liat anak baru juga deh. setelah memberikan anggukan --seolah telah tau akan pertanyaannya-- kami pun menuju ke kelas 11.3 bersama. ka syahmil kemudian bertanya tentang keberadaan anak baru yang baru saja ku ketahui bernama sakura. nama yang indah. "ya, ada apa ya?" astaga! dia cantik sekali. tidak, dia manis. ah, lebih dari itu. entahlah, dia seperti bidadari. dia harus jadi milikku, ya harus! kau tau? terkadang aku yang KAWAII ini pun dapat berubah menjadi sosok yang KOWAII hanya untuk mendapatkan sesuatu.
Ah, minna, maaf JARANG update, lagi numpuk nih tugasnya (gak usah curhat deh). chapie ini ampe zaki pov dlu ya, nanti aku lanjutin. maaf ya sekali lagi *bungkuk*

Saturday, February 15, 2014

50 Awesome Anime [ENGLISH]

50 Awesome Anime You must Watch

50 Awesome Anime I've Watched

Here's 50 Awesome Anime I've watched since the first time I'm being an average otaku. I'm not giving any commentary in any of them, because it'll be too long, I'll just give you random picture and the Anime title.

50 Awesome Anime
Choujigen Game Neptune TA
50 Awesome Anime
Clannad & After Story

50 Awesome Anime
Dragon Ball Series
50 Awesome Anime
Kaze no Stigma
50 Awesome Anime
Infinite Stratos &2

50 Awesome Anime
Highschool DxD & New

50 Awesome Anime
Nagasarete Airantou

50 Awesome Anime
50 Awesome Anime
Sword Art Online

50 Awesome Anime
50 Awesome Anime
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou

50 Awesome Anime
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai & Next

50 Awesome Anime
Angel Beats

50 Awesome Anime
Blood Lad

50 Awesome Anime
Special A

50 Awesome Anime
Love Lab

50 Awesome Anime
Senran Kagura

50 Awesome Anime
Death Note

50 Awesome Anime
Eyeshield 21

50 Awesome Anime
Pokemon Series

50 Awesome Anime
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

50 Awesome Anime
Lucky Star

50 Awesome Anime
Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai

50 Awesome Anime

50 Awesome Anime
The Law of Ueki

50 Awesome Anime
Baka to Test & 2

50 Awesome Anime
Kuroshitsuji & 2
50 Awesome Anime
Oreimo& 2
50 Awesome Anime
Date A Live

50 Awesome Anime
Ao no Exorcist
50 Awesome Anime
Kaichou wa Maid sama

50 Awesome Anime
To Love Ru series
50 Awesome Anime
TM of Haruhi Suzumiya
50 Awesome Anime
Omamori Himari

50 Awesome Anime
Yu Gi Oh
50 Awesome Anime
Samurai Champloo

50 Awesome Anime
K Project

50 Awesome Anime
Vampire Knight & Guilty
50 Awesome Anime
Kuroko no Basuke & 2

50 Awesome Anime
Freezing & 2

50 Awesome Anime
Darker than Black

50 Awesome Anime
50 Awesome Anime

50 Awesome Anime
One Piece
50 Awesome Anime
School Days
50 Awesome Anime
Code Geass

07 Ghost
50 Awesome Anime
Shakugan no Shana & 2 & 3

50 Awesome Anime
Shingeki no Kyojin

50 Awesome Anime
Mirai Nikki

That's 50 Awesome Anime, it took so long time to make this post. I'm so sorry if I didn't put your favorite Anime in there, because you know, every person have different opinion. But basically, EVERY ANIME IS AWESOME, depending on what your taste is.