Saturday, May 28, 2016

How to : Make a Dating Simulator Interesting [ENGLISH]

Game Review : HuniePop

HuniePop Review


HuniePop (2015) is a dating simulator. But unlike common dating sim which usually took the form of Visual Novel, HuniePop, on the other hand is a puzzle games, with tits. So this is an eroge, I hope you guys already above 18, otherwise I must ask you to leave.


HuniePop, an amazing dating sim, because there's not much to read, and it has a gameplay.

HuniePopThe Rewards the player will be getting after completing a puzzle challenge which getting harder everytime (literally) are really promising, especially for boys. Boys will not ressist some titties, and they;ll work hard for it, and that's what the developer used as their advantage on selling this game. Titties are the best selling point for boys target costumer, the gameplay is actually very classic, combined with dating sim elements, but with boobs on the table, we're on.

Secrets, you might think you're already at a class of a playboy once you conquered all the girls. But, it's not the end yet. The story continues, just when you finished banging the last girl, the new one will come, and so on until total 12 girls. So prepare your tissue for this one.

Difficulty is getting harder (as well as your thing) as you progress through the game. This will make you work harder to get those promised titties, if only companies used this method to motivate their workers, I'm pretty sure the world will be a better place :P

Voice Acting in this game is awesome, every dialogue is fully voiced by somewhat sexy voice. On normal dating sim, usually only several dialogue containing the main story line that's voiced by the VA, but in HuniePop's case, feel that various sexy to cute voices of those girls.

Art, this game's not using Unreal Engine 4 latest graphic, but that's my point. The art in this game is simple, just anime style arts and simple interface, no need such a graphic and jiggle physics to bring in costumers. This might become an advice for game developers, especially mobile games. Just simplify your game's graphic and art, buat make the gameplay, story, characters interesting.

Characters in HuniePop have their own personalities. It helps you pick who's the one you like most and make her your first. The characters dialogue also interesting, though they'll be repeating the same dialogue once you've heard evach of their dialogue, but there're 12 girls, 12 different set of dialogues will keep you occupied for an amount of time.

HuniePopA little tips from Intion for when you're reaching the end of the game and feels like this shit is just impossible, don't worry, I got it covered. Even if  you're already beat the whole game, and just in case you have a free time and want to see them ol' anime titties while doing your thing with tissue, this tips might become useful. Okay, this is an item build for your late game dates, because it will so much harder compared to the earlier ones. First, you have to fill up your date gifts with Bell / Joy items, cause they'll expand your chance to accumulate points. Second, you may want to fill them with some Passion items, the higher the passion, the higher points you'll get for each pair. Last one is probably an item (optional) that adds whichever trait the girl you're dating prevers, if it's Talent, then use talent item, and when you're dating other girl, change it with the one they prefer.


I guess that's all I have for HuniePop, overall this is a very awesome game that will took your time is you're alone at home. I'm strongly not recommending this to girls. The weakness of this game I think is the items are too limited and keep looping non stop. That might help players who accidentaly skipped a good item, but for some other players, it's just the same item again and again. Score from Intion for HuniePop : 3 / 4 Thumbs.

Images from steam

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lyn (Referensi BnS) Versi Anime (Friday Night Waifu)

Friday Night Waifu

Liliruca Arde

Liliruca Arde
Yeah! Kembali lagi ke malam Jum'at kliwon, dimana kita melakukan ritual terpenting dalam kelangsungan hidup seorang otaku. Mereview waifu. Jum'at dua minggu lalu kita sudah review dewi nya, Jum'at minggu lalu kita sudah review stunning beauty-nya, sekarang waktunya kita review cat-eared loli nya.

Siapa yang nggak suka cat ears? Semua suka, kecuali orang-orang di Danmachi. Meskipun punya cat ear, tidak menjamin kehidupan Lili jadi bagaikan ratu. Kenyataannya, dia malah dibully, direndahkan.  Perlakuan begitu yang membangun kepribadiannya jadi kepribadian anak jalanan (bukan sinetron). Sebenarnya dia anak baik, tapi karena dibully terus, dia jadi harus berubah sikap, termasuk dengan menyembunyikan cat ear-nya, meskipun itu sebenarnya aset, tapi sekali lagi, orang-orang di Danmachi nggak suka cat-eared people.

Kasihan lihat Liliruca? Yup, karena itu jadikanlah dia waifu. Setelah ketemu Bell, sifatnya berubah kok, ini salah satu alasan kenapa gua bilang di review Danmachi, perkembangan karakter di sini bagus, nggak roller coaster alias naik turun. Lili pada akhirnya jatuh hati sama Bell karena perlakuan lembutnya yang mencerminkan karakter laki-laki utama dalam anime harem.

Liliruca Arde

Liliruca ArdeSedikit bahas background-nya Lili, ini cukup prihatin. Lili dilahirkan dalam familia nya Soma, dewa alkohol, minum2an gitu lah. Bukannya diurus, dia malah disuruh nyari duit. Sepeninggal orang tuanya, dia dibully sama familia nya Soma (wajar, dewa mabuk?). Hal ini yang bikin dia melarikan diri dari familia, dan hidup sebagai orang biasa bersama pasangan kakek-nenek yang nggak punya anak. Tapi lagi-lagi pemabuk berulah, mereka ngerusak kehidupannya Lili yang sudah nyaman buat dia, sampe-sampe Lili diusir sama si kakek. Dan itulah yang membentuk kepribadian Liliruca Arde sang pencuri dari adventurer.

Liat background story-nya, ya memang pantas dikasihani. Sekarang kita bahas dari sisi poin plusnya, Liliruca Arde, cat ear, plus satu poin, loli, plus satu poin. Hmm... gua kurang perhatiin sih, jadi rada bingung reviewnya. Tapi ya, dari perkembangan karakternya memang Lili yang paling mencolok selain Bell, jadi itu juga plus.

Liliruca ArdeOke, cuma segitu yang bisa gua review dari Liliruca Arde, udah mentok nih (cuma ngabsen post doang). Anyway, kita lihat biodata nya:

Nama : Liliruca Arde
Voice Actor : Uchida Maaya
Ras : Pallum
Umur : 15
Warna Rambut : Chestnut
Warna Mata : Chestnut
Tinggi Badan : 110 cm (Lyn banget kan? xD)
Profesi : Supporter
Familia : Soma -> Hestia

Oke, biodata udah, waktunya scoring!

Liliruca Arde : 6 / 10 Love Points

Kurang ya? Maaf, soalnya nggak banyak yang gua tau soal Lili, dan ternyata nggak ada trivia-nya di wiki, jadi kosong deh.

Images from

Lyn (Referensi BnS) Versi Anime (Friday Night Waifu)

Friday Night Waifu

Liliruca Arde

Liliruca Arde
Yeah! Kembali lagi ke malam Jum'at kliwon, dimana kita melakukan ritual terpenting dalam kelangsungan hidup seorang otaku. Mereview waifu. Jum'at dua minggu lalu kita sudah review dewi nya, Jum'at minggu lalu kita sudah review stunning beauty-nya, sekarang waktunya kita review cat-eared loli nya.

Siapa yang nggak suka cat ears? Semua suka, kecuali orang-orang di Danmachi. Meskipun punya cat ear, tidak menjamin kehidupan Lili jadi bagaikan ratu. Kenyataannya, dia malah dibully, direndahkan.  Perlakuan begitu yang membangun kepribadiannya jadi kepribadian anak jalanan (bukan sinetron). Sebenarnya dia anak baik, tapi karena dibully terus, dia jadi harus berubah sikap, termasuk dengan menyembunyikan cat ear-nya, meskipun itu sebenarnya aset, tapi sekali lagi, orang-orang di Danmachi nggak suka cat-eared people.

Kasihan lihat Liliruca? Yup, karena itu jadikanlah dia waifu. Setelah ketemu Bell, sifatnya berubah kok, ini salah satu alasan kenapa gua bilang di review Danmachi, perkembangan karakter di sini bagus, nggak roller coaster alias naik turun. Lili pada akhirnya jatuh hati sama Bell karena perlakuan lembutnya yang mencerminkan karakter laki-laki utama dalam anime harem.

Liliruca Arde

Liliruca ArdeSedikit bahas background-nya Lili, ini cukup prihatin. Lili dilahirkan dalam familia nya Soma, dewa alkohol, minum2an gitu lah. Bukannya diurus, dia malah disuruh nyari duit. Sepeninggal orang tuanya, dia dibully sama familia nya Soma (wajar, dewa mabuk?). Hal ini yang bikin dia melarikan diri dari familia, dan hidup sebagai orang biasa bersama pasangan kakek-nenek yang nggak punya anak. Tapi lagi-lagi pemabuk berulah, mereka ngerusak kehidupannya Lili yang sudah nyaman buat dia, sampe-sampe Lili diusir sama si kakek. Dan itulah yang membentuk kepribadian Liliruca Arde sang pencuri dari adventurer.

Liat background story-nya, ya memang pantas dikasihani. Sekarang kita bahas dari sisi poin plusnya, Liliruca Arde, cat ear, plus satu poin, loli, plus satu poin. Hmm... gua kurang perhatiin sih, jadi rada bingung reviewnya. Tapi ya, dari perkembangan karakternya memang Lili yang paling mencolok selain Bell, jadi itu juga plus.

Liliruca ArdeOke, cuma segitu yang bisa gua review dari Liliruca Arde, udah mentok nih (cuma ngabsen post doang). Anyway, kita lihat biodata nya:

Nama : Liliruca Arde
Voice Actor : Uchida Maaya
Ras : Pallum
Umur : 15
Warna Rambut : Chestnut
Warna Mata : Chestnut
Tinggi Badan : 110 cm (Lyn banget kan? xD)
Profesi : Supporter
Familia : Soma -> Hestia

Oke, biodata udah, waktunya scoring!

Liliruca Arde : 6 / 10 Love Points

Kurang ya? Maaf, soalnya nggak banyak yang gua tau soal Lili, dan ternyata nggak ada trivia-nya di wiki, jadi kosong deh.

Images from

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cookie Clicker Bikin Nagih!

Potion Maker Review

Game Review : Potion Maker (Android)

Potion Maker

Potion MakerPotion MakerPotion Maker, game android keluaran Sinsiroad. Sebenarnya nggak lebih dari sekedar Cookie Clicker. Tapi karena beberapa alasan, game ini cukup nagih. Intion akan membahas beberapa alasan itu.

Potion MakerPotion MakerKawaii Character, salah satu nilai jual dari sebuah game adalah karakternya, dan Potion Maker sudah membabat habis poin itu. Karakter utamanya, Pio dan Tia, bukan cuma kawaii dan sexy aja, tapi alur cerita yang mengantar mereka juga bagus, walaupun cuma secuil. Ada juga karakter-karakter sampingan yang suka ngasih quest yang nggak kalah menantang jempol. Satu hal lagi yang nggak kalah penting, yaitu kostum yang bisa dibeli di shop. Meskipun kebanyakan harus dibeli dengan ruby, yang mana mengarah ke cash shop, tapi kalau sabar ngumpulin ruby setiap hari lama-lama juga dapet.

Portable, gameplay yang nggak rumit membuat Potion Maker jadi gampang untuk dimainkan kapan saja dimana saja. Mungkin lagi nunggu kereta yang selalu telat, bisa sambil main game ini, atau nunggu kereta antri masuk stasiun, bisa main game ini (curhat).

Potion MakerPotion MakerEvent, ini adalah nilai plus untuk Potion Maker, karena normalnya game cookie clicker selesai ketika kita bisa menghasilkan cookie per detik dengan jumlah yang luar biasa. Untuk Potion Maker, ya, mungkin hal itu bisa dicapai dengan menggunakan kucing yang jumlah pemakaiannya terbatas. Tapi Potion Maker bukan cookie clicker biasa, dengan berbagai event yang diupdate secara random, jadi walaupun upgrade sudah mentok semua, tetap ada alasan untuk main. Terlebih lagi, hadiah dari eventnya itu loh, kostum baru dan fairy. Hadiah event itu sendiri aja sudah bisa mempertahankan game ini tetap terinstall. 

Potion MakerPotion MakerPower Up yang membantu dan dapetinnya nggak mustahil. Kadang kita main endless runner game, dan ketika dalam run, senang sekali dapetin power up karena bisa mempermudah run, dapetin banyak score, dan koin untuk dibelanjakan. Sayangnya, game seperti itu orientasinya ke cash shop, wajarlah. Tapi tidak begitu dengan Potion Maker. Ya, power ups bisa dibeli di cash shop, tapi juga bisa didapatkan dari quest, dan questnya juga nggak susah-susah amat. Tips dari Intion, cara menggunakan power up dengan efektif dan mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal : Pertama, dapatkan power up shield, tumpuk sebanyak-banyaknya dengan nyeleasikan quest dari Claire atau Neet. Kedua, kalau shield udah numpuk, pasang satu ingredient paling mahal yang ada, dan mulai pencetin ingredients sampe jempol merah. Pake bantuan kucing biar lebih cepat. Kalau sudah sampai di harga yang diinginkan (misal : 1.000.000), baru dienchance. Dengan adanya shield, apalagi kalau ditumpuk banyak, nggak perlu khawatir bakal gagal. Lakukan terus sampai shield-nya habis, baru mulai quest lagi.

Oke, itu dia yang bisa direview dari Potion Maker. Kekurangan game ini ya mungkin terlalu terbatas, seperti upgradenya, dan cara dapetin ruby yang cuma bisa satu kali sehari, tapi itu cuma masalah trivial. Overall, score Intion untuk Potion Maker : 2.6 / 4 Thumbs.

Cookie Clicker Bikin Nagih!

Potion Maker Review

Game Review : Potion Maker (Android)

Potion Maker

Potion MakerPotion MakerPotion Maker, game android keluaran Sinsiroad. Sebenarnya nggak lebih dari sekedar Cookie Clicker. Tapi karena beberapa alasan, game ini cukup nagih. Intion akan membahas beberapa alasan itu.

Potion MakerPotion MakerKawaii Character, salah satu nilai jual dari sebuah game adalah karakternya, dan Potion Maker sudah membabat habis poin itu. Karakter utamanya, Pio dan Tia, bukan cuma kawaii dan sexy aja, tapi alur cerita yang mengantar mereka juga bagus, walaupun cuma secuil. Ada juga karakter-karakter sampingan yang suka ngasih quest yang nggak kalah menantang jempol. Satu hal lagi yang nggak kalah penting, yaitu kostum yang bisa dibeli di shop. Meskipun kebanyakan harus dibeli dengan ruby, yang mana mengarah ke cash shop, tapi kalau sabar ngumpulin ruby setiap hari lama-lama juga dapet.

Portable, gameplay yang nggak rumit membuat Potion Maker jadi gampang untuk dimainkan kapan saja dimana saja. Mungkin lagi nunggu kereta yang selalu telat, bisa sambil main game ini, atau nunggu kereta antri masuk stasiun, bisa main game ini (curhat).

Potion MakerPotion MakerEvent, ini adalah nilai plus untuk Potion Maker, karena normalnya game cookie clicker selesai ketika kita bisa menghasilkan cookie per detik dengan jumlah yang luar biasa. Untuk Potion Maker, ya, mungkin hal itu bisa dicapai dengan menggunakan kucing yang jumlah pemakaiannya terbatas. Tapi Potion Maker bukan cookie clicker biasa, dengan berbagai event yang diupdate secara random, jadi walaupun upgrade sudah mentok semua, tetap ada alasan untuk main. Terlebih lagi, hadiah dari eventnya itu loh, kostum baru dan fairy. Hadiah event itu sendiri aja sudah bisa mempertahankan game ini tetap terinstall. 

Potion MakerPotion MakerPower Up yang membantu dan dapetinnya nggak mustahil. Kadang kita main endless runner game, dan ketika dalam run, senang sekali dapetin power up karena bisa mempermudah run, dapetin banyak score, dan koin untuk dibelanjakan. Sayangnya, game seperti itu orientasinya ke cash shop, wajarlah. Tapi tidak begitu dengan Potion Maker. Ya, power ups bisa dibeli di cash shop, tapi juga bisa didapatkan dari quest, dan questnya juga nggak susah-susah amat. Tips dari Intion, cara menggunakan power up dengan efektif dan mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal : Pertama, dapatkan power up shield, tumpuk sebanyak-banyaknya dengan nyeleasikan quest dari Claire atau Neet. Kedua, kalau shield udah numpuk, pasang satu ingredient paling mahal yang ada, dan mulai pencetin ingredients sampe jempol merah. Pake bantuan kucing biar lebih cepat. Kalau sudah sampai di harga yang diinginkan (misal : 1.000.000), baru dienchance. Dengan adanya shield, apalagi kalau ditumpuk banyak, nggak perlu khawatir bakal gagal. Lakukan terus sampai shield-nya habis, baru mulai quest lagi.

Oke, itu dia yang bisa direview dari Potion Maker. Kekurangan game ini ya mungkin terlalu terbatas, seperti upgradenya, dan cara dapetin ruby yang cuma bisa satu kali sehari, tapi itu cuma masalah trivial. Overall, score Intion untuk Potion Maker : 2.6 / 4 Thumbs.

Monday, May 23, 2016

This is OUR Badassness! [ENGLISH]

Strike the Blood Review [ENGLISH]

Anime Review : Strike the Blood (24 episodes)

Strike the Blood

A quick notice, since I've done this review so long time ago, and I've changed my review policy, so I'm going to make a slightly different review compared to the old [Indonesian] one, just fitting up some stuff to my current policy.

Strike the Blood
Strike the Blood (2013). Okay, this anime... just finished watching, even though I stopped watching for like 2 weeks, but the after taste when finishing is still haven't changed at all. I'm not even mad, not even sad, I just... don't know what I'm feeling towards this anime, maybe confused? For the storyline, it's good. The girls are also pretty good for ecchi category, even though they're not even touching Highschool DxD's tail. But it's not fanservice that I'm looking for. At the beginning, I was interested by the vampire, and when I found such a badass vampire, I started to watch the series. There's not much I can say about this anime, maybe there's several episodes that're not connected to the main story, also the ero god's ray intervering the fanservice. Overall, this anime is good, the story is OK, and the romance element also deserve a thumb. Score for the anime Strike the Blood : 3.6 / 4 Thumbs.

Character Review

Strike the Blood

Kojou Akatsuki, voiced by Hosoya Yoshimasa. He's the main character, also the 4th progenitor (I don't even know what a progenitor is). He's pretty badass, even though his badassness mostly blocked by Yukina who always claim to be his "monitor", including girlfriend and little sister. As a badass character, Kojou himself is alreadt good, with his signature line : "From now on, this is my fight!" and at that point, right away, he could defeat any kind of enemies, no matter how strong the enemy is. BUT, unfortunately, his badassness had to be blocked by the "girlfriend wanna be" Yukina by her signature line : "No senpai, this is OUR fight!" right after Kojou saying his signature line. Anyway, score for Kojou Akatsuki : A.

Strike the Blood

Himeragi Yukina, voiced by Taneda Risa. Monitor, also imouto and girlfriend of Kojou. I don't know what to say,  is it only me or she is actually exaggerating every single thing? I mean, she's always showing off stuffs like the fact that she is Kojou's monitor. Her other signature line : "However, I am your monitor." really pissing me off. It's like I want to shout in front of her face : "I know dammit! Enough!". She always mention her signature lines in like every single episode, which make this kawaii, sexy and beautiful girl kinda annoying. But hey, everyone's opinion is different, right? Score for Himeragi Yukina : B+.

Strike the Blood

Aiba Asagi, VA : Seto Asami. Now you may say, Aiba Asagi is my favorite female character throughout the whole series. I don't know why or how, I just really like her. She's a female hacker, which is kinda nonsense at least for me. Aiba has a personal assistance in a form of software that I don't know how she acquired it, and his true identity will be revealed later. The thing that I hate from Aiba is that how she really loves Kojou, but her tsundere personality is too damn strong. Aside from my love for Aiba, she's actually really hated y everybody in the entire world. I looked up at some forums and the majority people hate her. I think, what makes her looks bad is that she didn't get enough screen time, which makes her can't show off her cool side. I mean, like Kojou's badass block, she didn't have the chance to do romantic things with Kojou like how Yukina did. Her role on the series is also not really suit for her to be the main female. Well, score for Aiba Asagi : A-.

Okay at this point, you might already checked the Strike the Blood database on myanimelist, and found out that I didn't do the review of  Rihavein La Folia. The reason is because I only translated my old review, and do some arrangement to suit my current policy. I removed the review of some characters to fit the ones that are showed at Strike the Blood myanimelist databse main page. It's not like I don't want to, but I've watched this anime for so long, like two years ago, and I don't have enough time to rewatch and refresh my memories about this anime. So, I'm really sorry about this missing character review.

Images from

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Don't You Mock My Favorite Knight!!! [ENGLISH]

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry Review

Anime Review : Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (12 episodes)

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

Rakudai Kishi no CavalryRakudai Kishi no Cavalry (2015), I declared as a legendary anime for the first season. Amongst many anime in Tour de Anime 2016 season 1 which consist of : Love Live 1 & 2, Kiniro Mosaic 1 & 2, Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica, Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, Shoujotachi Kouya wo Mezasu, Musaigen no Phantom World, Dagashi Kashi, and Campione. There are only 2 series that make it to the legendary series for this season, and one of them is RKnC. The other one will remain secret until the review time. Okay, first, why did I give so many compliments for this series? That's because the caracters aren't half-hearted. On everything. Remember Raishin Akabane from Machine Doru? (if you don't check the review here). Welcom back, because the main character, Ikki Kurogane, has a similar personality as Raishin, and most male protagonist in harem anime. Well, the first point of a good harem anime is completed. Next point is the female protagonist. Stella Vermilion, also not half-hearted, not hiding her feelings towards Ikki, confessing it out loud, just like this post's title, (SPOILER ALERT!!!) "Don't you mock my favorite knight!". I'm sorry, I was over-excited for her. Anyway, I think, the weakness of this series is at the end when Stella somehow very easily won all the fights and passed to next stage with Ikki. This kind of happy ending is what makes a series end prematurely (execpt Fairy Tail), which bring us to the next weakness. Only 12 episodes. Overall score, for Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry : 3.85 / 4 Thumbs.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

Character Review

Ikki Kurogane, main character, VA : Osaka Ryota. It's easy to review Ikki, just look at Raishin's review. Just kidding, but Ikki really is similar to Raishin. The difference is that Raishin's badassness is blocked by his sickness. Ikki's badassness is blocked by his physical capability. Not much a difference, but still different. Ikki's Itto Shura is just like Raishin's Yaya, if the user run out of stamina, they're not usable, and no badassness. Other thing that makes me like Ikki that Raishin didn't get chance to do it, is commitment. Lately it's hard to find a guy with commitment in harem anime, one of them is Kirigaya Kazuto. Ikki confessed straight away to Stella, not half-hearted, not half-assed, that's a MAN! Score for Ikki Kurogane : A+.

Rakudai Kishi no CavalryStella Vermilion, female protagonist, VA : Ishigami Shizuka. Oppai, check. Red hair, check. Twin tail, check. Skill, check. Stella, a princess from a higher up family, from physical appearance, there's no flaw. Her personality is a bit like a tsundere, but luckily her shell is not really hard. Ikki could break the shell right away, at the beginning of the series, when it's still hot. Well, I really salute these two. Moreover, we know this is a harem anime, but this couple still tightly holding hands amongst other girls who's can't be underestimated. Stella is strong, but clumsy, a little bit clumsy, just like most female protagonist in a harem series. Similar to Ikki, Stella also has commitment, actually, most harem anime girls have commitment, but what they don't have is confidence to propose to their loved one like Stella, just like other anime where there's one guy chased by a lot girls for 2 seasons already. I ship Stella and Ikki, though she's a waifu material, I haven't officially make her my waifu yet. Still need some consideration. So, score for Stella Vermilion : A+.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Shizuku Kurogane, VA : Touyama Nao. Shizuka is Ikki's little sister (imuto). Despite being exiled by his family, she still love him. Love that I felt here is a love from a little sister to her big brother. Like Umaru to Taihei, not Kirino to whoever her borther is. Ikki already have Stella by his side, and Shizuku understands that completely, typical mature imouto. Score for Shizuku Kurogane : A.
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

Nagi Arisuin, VA : Asanuma Shintaro. I wasn't really paying attention to this guy, all I know is that his role is similar to that guy from Strike the Blood who's always wearing headphone. Strong and know everything, he often gives advices to Ikki just like an uncle to his nephew. But actually this kind of character is most likely to become the ulitmate nemesis at the end of the story. But if he's not, I ship this guy with Ikki's sister so that they all will have a happy family, no serious business. Score for Nagi Arisuin : A.

Images from

Friday, May 20, 2016

Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]

Dead Space 2 Review [ENGLISH]

Game Review : Dead Space 2 

Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]

Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]Just finished Dead Space 2, it's a very very intense game. Dead Space 2 (2011), a horror, action, thirdperson, RPG scored 2 / 4 Thumbs from Intion.

Actually, this is my first time playing a horror game. And I really felt the tension. Dead Space 2, from the gameplay, it was fun, and no wonder since there are a lot of weapons to choose. What makes it better, is that the weapons are 'futuristic' model and that's cooler compared to normal weapons. Plus, badass armors make this game really really cool.

The horror touch is OK. I can't say it's bad, but maybe not maximized for horror category since there are still many horror games that's more scary than Dead Space. 15 Chapters, every chapter's duration is pretty long, especially if you don't use YOLO mode when playing.

For you guys who haven't play yet, DO NOT get fooled by chapter one. Chapter 1 - 7 is very very very easy. Maybe you won't even use any health kid. But after that, the difficulty is like increased drastically. So many new hard to kill monsters. So don't be too cocky on the beginning.

Play with strategy, there are a lot of weapons to use in game, Plasma Cutter, Line gun, Pulse Rifle, Contact Beam, Seeker Rifle, Javelin, Ripper, Flamethrower, Force gun, and Detonator. 

Plasma Cutter, this is like the best weapon in the game, moreover if you have fully upgrade it. The damage it produces is pretty good, maybe mid - high. Compared to Pulse Rifle, this weapon is better for 1 vs 1 fight.

Pulse Rifle, this one is for 1 vs Infinity. Like alien babies who's never coming alone, they always bring their schoolmate, they're a good target for Pulse Rifle. Firespeed is fast, and the capacity is enough to kill a horde of enemies.

Seeker Rifle, also good for 1 vs 1, but the respond is slower than Plasma Cutter. The damage it produces is very high.
Dead Space 2 [ENGLISH]
Line Gun, also good for 1 vs Infinity, BUT the reload speed is very slow, the capacity is small, and it's difficult to shoot it effectively. But it's special feature is pretty good.

Contact Beam, this is very good to save up stasis. The special feature is that we can stasis enemies around, very good for ganged up attack.

That was weapons that are useful for Dead Space 2 in Intion's opinion (actually I haven;t tried the rest). Back to difficulty, this game is really hard without cheats, trainer, etc. But there's one key for Dead Space 2, MONEY IS EVERYTHING. In Resident Evil series, we can't buy ammo, but in Dead Space, ammos are sold at the store for cheap price! This ease the gameplay, but also balanced by new enemies that are become stronger in every chapter.

Overall, Dead Space 2 is good.

For you who're interested in Dead Space 2, check the System Requirement here

Images from ea,com

Don't You Mock My Favorite Knight!!!

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry Review

Anime Review : Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (12 episode)

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

Rakudai Kishi no CavalryRakudai Kishi no Cavalry (2015), gua nobatkan sebagai anime legendaris season 1 tahun ini. Dari sekian banyak anime yang gua tonton dalam Tour de Anime 2016 season 1 yang terdiri dari : Love Live 1 & 2, Kiniro Mosaic 1 & 2, Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, Musaigen no Phantom World, Dagashi Kashi, Campione, Shoujo tachi Kouya o Mezasu, dan Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica. Hanya 2 anime yang berhasil lolos ke level Legendary Series, ya RKnC dan satu lagi masih menjadi misteri. Oke, pertama kenapa gua kasih banyak sekali compliment ke anime ini, itu karena karakternya yang nggak tanggung-tanggung. Inget Raishin Akabane dari Machine Doru? (kalo ga inget, cek review di sini). Welcome back, Karena karakter utamanya, Ikki Kurogane, punya personality yang sama dengan Raishin dan kebanyakan cowok dalam anime harem lainnya. Well, poin pertama dalam anime harem sudah, sekarang poin kedua yang menentukan kualitas harem dari suatu anime, Main Female Character. Stella Vermilion nggak tanggung-tanggung juga, nggak ngumpet-ngumpet juga, secara terang-terangan, seperti judul post ini (SPOILER ALERT!!!) "Don't you mock my favorite knight!". Sorry, terlalu bersemangat. Anyway, menurut gua, kekurangan anime ini yaitu di bagian akhir ketika Stella dengan entah gimana menang dan lolos bersama Ikki. Tipe happy ending seperti inilah yang membuat suatu series cepat berakhir (kecuali Fairy Tail), yang mana membawa kita ke kelemahan kedua. Cuma 12 episode. Overall score untuk Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry : 3.85 / 4 Thumbs.

Character Review

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Ikki Kurogane, main character, VA nya Osaka Ryota. Gampang ngereview Ikki, liat aja Raishin. Oke becanda, tapi Ikki memang benar-benar similar dengan Raishin, perbedaannya itu kalau Raishin badassnessnya ketahan karena penyakit, kalau Ikki badassnessnya ketahan kemampuan dirinya yang memang sudah mentok. Beda tipis sih, tapi tetep beda. Itto Shura-nya ibarat Yaya-nya Raishin, ketika penggunanya kehilangan stamina, nggak bisa dipake, nggak bisa badass. Hal lain yang gua suka dari Ikki yang Raishin nggak dapet kesempatan untuk menunjukkannya di anime yaitu komitmen. Jarang sekali ada laki-laki berkomitmen di anime harem, salah satu diantaranya adalah Kirigaya Kazuto. Ikki nembak langsung ke Stella, tanpa basa-basi, tanpa tanggung-tanggung. LAKI! Score untuk Ikki Kurogane : A+.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

Stella Vermilion, female protagonist, VA : Ishigami Shizuka. Oppai, check. Red hair, check. Twin tail, check. Skill, check. Stella, keturunan keluarga kelas atas, dari physical appearance sudah no flaw. Personality-nya seperti kebanyakan tsundere, tapi untung cangkangnya Stella nggak keras. Ikki bisa langsung menembus cangkangnya Stella tepat di awal-awal animenya, mumpung masih panas. Yah, salut sama mereka berdua, terlebih lagi kita tau ini anime harem, dan mereka berdua masih bergandengan tangan di antara gadis-gadis lainnya yang nggak kalah mempesona. Stella kuat, tapi seperti kebanyakan main female di anime harem, clumsy, agak clumsy. Sama seperti Ikki, Stella juga punya komitmen, well, memang rata-rata cewek dalam anime harem memang punya komitmen, tapi yang punya percaya diri untuk ngelamar cowoknya cuma Stella, nggak seperti anime tetangga yang rebutan satu cowok sampe dua season. Gua ship Stella dan Ikki, meskipun dia waifu material, tapi gua belum menobatkan Stella jadi waifu, masih perlu berbagai pertimbangan lagi, mungkin kalau season 2 nya keluar? Anyway, score untuk Stella Vermilion : A+.

Rakudai Kishi no CavalryShizuku Kurogane, disuarakan Touyama Nao. Shizuku adiknya Ikki, meskipun Ikki orang buangan, tapi dia tetep sayang sama kakaknya, mungkin sedikit berlebihan, tapi itu di luarnya aja, Sayangnya Shizuku ke Ikki itu similar dengan sayangnya Umaru ke Taihei, bukan Kirino ke abangnya (siapalah namanya). Ikki juga sudah punya Stella, dan Shizuku mengerti itu, tipe imouto yang dewasa, tapi ya nggak salah juga. Score untuk Shizuku Kurogane : A.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Nagi Arisuin, VA : Asanuma Shintaro. Gua kurang memperhatikan orang ini, yang gua tau dia mirip orang yang pake headphone terus di Strike the Blood (lupa namanya). Kuat, dan serba tau lah. Suka ngasih Ikki berbagai nasehat, seperti paman ke keponakannya. Tipe-tipe begini sebenarnya yang paling gua perkirakan sebagai ultimate nemesis, karena yah... musuh terbesarmu terkadang adalah orang yang dekat denganmu. Tapi kalau dia bukan nemesis, gua kapalkan orang ini dengan adeknya Ikki, biar jadi happy family aja, nggak ada urusan serius. Score untuk Nagi Arisuin, mempertimbangkan kekuatannya yang keren, A.

Images from
Check out Musaigen no Phantom World review.