Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dead Space 2

Komentar Dead Space 2 

Dead Space 2 commentary

Dead Space 2

Baru selesai main Dead Space 2, benar-benar game yang super bikin tegang. Dead Space 2 (2011) ber genre Horror-Action-ThirdpsRPG, dapet jempol dari Intion sebanyak 2/4 Jempol.

Super sekali, sebenarnya ini juga pertama kalinya main game dengan genre HORROR. Dan tegangannya memang kerasa. Dead Space 2, dari gameplay, asik, tidak diragukan lagi, ketika bisa pakai bermacam-macam senjata, apalagi senjata-senjatanya model "futuristic" jadi terlihat lebih keren dari pistol-pistol biasa. Ditambah armor-armor yang Badass, jadi makin keren lah game ini. 
Dead Space 2
Advance suit

Sentuhan horror nya OK, nggak bisa dibilang jelek, tapi mungkin belum maksimal untuk kategori horror, karena memang masih banyak game horror yang lebih menyeramkan dari Dead Space. 15 chapter, durasi per chapter nya lumayan panjang, apalagi kalo mainnya nggak YOLO.
Buat yang belum pernah main, dan mau mencoba, satu hal, JANGAN PERNAH TERTIPU DENGAN CHAPTER 1!! Kenapa? karena chapter 1-7 mungkin memang masih sangat sangat sangat gampang, mungkin sampai-sampai nggak perlu menggunakan 1 health kit pun. Tapi selepas itu, tingkat kesulitannya seperti menaik drastis, banyak musuh-musuh yang luar biasa sulit untuk dilawan, jadi jangan lengah di awal-awal juga.

Mainkan dengan strategi, ada beberapa senjata yang bisa dipakai dalam game, yaitu Plasma Cutter, Line gun, Pulse Rifle, Contact Beam, Seeker Rifle, Javelin, Ripper, Flamethrower, Force gun, dan Detonator.

Plasma Cutter, ini rasanya seperti senjata terbaik dalam game, apalagi kalau sudah di upgrade sampai ujung. Damage yang dikasihnya lumayan, mungkin mid-high, tapi ketimbang Pulse Rifle, ini masih lebih bagus untuk lawan 1 vs 1. Pulse Rifle, ini untuk 1 vs Infinity, seperti tuyul-tuyul kecil yang kalau dateng nggak pernah sendiri, tapi bawa temen 1 sekolahnya, cocok dilawan dengan Pulsa Rifle, tembakkannya cepat, capacity juga besar. Seeker Rifle, cocok juga untuk 1 vs 1, tapi respond lebih lambat dari Plasma Cutter, damage yang diberikan luar biasa tinggi. Line Gun, cocok juga sih untuk 1 vs Infinty, TAPI, reload nya lama, capacity kecil, dan tembakannya juga sulit untuk digunakan efektif, tapi special feature nya bagus. Contact Beam, ini lumayan untuk menghemat stasis, special feature nya kita bisa men stasis musuh disekitar, cocok untuk keroyokan.

Itu tadi senjata yang menurut Intion paling bagus untuk Dead Space 2, (sebenernya yang lainnya belum dicoba). Back to dificulty, game ini rasanya sulit tanpa cheat, trainer, atau yang lainnya. Tapi 1 hal kunci Dead Space 2, MONEY IS EVERYTHING. Kalau di RE series kita nggak bisa beli ammo, di Dead Space, ammo dijual di store dengan harga relatif terjangkau!! Ini memudahkan gameplay, tapi diimbangi juga dengan musuh-musuh yang tiap chapter nya makin sulit dihadapi.

Overall, Dead Space 2 ini bagus kok, dan kenapa Intion lompat ke Dead Space 2? Karena persoalan graphic, siapa yang mau main game dengan graphic standar Gameboy Colour ketika dia bisa main game dengan graphic PS4? Dan mungkin Intion akan membahas tentang Dead Space 3 di seri selanjutnya.

Untuk yang tertarik mencoba, SR Dead Space 2 > DS2

Dead Space 2

Far Cry 4

Ubisoft Shanghai Let Slip They are Working on Far Cry 4

Let there be Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4

"As sure as day follows night, you always know that at Ubisoft, someone, somewhere, will be working on a sequel. Except for XIII you poor soul you, RIP.

Still, we thought it best to bring you the news that there is mounting evidence of the existence of Far Cry 4. It might not officially exist behind Ubisoft’s shroud of secrecy, but that hasn’t stopped Ubisoft Shanghai employees flaunting it for all and sundry…

Far Cry 4

Xavier Plagnel, studio design manager at Ubisoft Shanghai, revealed via that classic vehicle of accidental unveilings, the LinkedIn profile, that he is content director on “the next Far Cry.” Ho hum.

While we can ascertain nothing about the game’s plot or platforms it’s going to be appearing on, if you put a gun to our head we’d probably guess a sunny locale, complete with tropical beaches, clear waters, and enough mercenaries to shake a stick at. I knew all them weekends spent watching Columbo weren’t wasted.

Back in October, Drive composer Cliff Martinez accidentally revealed that a sequel was clearly going to be in the works, saying; "There's a secret mission that I'm not completely on yet, it looks like I'll also be doing a Soderbergh TV series called The Knick, and I'm working on a video game called Far Cry 4." Nice one Cliff, good job you’re not a secret agent."

source - Game-Debate

I haven't played Far Cry 3 yet, but my PC's good enough to play it, so I'll play it soon, and post my opinion about it. Anyway, about Far Cry 4, I bet this one will be better from the 3rd one, the graphic, gameplay, the story, and of course, the price.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse part. 3

Virtual Novel

Acc. Zombie Apocalypse pt 3

QUIZ : siapa yang bisa menebak siapa penulis dalam novel ini, dapat fanart request (tersedia 3 slot) bisa lewat comment

Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse

“serius lagi”
“ya iya gua serius, ambil yang lu seneng, terus masukin sisanya ke tas, bawa semua amunisi, jangan sampe kita kewalahan kayak di Biohazard” ujar Abiyyu sembari mengambil dual SMG.
“ok” Dzaky bergegas memilih-milih senjata yang akan dipakainya.
Sementara Dzaky memilih-milih, Abiyyu membuka sebuah lemari kaca dengan label “Ivory & Ebony”.
Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse part 3
Ebony (black), Ivory (silver)
Ia mengambil dua buah pistol, terlihat seperti handgun biasa, salah satu nya terbuat dari perak, dan yang lainnya berwarna hitam dan agak besar dari handgun biasa. Ia menyelipkannya di ikat pinggang bagian belakangnya.
“udahan?” tanya Abiyyu.
“kata lu bagus gua pake shotgun, machine gun, SMG, apa sniper?” Dzaky balik bertanya.
“ambil mini shotgun 1, handgun 1, sama machine gun buat yang utama” jawab Abiyyu sambil memasukkan beberapa senjata lain ke sebuah tas besar.
“tapi enakan shotgun kata gua”
“kalo gitu ambil SPAS, sama 1 atau 2 handgun”
“ya, ya” Dzaky kembali mencari-cari senjata.
Sementara di SPBU, Brian, Iqbal, Oscar, Malik, Bobby, Dimas, dan Yuridis berjaga di depan pintu ruang pegawai dimana yang lain berlindung
“eh, Dolly, Made, Agmy sama Maril belum dateng ke sekolah?” tanya Oscar.
“belum, baru kita ini aja” jawab Brian.
“hoooooooooiii” tiba-tiba terdengar suara dari kejauhan.
“siapa tuh?” Oscar mencari sumber suara.
“Oscar..!!” panggil seorang perempuan yang tengah berlari bersama seorang laki-laki dan teman perempuannya.
“Maril tuh!!” seru Bobby.
Nur Qomaril Safitri, absen ke-15, biasa aktif dalam kegiatan kelompok.
“Made sama Dolly juga!” tambah Oscar.
Made Ayu Purnama Sari, absen ke-9, cantik, dan memiliki banyak fans. Berlari paling belakang bersama mereka, Mangara Dolly Nasution, absen ke-12, mantan anggota ekskul PASKIBRA. Dibelakang mereka, sekawanan zombie yang kelaparan mengejar.
“Dis, covering fire!!” seru Brian diikuti beberapa tembakan shotgun.
“apaan Yan?” tanya Yuridis.
“tembakin itu zombie!”
“ooh, bilang yang bener lah” Yuridis ikut menembaki zombie yang mengejar Maril, Made, dan Dolly.
“haah, hah, hah..” Maril, Made dan Dolly akhirnya sampai di SPBU.
“langsung masuk ke sana!” Brian menunjuk ke ruang pegawai dimana yang lainnya berlindung.
“bentar, ada Agmy..” ucap Maril.
Tepat saat Maril mengingatkan Brian, Agmy mengendarai motornya memasuki areal SPBU. Agmy Larasati, absen ke-1, bendahara 1 kelas akselerasi.
Selang beberapa detik setelah Agmy memarkir motornya, Abiyyu dan Dzaky kembali dengan 2 tas besar. Mereka memarkirkan motornya dan langsung membantu Brian dan Yuridis.
“abis ngapain lu?” tanya Brian.
“ngambil senjata, tuh, lu ambil aja yang lu suka, sisanya kasih dia orang yang didalem” jawab Abiyyu sambil menembaki zombie dengan dual SMG nya.
“lah Dzaky mana?”
“di dalem lagi bagiin senjata, dah, lu sama Yuridis sana ambil”
“yang bener Bi? Emang lu bisa ngabisin zombie sendirian?” tanya Yuridis.
“halah, lu ini gamer pemula, udah to” jawab Abiyyu sambil me-reload dual SMG nya.

Next > part 4
Previous > part 2

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games I want to Play

5 Games I Really want to Play

"What's up?"
I tell you what's up, I want to share 5 games I wish I could play. Let's just get started


Top 5 Games
Top 5 Games
First Person view gameplay

OUTLAST, what the hell?? Am I gonna play a horror game?? The answer is YES. This NEW ( 04 September 2013, it's still hot) horror game is pretty sure will make my heart pump twice faster than normal.
Actually, I have bad experiences playing horror games, but I still want to try it.
here's Outlast SR - Outlast


Top 5 Games
Top 5 Games
I think this game kinda like the fusion of Skyrim and DotA
Dragon Age 2 (08 March 2011), why not the first one? because the graphic quality, that's why. just like when I was going to rent Dead Space, I skipped the first one and jumped to the second series. I don't really know this game, I haven't even watch the playthrough yet, but I think it's pretty cool, I love RPGs by the way.
Anyway, for Dragon Age II SR -Dragon Age II


Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games
totally improved graphic
MOST WANTED 2! (02 November 2012) This one is TOTALLY different with the first one, especially on the graphic quality. I've played this game before, but runs really bad with super low graphic on my computer, so I uninstalled it and wait for new laptop. This game is fun, when you can change your car for free! When you see a Lamborghini parked at the street, just get close to it, and press (I forget it maybe tab or e) and then you've changed your car to that Lamborghini!
MW 2 SR - NFS MW 2


Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games
Look at those graphics
The graphic is absolutely amazing! Assasins Creed Black Flag (22 November 2013), I really want to play this game, but of course I can't.
Assasins Creed IV SR - ACIV:BF


Top 5 Games

Top 5 Games
look at that titties
This is what awesome looks like!! DEADPOOL (28 June 2013), he's badass! I can't wait toplay this game, but I can't play it, of course, AGAIN, my computer.. Okay I don't have to say it again!
Anyway, Deadpool SR -AWESOMENESS

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Apple Diving to the Console World

Apple rumoured to be Readying a Home Console this year

Apple Readying Home Console

Apple Home Console
 "It was only a matter of time before Apple started treading on a few people’s toes in the console gaming world.
Apple Home Console

There are rumours abound that the world’s second-largest electronics company is finally looking to dip its toes in the console water, with its next Apple TV device set to function as a games console…

The rumoured Apple TV games console is reportedly well into the testing phase and is in fact expected during the first half of this year. As usual it comes down to a rumour citing “anonymous sources” so you’ll have to take this one with a pinch of salt, but this seems like an aspect of Apple’s business that has been a long time coming.

The device is believed to be a traditional set-top box capable of directly playing games from a dedicated gaming App Store. The operating system will of course be based on iOS, with support for Bluetooth-powered controllers that should finally help Apple branch out of the touch-centric world."

source - Game-Debate

Friday, January 24, 2014

SteamOS News

SteamOS update adds Dual-Booting and BIOS support

SteamOS update

SteamOS update


"Those brave souls who have decided to partake in the SteamOS beta test will be please to find out that they can now dual-boot the OS, allowing them to restore Windows to its former glory.

Users were originally forced to dedicate their entire systems to Valve’s SteamOS beta when it launched in December, recommending that only experienced Linux users attempted to get to grips with, still basic, OS…

Here's The SteamOS Desktop In All Its Erm... Glory

SteamOS update

This latest update to the SteamOS essentially allows for three more potential avenues of users, thanks to introducing dual-booting options, custom partitions, and support for BIOS-based PCs. The original version required a PC locked and loaded with UEFI support, but this has since been scrapped.

To have a go at the new dual-boot options you’ll have to download the SteamOS beta and select the new “Expert Install” option. Valve engineer John Vert is still nevertheless warning that very little testing has been conducted on this new dual-booting build. if you don’t want to end up looking like Wiley E. Coyote after having an ACME bomb dropped on his bonce it’s probably best to stay clear.

Since the beta launch of Steam OS Valve has also introduced support for Intel and AMD graphics in addition to Nvidia GPUs. Things seem to be trucking on at a steady pace ahead of Steam Machine debuts later in the year."

source - Game-Debate

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Resident Evil 4 HD

Resident Evil 4 Extreme Ultimate Maximum Best HD Edition

Biohazard 4 HD edition


"Resident Evil 4 is once again infecting PC, this time courtesy of a super duper Ultimate HD Edition, setting a new benchmark for high-definition.

Shinji Mikami’s revelatory survival horror experience first landed on PC seven years ago, but the new Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition is promising silky-smooth 60 frames per second gameplay and all at the greatest graphical quality ever…

Resident Evil 4 has been doing the rounds on nearly every console since its release on Gamecube back in 2005, but this re-release will apparently be the place to play it. Fully optimised for PC, Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition will have upgraded textures, characters, backgrounds and objects. For its time Resident Evil 4 was always a lavish looking game so this should hold up well.

Arriving for Steam means it will come with all the usual bells and whistles such as Steam trading cards, achievements and global leaderboards. It will also include all of the released DLC in an ultimate bundle. I jest… Those were the days.

Resident Evil 4 follows Leon Kennedy as he makes his to remote Eastern European village to rescue the President's daughter from a mysterious cult infected by a mutated virus. Textbook Resident Evil in other words. The game is fondly remembered for pioneering the over-the-shoulder third-person perspective that has become standard practice in games today.

Resident Evil 4 is already one of the best Resident Evil games going, so if you haven’t had a chance to play this yet it will inevitably be worth picking up and boy are you in for a ride.

Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition is set to arrive for PC on February 28th."

source - Game-Debate

I've played the ABSOLUTELY NORMAL Biohazard 4. And then they make the HD version, why don't they just make another story, or continuing RE 6? I don't understand how things work in technology and money.

Windows 9??

Microsoft Rumoured to be Readying A Windows 9 Release on October 2014

Windows 9 News

windows 9

"Fresh rumours are circulating that the impending arrival of Windows 9 could be much earlier than previously suspected, with Windows leaker WZor claiming that it could be ready to be sent to manufacturers as early as this Autumn.
windows 9

Previous noises coming out of the Windows camp seemed to suggest an April 2015 release for the follow-up to the lacklustre Windows 8, but if this rumour is true then it would seem that Microsoft is very keen indeed to bury its current OS…

Microsoft now looks to be doing whatever it can to distance itself from Windows 8, despite it turning a corner during recent months with the Windows 8.1 update. This brought a barrel-load of changes to Windows 8, including the return of the homely Start button.

WZor is apparently a well-known source for Microsoft software leaks, with this news stemming from a Tweet indicating that Windows 9 would be complete by October 21st 2014. The new Windows is expected to further push the ‘Metro 2.0’ Modern UI concept, making the interface much more accessible for all users."

Souce - Game-Debate

Not much to say, I hate Windows 8, and I know I'll hate windows 9 too. Why? because the interface. everything in the start button changed from windows 7 to windows 8, and it's even became more complicated. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse part. 2

Virtual Novel

Acc. Zombie Apocalypse pt 2

Lanjutan untuk Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse, enjoy!

Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse

“dor, dor” Abiyyu dan Brian membuka jalan sambil terus melangkah kedepan seiring makin banyak zombie berdatangan.
“Elita, Tria, Anggun, sama Serla duluan!!” seru Abiyyu.
“i, iya tapi kemana?” tanya Elita.
“udah yang penting keluar gerbang dulu, buruan!” sahut Brian.
“yaudah, Tria, ayo lu sama gua” panggil Elita sembari menaiki motornya.
Mereka ber 11 berhasil melarikan diri dari serangan zombie di sekolah.
Melewati kos-kosan Yuridis, Serla yang berjalan paling depan melihat Yuridis tengah melawan beberapa zombie yang menyerangnya. Ia menghentikan motor nya, diikuti 7 motor dibelakangnya. Abiyyu langsung turun dari motornya dan menembaki zombie yang mengejar Yuridis,diikuti Iqbal, dan Dzaky.
“buruan Dis!!” seru Dzaky.
“gila Dzak, gua dikejer-kejer dari tadi” sahut Yuridis sambil berlari menyeberangi jalan.
“langsung naik, cepet!” Dzaky dan Iqbal kembali menaiki motornya, diikuti Yuridis yang naik motor Dzaky.
“eh, bensin gua mau abis, kita ke SPBU dulu yak!” sahut Elita.
“ok, Yu, Ser, kita ke SPBU dulu” seru Brian sambil menaiki motornya.
“ok” jawab Abiyyu yang juga sudah kembali duduk di motornya yang dikendarai Reza.
Mereka melanjutkan perjalanan hingga ke SPBU, tidak ada mobil, atau pun motor sama sekali di sepanjang jalan, hanya ada beberapa zombie berkeliaran.
Sampai di SPBU, Elita mengisi bahan bakar motornya, sementara yang lain melihat keadaan sekitar nya.
“aman nih!” seru Dzaky setelah melihat kedalam ruang pegawai dan toilet.
“oy, gua punya ide” sahut Abiyyu seraya memanggil Dzaky untuk mendekat.
“ide apaan?” tanya Dzaky.
“gini, ada barang penting yang harus diambil dirumah gua, tapi kalau kita ramai-ramai, nanti repot, gimana kalo kita berdua aja yang ngambil? Yang lain tinggal disini..” jelas Abiyyu.
“boleh juga tuh,” tanggap Dzaky sembari membuka laci tempat menyimpan uang.
“Dzak, lu ngapain??” tanya Serla melihat Dzaky mengambil beberapa lembar uang Rp.100.000,- an.
“ini zombie apocalypse, nggak ada lagi yang hidup dan masih perlu uang, mending kita ambil aja, siapa tau setelah ini selesai kita perlu” jawab Dzaky dengan santai.
“tapi bukannya lu orang kaya?” komentar Abiyyu.
“udah, lu mau apa nggak?” Dzaky menyodorkan beberapa lembar uang tersebut.
“hmph, siapa tau setelah ini gua bisa beli Alienware” jawab Abiyyu seraya menerima uang tersebut.
“lagi tegang begini dia malah sempet-sempet nya mikirin laptop” ujar Serla.
“mau gimana lagi? Namanya aja gamer” jawab Abiyyu.
Setelah Elita selesai mengisi bahan bakar, Abiyyu menceritakan rencana nya kepada yang lain.
“hmm, oke lah kalo gitu” ujar Brian.
“kalo gitu lu ambil shotgun gua nih, pistol lu kasih Yuridis aja” Abiyyu memberikan Shotgun dan beberapa pelurunya.
“Yan, lu udah paham soal zombie apocalypse kan?” tanya Dzaky sebelum mereka berangkat.
“iya, udah tenang aja, gua udah ahli beginian” jawabnya.
“Yan,” panggil Abiyyu yang sudah menyalakan motornya.
“apa?” tanya Brian.
“gua titip itu ya,” jawab Abiyyu sambil melirik ke arah motor matic yang sejenis dengan miliknya berwarna putih dengan corak oranye terang.
“oooh, iya-iya paham gua, sip, tenang aja!!” Brian mengacungkan jempolnya.
“sip, ayo jalan Dzak” Abiyyu menurunkan kaca helm nya dan meninggalkan SPBU diikuti Dzaky.
Brian dengan 8 yang tinggal melihat kepergian mereka dengan harapan akan membawa sesuatu yang baik ketika kembali.
“yo, semua nya kita ke situ aja” Brian menunjuk ruang pegawai.
Tiba-tiba 4 sepeda motor memasuki areal SPBU, berhenti tepat di depan Brian.
“fuuh, gila..” Oscar membuka helm nya.
Oscar Pandapotan Sidabutar, absen 16, ketua kelas Akselerasi.
Bersamanya, Bobby Ari Nugroho, Dimas Gusti Winanto, dan Malik Kusuma Atmaja, berturut-turut absen ke 3, 6, dan 10, 3 sekawan yang selalu bersama.
“lu pada ngapain disini?” tanya Oscar.
“lu kira kita mau mati dimakan zombie disekolah?” Brian bertanya balik.
“emang di sekolah ada zombie??” Oscar tidak percaya.
“udah, lu mending ikut kita aja, parkir motor lu, kita nunggu Abiyyu sama Dzaky” ujar Brian.
Mengikuti ajakan Brian, mereka me markir motornya di deretan motor yang lainnya, dan ikut berlindung di ruang pegawai.
Sementara Abiyyu dan Dzaky sampai dirumah Abiyyu. Mereka bergegas masuk kedalam.
“Dzak, jagain luar bentar”
“iya, jangan lama-lama lu” Dzaky mengawasi. sekitar ruang keluarga sementara Abiyyu masuk ke kamarnya.
Abiyyu membuka lemari baju nya, menarik laci lemari nya, dan mencari tombol yang tertutup tumpukan barang-barangnya. Ia menekan tombol itu, dan seketika lemari baju nya terbelah menjadi dua membuka tangga untuk ke ruangan bawah tanah.
“Dzak, sini lu!” panggil Abiyyu.
“apa?” tanya Dzaky sambil berjalan mendekat.
Abiyyu turun lebih dulu ke ruang bawah tanah, diikuti Dzaky.
“apaan nih? Gelap banget” protes Dzaky.
“bentar” Abiyyu menekan tombol lampu.
Dzaky terkejut ketika lampu dinyalakan, memperlihatkan satu ruangan yang penuh dengan berbagai jenis senjata api.
“dapet darimana lu?” tanya Dzaky.
“dari US Army Delta Force, yang kemaren nangkep Malik Entok” jawab Abiyyu.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Metal Gear Rising Bugs?

PC Gamers reporting problems playing Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance

Metal Gear Rising Bugs?

"Eager PC owners who’ve already downloaded Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance have discovered that the game has significant problems should you lose your internet connection.

Over on the Steam forums users are complaining that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance immediately crashes to desktop should they lose their internet connection even for a moment…

Steam user “Howl” said "[W]henever I lau[n]ch the game while I'm connected to the internet, if my internet goes down (which is often because it's pretty bad) the game will just immediat[e]ly crash." The responses to his comment are pretty much unanimous, with users nearly all reporting this flaw with the Steam release of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

A fan tweeted Platinum Games’ producer JP Kellams who seemed to be totally unaware of the problem, replying “No idea. I’ll ask first thing.” Many users immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was some form of DRM at work, but it appears that it may well be an issue with Steam’s API. NeoGAF user Guess Who said “I can't say whether it's a bug or deliberate implementation, but it's not any other sort of DRM, all Steam."

Source - Game-Debate

Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance, I've waited the release date for this one. But still, I need a super spec PC to play it, since it asking for 9 GD rates VGA, CPU, and RAM. That's just impossible for me. Anyway, it's a shame that Metal Gear Rising still has some bugs in it. I;ve watched the trailer on July 2013, but it haven't even completed yet in 2014. 

Assasin Creed : Liberation HD Screenshots

Assasin Creed : Liberation HD Screenshots

AC : Liberation HD Improved Visual Highlight

Assasin creed : liberation HD screenshot

"A batch of screenshots have been released ahead of Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD’s imminent launch, showcasing the visual differences between the Playstation Vita version and the upcoming PC remake.

Those afraid of an up-ressed version of the Playstation Vita game will be pleased that Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD has been given a fresh lick of pain, with new character models and textures, as well as an extended draw distance.

The download-only release for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 will be using the same AnvilNext engine as Assassin’s Creed III, replete with improved facial animations and AI in comparison to the handheld original.

Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD tells the tale of the series' first ever female protagonist, Aveline de Grandpre, in 18th century New Orleans. Set at the end of the French and Indian war, the Louisina bayou provides the backdrop for the usual sneaky shenanigans.

Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD is set to release on January 15th for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360."

 Source - Game-Debate

Not much to say, basically, it's just a visual improvisation, from mid level quality to High Definition (HD). I haven't played it yet (Assasin creed : Liberation) even though my PC's strong enough to play it. Maybe one day I'll play it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Steam Machines

Steam consoles.

Twelve Steam Machines to be Unveiled at CES 2014

"No less than twelve companies will be wading into the Steam Machine ring at CES 2014 this week, ready to knock-out the other competitors in their quest to belong under your telly.

Back in the mists of time when the Steam Box was first rumoured most assumed it would be a proprietary machine of sorts, but now its clear that everyone wants a piece of small-form factor action…

Steam Machine has a concept has evolved to a state where it can now be almost anything, provided it’s smaller than a traditional hulking great PC and it makes use of the extremely basic Steam OS and the intriguing controller.

We brought you the news last month of iBuyPower and Digital Storm’s entries into the Steam Machine world but we now know a total of ten other Valve partners will be presenting their wares at this weeks CES 2014.

Everyone involved so far includes Alienware, Alternate, CyberPower PC, Gigabyte, Falcon Northwest,, Next, Origin PC, Scan Computers, Webhallen and Zotac. This dirty dozen represents the initial batch of Steam Machines, although it’s still largely unknown what exactly is going to appear inside many of them.

We do know so far that Digital Storm’s model will start at $1500+, making this a top-end device, while iBuyPower will be coming in at a far more consumer friendly $499 price point. You might not expect much for a sum like that but it seems an AMD Radeon R9 270 has been promised, a $200 cost alone that already makes this machine seem like a great value option."

source - Game-Debate

I'm a gamer, but non steam gamer. I live in Indonesia, and to get an original STEAM support video games I need to spend Rp. 600.000,- or $ 60.0 for Battlefield 4. And that's a huge amount of money for me. Anyway, about STEAM machines, I don't know what to say, I don't really understand this. But personally, I disappointed with this gaming evolution from years to years, which it's burden us, the low spec, from poor family gamers like me. This steam machine, will dominate almost 86% of released games over 2014, I just can feel it. And the PC's producer will invest their money and technology in this steam machine, which will cost more and more expensive. As you can see, my favorite PC producer, Alienware has joined this project, and ten all Alienware pc's and laptops will cost even more.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Film Horror Indonesia

Virtual Comedy - Film Horror Indonesia

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Udah cukup lama sejak Virtual comedy yang terakhir, kali ini gua mau ngomong soal film horror di Indonesia. 
Film horror disini aneh-aneh, dan menurut gua, memang betul-betul horror!! Kenapa? 
Karena yang diliatin itu kalau nggak PAHA, pasti DADA, nggak ada sayap, ceker, atau yang lain.

Tapi serius, film horror ini juga namanya aneh-aneh, Arwah Goyang Karawang, Suster Keramas, belum lagi yang tahun 2013 ini, Taman Lawang, setau gua taman lawang itu tempat banci ya? kok jadi horror?? Apa banci-banci itu dandan sedemikian menor, kemudian ngegoda om-om?? Atau itu sekedar film dokumentasi tentang kehidupan banci?? Sehingga bisa disebut film horror?

Ada lagi, Bangkit dari lumpur, ini dari judulnya aja gua dah ngakak. Ibaratkan metamorfosis dari film lama judulnya "Bangkit dari kubur". Ni orang mau buat film, tapi kehabisan judul, jadinya gini lah..
Mayat mana yang mau dikuburin di lumpur?? Aneh-aneh aja.

Terus Eyang Kubur...
Ini orang entah kreatif, entah blo'on, atau gimana, kok bisa-bisa nya, dari gosip ajaran sesat dijadiin film horror?? Kalo hantu kan biasanya suaranya "hhaaaaaaaaaa...." slow berat gitu, ada efek ngambangnya yang bikin deg-deg an. Nah kalo eyang kubur?? hantunya dateng, "DEMI TUHANN!!!!!" gitu? Deg degan kagak, langsung jantungan yang nonton.

Kembali nya Nenek Gayung, ini mitos yang sempet gua denger berkeliaran juga di daerah sekitar gua, katanya kalau ketemu nenek-nenek bawa gayung sama tikar, jangan ditanggepin, cuekin aja. Dan memang betul!! Gua pernah ketemu nenek-nenek, bawa-bawa gayung, sambil nentengin tiker buat piknik gitu. Eeeh, taunya nenek gua lagi mau mandi, ngapain bawa tiker nek? Buat jaga-jaga siapa tau nanti pas lagi mandi air abis, jadi sembari nunggu, gelar tiker.. Pake bawa rantang juga..

Oh ya, semalem gua nonton film horror, soal jelangkung gitu, ada adegan cowok, six pack, ganteng, keren, bawa jeep, di sekelilingnya hutan, terus biasa, ada efek-efek asep gitu. Tiba-tiba ada cewek lari ketengah jalan, ketabrak lah, ceweknya jatoh. Si cowok six pack ini turun, ngeliat, kagak ada siapa-siapa. Terus dia masuk lagi kedalem, tiba-tiba ceweknya udah di kap mobil nya, dipecahin kaca mobilnya itu sama si cewek, ditarik cowok six pack itu, dilemparnya keluar. 1 hal dalam pikiran gua waktu terjadi adegan itu, "ini cewek 'Badass' amat ya". Tau 'badass' ga? simpelnya, itu tokoh yang semacam preman, nggak bisa dikalahkan gitu. Nah ini cewek, setan lagi, tapi BADASS???

1 lagi, ada film judulnya "Mengejar Setan". Bullshit itu ya, mau judulnya mengejar setan, menangkap setan, berburu setan, ujung-ujungnya kalau sudah ketemu setan juga pada lari..

Oke segitu aja Virtual Comedy nya, gua Kahfi Akahito, Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Steam, Origin, and Hacked??

Steam, Origin, and hacked

Steam, Origin, and Taken down by DDoS attacks

"A number of gaming services including Steam, Origin, and League of Legends have been subjected to DDoS attacks over the past 24 hours, causing store closures and loss of access.

A hacker group going by the name DERP have claimed responsibility for the attacks that are still causing outages across the board for and Origin services, while a Twitter account by the name of chFtheCat has claimed that it took down Steam’s services…
Steam, Origin, and Hacked??

EA’s Origin platform was taken offline, blocking any players from accessing its online services across any of the available platforms, something which hacker group DERP was quick to claim responsibility for.

chFtheCat tweeted at 5:09 AM; “So Steam got back up, but we just rip'd it again. #pwned courtesy of myself and @LARCENY_”, before following up at 8:08 AM with “wut do u guys want down next since we're done with steam.”

It’s unknown exactly why the storefront has been targeted, but their motivations seemed to be revealed when they expressed their hope to “wake up with 50k [Twitter] follows.”

DDoS attacks work by overloading the target online networks so that the intended users cannot gain access to them. Over the past few months a number of DDoS attacks have brought down game servers and even government websites, but now it seems it’s the turn of the digital storefronts."

Well, I personally don't know what's these Steam and Origin did? I mean, when those fabulous game developer like EA, Activision, CAPCOM, etc. make a game, then Steam (or Origin for EA) take control of it like, selling it, and make a server for them to play online. I live in Indonesia, and liing there is VERY VERY VERY uncomfortable for gamers. I asked my friends that live in California about an original video games price there, she answered it's about $ 20.0 - $ 50.0 depending on the release date. THAT'S SO DAMN CHEAP MAN!!, in Indonesia, if we want to buy an original video games, it cost us Rp. 600.000 ($ 60.0) for Battlefield 4, and it's equals to $ 600.0 for dollars. That's why I hate living here.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, join this site if you want more, add a commet if you have your own opinion about this article, and thanks for visiting.

2013 Worst Games

Worst Games in 2013

The worst games in 2013 by Game Debate

2013 has been a great year since there are pretty much awesome games released. But unfortunately, there are many games that categorized "worst" in the Gaming news website. I'm personally a gamer myself, but I haven't played 2013 games yet, because my PC doesn't support any of them. Well anyway, let's get to the point.

The Worst Games of 2013 

- Ashes Cricket 2013, "The gaming equivalent of a Uwe Boll movie. Originally scheduled for a Summer 2013 release, this got pushed back just before release to a Winter 2013 release, in time for year’s second coming of the Ashes. It cropped up for sale for a few days before being unceremoniously aborted. Permanently. This was an unprecedented move on 505 Games behalf, removing the already completed game from sale and throwing it down the drain.
2013 Worst Games

The culmination of two years work, this made England’s performance at the latest Ashes look like a masterclass. Embarrassingly unplayable, Ashes Cricket 2013 has disappeared into the annals of history in a way few games ever have."

Haven't played it myself, but in my opinion, the graphic are pretty good, of course, it's 2013.

- SimCity, "No game has managed to shoot itself in the foot upon release with such staggering effectiveness. Launching to rave reviews it soon became readily apparent that SimCity had big problems. It seemed EA Maxis needed a new mayor. I guess the game would’ve been good hadn’t EA and Maxis made the intensely poor decision of enforcing always online in a series which has long been a solitary and calming experience. Well, launch day users had to prepare themselves to be decalmed, when the servers exploded under the strain. BOOM. EA were too late brewing the camomile tea, the baying audience were already looking for blood. It took over a week for reliability to rear its comforti
2013 Worst Games
ng, by which time several retailers had even removed it from sale.

That all seems moderately annoying but EA didn’t stop there. Before you knew it game saves were disappearing into the ether, never to be seen again, swallowed up by the omniscient ‘cloud’. Then news filtered out that SimCity didn’t even need to be an online, with the servers EA claimed were necessary not even handling any of the computations they said were necessary. Coupled with small cities and copious DLC, this game was certainly EA’s first big blot on 2013."

I played Simcity 3000 unlimited and Simcity 4, they're  fun games, too bad their reputations dropped because of "forced online" thing.

2013 Worst Games
- Alien : Colonial Marines, "Oh dear Aliens: Colonial Marines. Oh dear. How a game became the stuff of legend mere days after release is anybody’s guess, but Aliens: Colonial Marines became a laughing stock and a bargain bin resident in record time. Now available on consoles brand new for the princely sum of £2.85, it seems in space everyone can hear you scream.

How this team made Borderlands 2 and Half Life: Blue Shift while simultaneously birthing this monstrosity and Duke Nukem Forever is anybody’s guess. Pre-release footage suggested we were going to be in for a treat, the Alien franchise was back kicking and screaming, what we got was a hilarious, bug-ridden romp with laughable AI."

Haven't played this one, but I know Borderlands,  and according to the text, so basically, people expecting great games from them, but they give them a really bad games. Is that it??

- X Rebirth, "‘Trade, Fight, Build, Think, Tedium.’ Ok that’s not quite the real tagline but it may as well be. Taking the mundane to new levels previously thought impossible, the team at Egosoft took a beloved series, painfully extracted all of the negative elements and decided to make a game exclusively out of all those hideous scraps.
2013 Worst Games

While Space games can rarely lay claim to being emotive, X Rebirth takes the biscuit, appearing to the player to be about as charismatic as a paving slab. The indentikit space stations and a hideously dull co-pilot combine with horrendous frame rates and an array of graphical and control problems to create a mess that would have left Elite shaking its head and tutting, wondering where it all went wrong."

I don't know what to say here, I never heard abouy this game before, so, not much to say, the problem is their graphics here. maybe?

2013 Worst Games- The Walking Dead : Survival Instinct, "To call The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct a cash-in would be remiss. The Walking Dead: A Telltale Series was by all means a cash-in on both the comics and the TV series’ success, it was just fortunate enough to be a good one. Terminal Reality’s zombie-fest has you wishing reality really would terminate within five minutes of booting it up. Not many games let you know quite as swiftly as The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct that what you’re playing is an utter pile of tosh. At least it’s up front and honest we guess. Terrible controls, terrible graphics, repetition and poor combat combine in a melting pot of awful to serve you up a big steaming slice of undead pie."

I often heard about Walking Dead, and I ever watch it once at FOX? And Pewdiepie plays it a lot. I'm personally not really a fan of it, but I'm a fan of zombie apocalypse, but I think the gameplay's not too bad since we're fighting many zombies in this game.

So, that's all for the worst games of 2013 by Game Debate, and I have a question for you, Which one do you think is the worst of the worst among the games I mentioned above? or if you have your own game, then tell me in the comment, thanks for visiting.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Cara dapat Ratusan Visitor dalam Beberapa menit??

Fake Visitor

Hehey, baru-baru ini saya menemukan sebuah tehnik untuk meningkatkan viewer di blog, tanpa harus promosi sana sini.

Syarat-syaratnya :
  1. Komputer harus kuat
  2. Koneksi jangan putus
  3. Software ini
  4. Add on ini : 
Step by Step :

Pertama, pasang add on nya di chrome atau firefox, kalau tutorial disini pakai firefox. Kemudian install software nya. Kalau sudah, di patch. Terus di eksekusi.

Kedua, atur beberapa settingan dulu, lihat gambar.

Cara dapat Ratusan Visitor dalam beberapa menit

Checklist di "change IP every", ubah timing nya jadi 1-5 menit. Terus daeahnya, pilih aja sesuka hati, kayaknya nggak berpengaruh soalnya, dan jangan di hide dulu IP nya.

Kemudian, buka firefox/ chrome yang sudah dipasangi add on yang diminta. Buka blog kamu disitu, buat jadi beberapa tab, sesuai kemampuan komputer dan internet mu.

cara dapat ratusan visitor dalam beberapa menit

Kemudian klik kanan di sembarang tempat, disitu ada pilihn dari add on tadi, pilih timing nya disesuaikan dengan timing IP mu di software tadi.

cara dapat ratusan visitor dalam beberapa menit

Kalau sudah, checklist di "enable on all tabs", kemudian mulai hide IP nya dari software.

Tunggu beberapa menit, atau mungkin jam, nanti visitornya bertambah.

Hasil : 

cara dapat ratusan visitor dalam beberapa menit

Beberapa postingan yang nggak pernah dilihat orang, sekarang ada 12 viewer, sayangnya FAKE, hahah.. :)

Okay, itu dia cara untuk banyakin visitor di blog, tapi itu FAKE, jadi walaupun nantinya blog mu ada 1000 visitor per bulan, tapi kalau FAKE, tetap aja nggak terkenal dikalangan manusia, ^^V

Thanks for visiting, comment kalau ada sesuatu yang salah, pendapat, atau apa pun yang perlu di comment, join this site untuk support lebih lanjut, dan share ke teman-teman.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Jalin Persahabatan dengan Intion

So, blogger pro pasti udah paham soal backlink, saya yang masih nubie, baru coba-coba buat backlink, dan gini hasilnya :

<!-- kode awal --><a target="_blank" title="INTIONLINK" href=""><img style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" alt="Auto Backlink Gratis: Emotion Inside" src="" border="0" /></a><!--  Kode akhir Backlink -->

Step by step :
  1. Copy kode itu.
  2. Masuk ke blogmu, buat widget html/javascript.
  3. Paste dan simpan.
Nanti ada Laporan sendiri kok soal backlinknya, thanks.

My BAKA Girlfriend - END???

My Baka Girlfriend

Untuk visitor yang suka bacain Virtual Novel saya, My Baka Girlfriend, mohon maaf, dikarenakan suatu kendala, footage, atau berkas-berkas ketikan novel My Baka Girlfiend hilang dimakan virus, jadi My Baka Girlfriend tidak akan dilanjutkan lagi. 

Untuk gantinya, saya sedang dalam inspirasi satu Virtual Novel baru lagi, yaitu Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse, cerita tentang 20 murid kelas Akselerasi melawan zombie yang tiba-tiba saja datang entah dari mana., Untuk nama dan karakter tokoh, tidak saya samarkan seperti pada My Baka Girlfriend, tapi untuk cerita, ini 100% fiksi.

Ini intro nya :

Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse

Pagi itu langit berawan, jalanan pun sepi, tidakseperti biasanya yang ramai dengan sepeda motor dan angkutan umum yang mengantar pelajar ke kawasan pendidikan Kota Metro. SMAN 4 Metro, terletak diperbatasan hutan dengan peradaban. Beberapa sepeda motor berjejer di lapangannya, walaupun hari itu sekolah sudah di liburkan.
Mereka adalah anak-anak kelasAkselerasi, 20 orang yang terpilih untuk menyelesaikan SMA nya lebih cepat.Terlihat 1 sepeda motor memasuki lapangan, yang mengendarainya adalah Reza Septian Zulkarnaen, absen ke 17, keahliannya bernyanyi. Seorang lagi bersamanya adalah M. Abiyyu Rohman, absen ke 13, mendominasi subjek bahasa inggris. Mereka me markir motornya di depan spanduk kartu GSM yang bekerja sama dengan SMA 4.

“sepi banget ya” ujar Abiyyu.
“iya, mendung juga” tambah Reza.
Mereka memasuki ruangan kelas X.Akselerasi yang jendela nya ditutup gorden, dan ventilasi udara yang di tambal untuk mencegah udara AC dari dalam bercampur dengan udara di luar.
“assalamu’alaikum..” ucap Reza sambil membuka pintu dan melangkah masuk.
“wa’alaikumsalam..” jawab 3 orang perempuan yang sudah lebih dulu di dalam.
4 orang perempuan sudah duduk manisdi tempat nya masing-masing. Salah satu diantara mereka yang berbadan besar adalah Serla Kusuma Arum, absen ke 18, dia adalah perempuan perkasa yang mampu mengerjakan berbagai pekerjaan pada berbagai subjek. Disampingnya, perempuan berwajah manis yang sedang asik dengan laptop nya, namanya Anggun Wulandari,absen ke 2, ahli dalam berbagai subjek, tapi tidak ada yang terlalu mencolok.
Disamping Anggun, berjarak 1 bangku kosong, sedang asik dengan novel nya, Elita Yuni Setiyarini, absen ke 7, keahliannya pada Fisika dan subjek dengan perhitungan. Terakhir, disebelah Elita, duduk di perbatasan laki-laki dan perempuan sebelah selatan. Mengerjakan PR yang belum selesai, namanya Tria Maya Septiyani, absen ke 19, keahliannya tidak diketahui.

“kok sepi banget sih?” tanya Reza.
“iya tuh,aku datang saja sudah kosong begini” jawab Serla.
“mas Gino juga tidak kelihatan” tambah Tria.
“apa jangan-jangan sebenarnya sudah libur?” tanya Reza lagi.
“masa sih? Masa kita nggak dikasih tau kalau libur” ujar Serla.
“belum lah,guru-guru juga pasti sudah kasih tau kalau misalkan hari ini kita sudah boleh libur” bantah Abiyyu.
“cklak” suara pintu terbuka.
Seorang lagi memasuki kelas,mengenakkan jaket dan helm layaknya pembalap, M. Iqbal Adi Pratama, absen ke11, keahliannya bisa dibilang pada TIK, atau bidang lain, belum jelas. Disusul dibelakangnya mengenakkan helm putih menenteng kunci kontak motor baru nya, M. Dzaky Jalaludin, absen ke 14, keahliannya matematika, bahasa inggris, dan TIK.

“hoy,” sapa Abiyyu.
“apa?”jawab Dzaky dengan datar.
“menurut lu kenapa sekarang sekolah sepi?” tanya Abiyyu.
“ya karena sudah pada libur” jawab Dzaky sambil melepas helm nya.
“ya, tapi mas Gino dan guru-guru aja nggak datang” sahut Serla.
“ya mungkin mas Gino capek, atau lagi sakit, kalau guru kan memang sering telat, apalagi karena anak reguler juga sudah libur” terang Dzaky.
Suara teriakan memecah keheningan pagi itu.
“apa itu??”tanya Reza.
“lihat kesumber suara” ujar Iqbal.

Dzaky, Abiyyu, Reza, dan Serla mendatangi sumber suara di dekat gerbang masuk. Disana terlihat 2  orang laki-laki tengah berkelahi, dan 2 orangperempuan dibelakangnya terlihat ketakutan.

“rrrraaawwwrrrr” erangnya.
“pisahin oy!!” seru Serla seketika.
‘za, lu pisahin sana” ujar Abiyyu.
“kok saya sih? Dzaky itu lho” balas Reza sambil menunjuk Dzaky yang tengah berlari hendakmemisah perkelahian itu.
“awas Dzak!!, ini zombie!!” seru Brian yang tengah berkelahi.
Brian Gannas Kalista, absen ke 4,jago futsal, fisika, dan bahasa inggris.
“zombie? Mana ada zombie? Yang bener lu!!” Dzaky menghentikan langkah nya mendengar peringatan Brian.
“rrrrraaaaaarr” zombie itu mengerang mencoba menyerang Brian.
“bletak” sebuah pukulan mendarat di wajah zombie itu.
“mas Gino!!” mereka kaget melihat kehadiran mas Gino yang tiba-tiba.
“Serla,ambil ni kunci, buat ngebuka mading di samping pintu kelas mu, disana ada sesuatu” seru nya sembari melempar sebuah kunci.
“rrrrraaawrrr” zombie itu menyerang mas Gino.
Zombie itu menggigit lengan masGino.
“mas Gino!!” jerit Serla.
“sudah, ayo kita segera buka mading nya, dan beritau yang lain” ujar Abiyyu.
“Devi, Gebi, Brian, ayo masuk!” panggil Reza.

Brian bergegas masuk, diikuti Devi Widi Andani, absen ke 5, keahliannya belum diketahui, dan Gabriella Mega Sabatini, absen ke 8, seperti Devi, mereka berdua tertutup. Mereka berlari kekelas, tapi entah darimana, beberapa zombie berkeliaran di lapangan.

“zombie darimana??” tanya Dazky.
“mana gua tau, sudah terobos saja”jawab Brian.

Mereka ber 7 sampai di depan kelas tanpa kontak dengan satu zombie pun.

“Ser, buka mading nya, gua kasih tau yang masih pada di dalem” ujar Abiyyu.
“oke, tapi jagain dong” jawab Serla.
“Brian sama Dzaky tolong jagain ya” pinta Reza.
“ok, jangan lama-lama!!” sahut Dzaky.
“brak” Reza membanting pintu.
“semuanya,kita harus pergi dari sekolah!!” seru nya.
“loo, adaapa emangnya za?” tanya Anggun.
“zombie,nggak tau datang darimana” jawab Abiyyu sambil merapikan barang-barangnya.
“zombie???”tanya Tria an Elita bersamaan.
“ya,siap-siap pergi dari sini!” Reza juga mengemas barang-barangnya.
“Fi, sini!!” Dzaky memanggil Abiyyu.
“apa?”tanya Abiyyu.
“ambil nih” Dzaky melempar sebuah Shotgun dan beberapa butir peluru nya.
“Holy… sshi….Shotgun darimana nih??”
“dari mading” jawab Dzaky.
“gile, ada yang lain ga?” tanya Abiyyu sambil memasukkan peluru.
“ada nih kasih Reza sama Iqbal” Dzaky melempar 2 buah handgun dan 2 buah magazine berisi penuh.
“sip,  nih Za,”
“buat apa? Aku nggak bisa pake begituan” ujar Reza.
“buat pegangan aja”
“yaudah” Reza mengantongi magazine dan menaruh handgun nya di dalam tas.
“dor, dor..” suara tembakan terdengar dari luar, Brian dan Dzaky berusaha mencegah zombie mendekati kelas, sementara Serla mengambil barang-barang yang ada di dalam mading.
“buruan!!”seru Brian .
“ya, Anggun udah siap-siap?” tanya Abiyyu.
“udah nih,emang kita mau kemana?” tanya Anggun balik.
“kerumahku dulu, ada sesuatu yang perlu diambil” jawab Abiyyu.
“Elita sama Tria gimana?” tanya Reza.
“udahan” jawab Elita.
“ok, Dzak,kita jalan!” seru Brian.
“bentar gua ambil tas dulu, Fi, gantiin gua” ujar Dzaky.
“sip,” jawab Abiyyu sembari mengokang Shotgun nya.

Entah darimana, zombie-zombie makin berdatangan dan mulai memojokkan mereka.

“kita kerumah gua dulu, ada yang harus diambil” ujar Abiyyu.
“ambil apaan?” tanya Brian sembari menembaki zombie dengan TMP nya.
“adalah, udah pada siap belum?”tanya Abiyyu.
“udah, ayo jalan” jawab Dzaky sambil mengokang handgunnya.
Mereka ber 11 berjalan melewatikawanan zombie menuju lapangan dimana moto mereka di parkir. Abiyyu dan Brian memimpin jalan diikuti Reza, Iqbal, Elita, Anggun, Tria, Serla, Gebi, dan Devi, dengan Dzaky mengawasi bagian belakang.

Next > Acceleration Zombie Apocalypse part 2

Laptop Gaming terjangkau

Laptop Gaming Rp.5 jutaan

Okay, so, banyak gamers di Indonesia ini, tapi ga terlalu banyak yang punya uang Rp.50.000,.000,- untuk beli Alienware seharga Rp.35.000.000,- atau Asus RoG Rp. 26.000.000,-

Jujur aja, laptop-laptop seperti itu memang, kalau untuk gaming mantap habis, semua bisa dilahapnya. Nah sekarang, berdasarkan dari pengalaman saya, banyak teman-teman gamers kacang seperti saya yang terlanjur beli laptop buluk, tapi harga nya mahal-mahal. Ada yang beli Acer entah apa jenisnya, harganya Rp. 6.000.000,- masih intel pentium, dia beli waktu kelas 5 SD. Coba kalo beli sekarang, udah dapet acer e1-451g dual VGA itu.

Sebelum ke real thing, ada 3 komponen utama sebuah pc/ laptop yang harus diteliti sebelum menentukan itu laptop/ pc bisa untuk gaming atau tidak.
Gamers pasti udah tau, yaitu Processor, VGA, dan RAM.
Untuk processor, game akhir 2012-2013 itu enak kalau pakai quad core, alias 4 core. VGA, saya juga kurang paham, tapi yang jelas, "VRAM ITU TIDAK MENENTUKAN VGA TERSEBUT BAGUS". Pengalaman dari ayah saya, selalu protes kalau suatu game nggak bisa dijalankan di komputer, beliau selalu bilang "itu kan VGA nya 2 GB, masa nggak bisa?!" padahal VRAM itu tidak menentukan kualitas VGA. Yang terakhir, RAM, 2GB masih standar sampai 2013, tapi kalau mau asik, jadikan 4GB, dan kalau pake RAM 4GB, ubah windows nya jadi 64-bit. Kenapa? karena windows 32 bit itu nggak bisa nerima memory lebih dari 4GB, itu pun yang masuk cuma sekitar 3,7GB, jadi kalau mau masuk full semua, pakai yang 64-bit.

Anyway, langsung saja, Check it out.

1. Acer e1-451g

laptop gaming terjangkau

Harga sekitar : Rp. 5.500.000,-
Ada yang dual VGA, ada juga yang nggak, tergantung dimana beli nya.
CPU nya AMD A8 4500M, udah quad core pokoknya.
VGA AMD Radeon HD 8570M, 2GB DDR3.
RAM 4GB standar gaming 2013

2. Acer e1-471g
laptop gaming terjangkau
Harga Sekitar : Rp. 5.400.000,-
CPU core i3 2328M, masih dual core, tapi dapet user rate 8
VGA Geforce GT630M 1GB
RAM 2GB, minimalis

3. Asus K45DR
laptop gaming terjangkau

Harga sekitar : Rp. 5.700.000,-
CPU AMD A8 4500M, quad core sudah.
VGA ATI Radeon HD 7470 1GB, ingat, VRAM tidak menentukan kualitas.

Terus ini ada beberapa iklan yang saya pertanyakan kebenarannya, tolong di check :

Toshiba Qosmio X505

Tosiba Qosmio X870

Asus Rog G53sw, meskipun second, tapi ini RoG loh.

Soal iklan, bisa di komentar di "add comment" dibawah.

Saya juga gamer nggak modal, spek PC saya : CPU : intel core i5 650, bagus, udah quad core, RAM 2GB DDR3, standar, dan VGA ATI Radeon HD 5450 1GB Sapphire DDR3 edition, dapet rate 3 stars, meskipun 1GB, tapi saya susah payah nyari game bagus yang bisa dimainkan disini.
Anyway, ada website yang menurut saya bagus untuk cek cpek laptop sebelum gaming, itu di sini
Kalo ada tambahan laptop, bisa ditambahkan di komentar.

Thanks for visiting

Pptx Give away

.pptx Give away

Oke, jadi semua kan udah tau kalo yang punya blog ini anak SMA, kebetulan juga masuk kelas Akselerasi. Banyak tugas, terutama pada sisi presentasi dan POWER POINT. So, ini beberapa karya slide buatan saya, kalau yang lagi ada tugas, tapi males mau buat, tinggal download dari sini aja, gratis kok.

Anyway, Check it out!

Bhs. Indonesia (materi Puisi lama) - Dammit click this!!
Terus terang, ini kurang menarik, dan kurang bagus juga, tapi materi nya lumayan kok.

Geografi (Pengaruh Relief Permukaan bumi terhadap kehidupan) - FVCKING hell!!
Ini tebel, banyak slide nya, ada sekitar 40, diadaptasi dari kartul, kalo mau kartulnya - KILL ME

Pkn (Membangun integrasi bangsa dalam bhinneka tunggal ika) - Are you kidding me?
Ini ga ada gambarnya, tapi materi komplit (sepertinya).

Ok, segitu dulu pptx give away nya, lain kali lagi di update.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Recuva! [ENGLISH]

Recuva! The best lost file finder

You accidentally deleted your IMPORTANT files??? And you've cleaned your RECYCLE BEAN? (I mean bin).
Don't worry guys, I'll give you a tool, that the best, in my Opinion. You can get your permanent-deleted file back with this program, EVEN if the program is infected by a virus, or corrupted, you can still recover it! (or I call it ressurection) so, let's get to the real thing, check it out :


Recuva file recovery tool, I'll show you how it works.


First, Recuva will ask you "what kind of files you want to recover? is it a docx? mp3? videos? if there's no option like the one you want, just choose "all files" and it'll scan all kind of files extension there.


Second, the program will ask you where exactly you lost the files? is it in this computer? or in a specified location? And if you forget where you lost it? you can choose "I'm not sure" option, and the program will scan all over your computer, but of course, it takes long time.


Next, if you have some extra time, before start scanning, checklist the "deep scan" option, so the program will do "full scan" just like Antivirus.


After scanning, there's a list of all the item you've deleted, you can check it one by one, or click the "scan" button, and then choose "scan contents", fill the keywords or something like it, and choose the extension, then the program will re-scan, and showing only files that pass your selection.


If you have pretty much item to recover, then just give checklists to them, and hit "recover" button.


And then choose your ressurected file destination.

Alright that's pretty much how the program works, so, here's the link >>

Thanks for visiting